Whats the funniest thing you've been trash talked to for?



  • DexyIV
    DexyIV Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515
    edited January 2019

    I downed someone, picked them up, and this Ace tried to go for a flashlight save. I spammed the R key to drop the survivor I picked up, and downed the Ace. Got a comment on my steam profile a few hours later that told me I was an exploiter and that I should kill myself lol

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @Unicorn said:
    (Survivor or Killer)

    Mine was being called a camper because the survivors did all the gens on the bottom floor of The Game and I patroled the top ones.

    All my childhood life I was trash talked and it was by the same "guy"...

    Here is his picture, please let me know if you see him. I think its time I taught him a lesson.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    Im playing legion - Both Gates are open, I have scored no kills (I wasn't trying very hard to begin with), Im standing on the open hatch. 3 people have left. There is one stupid claudette duck walking toward the hatch. Im spinning is circles slashing at the air. A smart person would just go for the open door. Noooooo, she wanted the damn hatch. She touches the Susie blender. Down she goes. I pick her up and hook her.

    Proceeds to trash talk, rant, and derp out over chat about me being a camper. I salt my popcorn with her tears.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    For playing pay to win killer Freddy. 

    For letting them farm when 2 disconnected. 

    For not letting them farm when 2 disconnected.
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Repeatedly downing but not hooking anybody and then using rancor after herding the group to the farthest gen from the gates. They were not happy about surviving. 
  • TangledHelix
    TangledHelix Member Posts: 89

    Hatch standoff. I decided to leave after I realized he wasn't going to give up and did a generator and escaped out the door. He then yelled at me. Like what did you want me to do keep standing at the hatch till one of us dc'ed?

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    For not doing a gen while I was being chased by the killer. I think the message was, "do a gen dipshit".
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I got accused of being a face camper. I was playing Nea at the time.

  • Morfedel
    Morfedel Member Posts: 231

    @AlphaJackson said:
    I got bombarded with messages because I left through hatch using my key when two other ppl were still alive. Apparentally I abandoned them?

    That can be frustrating for a team game, to suddenly watch someone disappear, whether through DC or the key. When I have a key and find the hatch, I'll try to wave a team mate over if possible.

    But that isn't a reason to rage against someone if you leave like that.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I got accused of being a face camper. I was playing Nea at the time.

  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    @PigNRun said:
    "Wallhacks." - Object of Obsession user.

    Even to this day, Im not sure whether they actually meant it or if they were just joking. They seemed to be fairly new to the game though...

    wow... that's next level derpy hhahaha!

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Saying the n word : (

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797
    I played legion and 2 twitch streamers DC'd as soon as I hooked the 1st survivor within like 2mins of the match because they wanted to and I quote "have fun"
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Unicorn said:
    lasombra1979 said:

    I got accused of being a face camper. I was playing Nea at the time.


    I wish I was making it up. I got a PSN message calling me a face camper. I was confused because I had been running Nea all day. Then I remembered I did actually stare at a guy on a hook, then ran off because he tried to lead the killer to me twice in a match. He thought Nea was a killer.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    @Unicorn said:
    lasombra1979 said:

    I got accused of being a face camper. I was playing Nea at the time.


    I wish I was making it up. I got a PSN message calling me a face camper. I was confused because I had been running Nea all day. Then I remembered I did actually stare at a guy on a hook, then ran off because he tried to lead the killer to me twice in a match. He thought Nea was a killer.

    Omg I bursted out laughing at this xD
  • Jallybwan
    Jallybwan Member Posts: 472

    I just had a game where a DS-running Claudette ragequit, and then got angry at me for "deranking to bully and farm low rank survivors."

    Rank reset happened yesterday.

  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    Well, today someone called me a nazi cripplet who had baby bears in my basement and I was adopted.

