Your Main Killers and Survivors?

I mained Zarina, James, Jill and Kate as survivors.
I mained Nemesis, Blight and Legion as killers.
Feng, Mikaela, Kate
Spirit, Hag, Artist
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I want to make Mikaela my main but i don't wanna grind anymore. This just needs so much BPs.
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Yep I'm a simple guy with simple taste.
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I don't really main a survivor. Generally I choose one person, eat up all their good items and offerings, then move on to another. Currently Jill.
Killers it's Oni and Leatherface. I like having one shot abilities and these two have the most reliable one shots but like survivor, I'm constantly changing killer (it's rare I will play two games in a row with the same killer unless I have a specific reason like a Daily or Tome). But those two (and Plague because she's super fun) are the main one's I gravitate to.
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Ghostface atm.
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Adam Francis (with a very active campaign to get him some more outfits) and a lil' bit of Yui on the side
Deathslinger, Nemesis, clown, and hopefully soon enough pig
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Hillbilly, Hag, Deathslinger, and Oni
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Dwight and Hillbilly
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Try and guess
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Spirit, Pyramid Head, Ghostface
Feng, Yui, David
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It is clearly not Demo, for sure.
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Claire, Jill, Nancy, Kate are my mains. I even refuse to kill them when I play killer. Steve and Cybil will be up there when I get them to p3
Demo and pyramid head for killers
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Jill is one of the my mains but when i play Nemesis, i am facecamping Jill and Chris players. Because main objective is destroy S.T.A.R.S!
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For killers: Legion and Trickster are killers i enjoy, been dabbeling in Artist lately
For survivors: Feng, just Feng.
I don't think there is any possible survivor that could tempt me to unlock all perks again just for another skin
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Survivor: Was Jake now Mikaela
Killer: Plague and Cenobite with a bit of Twins
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Survivor: Feng, sometimes I play Scoops Steve or Claire just for meme purposes.
Killer: Trickster 🤤
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Trapper only when I get sick and tired of mentally challenged teammates when playing survivor.
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Yui and Zarina
Blight and demo.
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Kate, Jane and Cheryl
For killer, Demogorgon is all I will ever need.
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yun jin lee/artist/cenobite and plague
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No! Not Jill😭😭 lmao I can’t Kill them I just meme around with them while I kills everyone else
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killers- Plague and Spirit
survivors- Jake, Steve, Dwight
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Killer: I don't have main, but my favorite and most played killer is Plague and she's the only along with Trapper having all the killer perks learned, I have some P3 killers more but without all the perks. I used to be main Pig but I got fed up of her being so weak and despite that receiving nerfs.
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I am real Nemesis. If you STARS, i have punch.
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Nemesis players are weird lmao. Whenever I play hill they either camp and tunnel me or they kill everyone and give me hatch😎
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Wheres the substance to this thread? Whats the point? Serious question btw
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Currently, I've really been enjoying Blight, and he's been a go to. I would have thought he's one of those killers that, like Trickster, is hard, if not impossible to playing a controller, but whatever they did to change his playability on PS4 honestly does need recognition, because he plays so well I can't see a fathomable skillgap from a control perspective. He has been very consistent for me, but more importantly, fun to play.
I play Dwight as survivor, but I also like the newest guy, can't remember his name now.
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Oni and Felix, formerly Yui
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Survivors: Jeff, Feng. I mostly play killer.
Killers: I...don't really main anyone anymore. I play Hag, Artist, Doctor, Myers, Demo, Cenobite (ugh) and sometimes Pig (ugh).
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I have a 1000 hours on Hag, I main Clown and Plague.
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Jake, Dwight, And Bill