    Just because I gave it a go a tried to save someone who was facecamped. Should just have let him hang there.
  • nøbødy
    nøbødy Member Posts: 37
    I 4K a team of swf with no addons and no offering. Just used spirit with whispers, noed, Franklin's and rancor. I was reported for hacking and got banned from my xbox for a week. That's my story.
  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533
    Fenrir said:
    Unicorn said:
    (Survivor or Killer)

    Mine was being called a camper because the survivors did all the gens on the bottom floor of The Game and I patroled the top ones.
    This guy thesuicidefox said he reported me because i apparently used a framerate bug to kill him in a match on console which i was thinking its called lag you censored idiot
    Don't nameshame other forum users. It's against the rules :)
    Not my fault he dumb
  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    I've said it a couple times on here, but being told I was only allowed to use NOED on a killer that has Frosty Eyes and that I have to wear that cosmetic to alert the survivors that I HAVE NOED so they can be sure to break all five totems before the last gen pops.
  • KittyMyu
    KittyMyu Member Posts: 5

    Survivor: after exhaustion change a Freddy said i´m a cheater, because my Lithe have no exhaustion cooldown ....i was trying to explain it ... He was chasing me before i was completly in his dream world and Lithe works only, if i´m not in this phase anymore ... or he wasn´t chasing me anymore... he didn´t want to hear this and he said he will report me.

    Killer (spirit): Getting 3 swf group with flashlights ... they just running in front of me and trying to annoying me with their flashlights and tb. Result: Getting all of them on hook and let the last surv getting the hatch, only to annoying them more.

    Killer (huntress): i hooked someone and was going on top of the hill near him to look around. One second later after i was up: i saw scratch marks next to the hill ... a Kate was running to save the one, throw an axe and hit her. I go after her, she saved the one and i get both down ... The Kate said i was camping.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    With Tenacity being on the Shrine this week, I actually remembered another amazing moment.

    There was this game that eventually turned into a 2v1 with all generators powered up but gates not opened. I get downed by this Hillbilly, and I see David/Dwight at the door opening it. That Hillbilly leaves me on the ground, and with Tenacity I go across the entire map crawling towards that door. The Killer lost me (wasnt expecting me to have Tenacity), I get healed by David/Dwight and we both escape. Post-game chat was the Killer saying "Tenacity, really?".

    Like, Tenacity is nowhere near enough overpowered and extremely situational. And I was playing Tapp. You cant expect a Tapp not to run Tenacity.

  • makayla
    makayla Member Posts: 287

    I don't know if this counts but I just had a game where I was memeing as basement trapper. Didn't let anyone get my chest. They wouldn't leave the damn trial at the end of the game so I caught 2 of them lingering around the basement and camped them. Post game chat: reported for being AFK despite the fact I was NOT AFK the entire game and a survivor telling me what I did was bannable. Lol
    Also had a game where I did adept huntress, everyone hook swarmed a basement hook so I slugged them all and was told it was a "pathetic way to play." Yea, because I'm just going to ignore a bunch of injured survivors lingering around the hook.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited January 2019

    That rare time when I play Freddy....

    Also, can anyone please translate this?

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Mine punishing hook rushing and then being told to delete the game or being called a idiot because I tried to open the gate right behind the hooked guy so we could both escape and I got hit by a noed wraith
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    I got spammed probably 200+ party invites when one guy sent me loads of mean messages because apparently I farmed him. I just unhooked him and he ran straight into the killer about 15 seconds after. I got the safe unhook except he was an idiot.
  • DarkGGhost
    DarkGGhost Member Posts: 1,072

    Why i put traps down as Hag and why i put them in the basement.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    For bubba basmenting hook rushers lol heck the one that died first just said he blames them for it for deciding to not deal with a toxic swf team that was repeatedly teabagging me and moried the guy that kept doing it then got told I'm trash because I didant get hooks and I replied after getting a translation that I still needed to hook him to do it lol having the host in a off game disconnect because I lied about Not using Insta down hatchets lol
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited January 2019
    I was using No Mither and I successfully evaded a tier 3 Myers for about three minutes. My (random) teammates finished the remaining gens and opened the gate. Then they helped me escape by body blocking because the Myers was dead set on getting me.

    Immediately after the match he sent me a PM saying I'm trash and just because I use No Mither that doesn't mean I'm good. 🤷
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    nøbødy said:
    I 4K a team of swf with no addons and no offering. Just used spirit with whispers, noed, Franklin's and rancor. I was reported for hacking and got banned from my xbox for a week. That's my story.
    Don't you just love consoles?!
  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    nodding as killer

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    i like this thread BACK TO THE TOP!

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    I got called "sweaty" for using BBQ... When I played Leatherface... Cough... Same person said Leatherface was op. 

    I got called "hacker" when I played Billy with both speed add ons.

    I got insulted for playing impossible skillcheck doctor.

    I got insulted for using instaheal on someone when I played survivor.

    I got insulted for looping and doing 360s.

    Basically that's normal communication in DBD.
  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    I was "attacked" because my friend missed a skillcheck on a gen and got a dude put on his first hook, he thought it was me...

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I get trash talked for playing the game.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    One game I was playing as the hillbilly I hooked one guy the but then I only had 1 gen left then after the game I got called a camper and trash killer lol..

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889
    I was called a c**t for not giving hatch as wraith on coldwind farm. Despite the fact that the last 2 could have lived if either one opened the gate before going for the save. 

    I was called a "camper" for hanging around a hooked survior despite seeing another following me to the hook causing me to look for them.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    In my early days of playing killer after many months as survivor, i would hook everyone twice and go on a hill or to a corner of the map and let them escape. I had a particular group that after i did this sent me messages saying "Did i enjoy getting Rekted and Git Gud"

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I shook my head after mindgaming a survivor and they basically created a lame life story for me
  • t3hp0larbear
    t3hp0larbear Member Posts: 76
    I worked hard for a 4K once on a Coldwind Farm map a while ago, the survivors were decent at loops and mind games, I'm not the best killer and I think I was playing the Trapper then? They gave me a literal run for my money and I think I took one or two down before the exit gates popped. NOED activated and I cleaned up the rest.

    At the end I think everyone had well over 15k BP without multipliers, I had three iridescents and a gold emblem and the first thing out of one of their mouths was "I'd use NOED too if I got ######### on that hard."

    It's nothing particularly wild but it's the saltiest response I ever got to a win as a killer.
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    My_Dude said:

    I had a killer get Salty on me, because I managed to avoid him the entire game.

    I am sorry...I don't think Ace can 1v1 Myers. >.>

    Maybe he was mad at your lack of self confidence!
  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150
    Got accused of hacking when in reality I used my ears to listen for the injure person. Got trash talk for using class photo on Freddy and slowing the game down to a standstills as him
  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    I got told I was a bad Killer who was easily juked because I got 360'd once or twice.

  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    Roaming gen camper for patrolling gens
  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I get called a camper on a regular basis because even though they have done all the gens and opened the doors I hook someone I catch close to the door and wait for their team to come rescue them. Like, it isn't my fault you didn't heal sooner or thought you needed to cleanse that extra dull totem. If you all exit the gate the most I'm gonna do it hit you once and you're free to go. Yet, they'll call me a camper if I'm hanging out with their pal on the hook basically saying "Get the guy off the hook plz".

    Once I was playing doctor and told "Daily complete, Lose one game as Doctor". Like I just needed the shocks and I didn't even have any real perks. I get called scummy for playing Legion, but most of the time survivors kill themselves with bad plays since I am terrible at legion. Can't follow blood to save my life or break chase so Deep Wounds never works for me. Oh, been told of kill myself before after a game. In short this game is lovely and everyone is great and friendly all the time....

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Putting a trap on the same person twice in a row. 
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    I saw someone getting mad over a Killer that used Iron Grasp 2.