What in the game burned you out?

xRam40I9 Applicant Posts: 55

This is just something that peaked my interest today, I was about to get on after 4 days of not playing for the event.

Upon opening the game I just got this feeling of pure boredom, which is weird because I remember when I could grind this game for 12 hours straight.

Was there a moment, change, nerf or buff that just started this for Anyone else? For me it started with the billy changes, then got worse with the most recent killers and it really hit its peak when boons weren't limited or had any huge number changes.


  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890
    edited January 2022

    Other players, generally post SBMM

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    It's getting exhausting playing against competent survivors that know how to abuse Circle of Healing on maps with strong structures. For example, Grim Pantry. They put up a boon at the pantry and then just beeline it there whenever they get hit. They can get there from anywhere on the map. It's so frustrating. I want to just d/c, but I typically AFK instead if I start raging

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I'm not burned out. Although I did give up on my experiment of getting a Grade a day after two games in a row where I got 3k with nearly 30k bloodpoints and no pip. I mean, I could maybe understand not getting two pips if I don't get a 4k, but no pips for 3k with a lot of other things going on?

    Ah well, I never cared about Grades before this, so back to not caring about them now, I don't have the patience to play for multiple 4ks all the time.

  • PyramidFootLicker
    PyramidFootLicker Member Posts: 106

    Balancing? Nah, Slow updates? Nah



  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    Performance issues started it, SBMM creating an unfun experience finished it off.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Continual progression of killer nerfs that make them both less powerful AND less fun to play. From the Hillbilly nerf to the PH nerf to the Freddy nerf to the Wraith buff-then-nerf to the Pinhead nerf to the Deathslinger nerf...

    It's honestly exhausting. Why take the time to get used to a power when it could be changed to be totally different, easily avoidable, or infinitely weaker in a month or so?

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 617

    Paying for cosmetics and then having the artists revamp my character and ruin the look.

    The battle pass permanently ruined every match where anyone is working on it.

    The grind is growing exponentially and BHVR are obviously not willing to change that. How many months of grind are required for a new player now? It is the worst of any game I've ever seen.

    I still enjoy the game, but those three things weigh on me the most every single time I launch it.

  • Thr_ust
    Thr_ust Member Posts: 481

    This is gonna make me sound Whiney but it’s the truth. The difficulty since MMR was added is what killed my interest. I work full time and I’m in school atm. When I play games I’m not trying to sweat and fight tooth and nail every single game. Sure it’s a fun challenge every now and then but what made challenges in this game more fun is they were outside of the norm. I can’t relieve stress playing this game anymore and that’s what really killed it for me.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,589

    Oh, but I don't even mean the latency validation. Just DH in general.

  • Bjario
    Bjario Member Posts: 313

    SBMM and dead hard. ( Yes I do use dead hard when I play survivor myself, but that's not the point)

  • Elfinlocks
    Elfinlocks Member Posts: 13

    It’s just boring playing against the same four survivors every match.

    oh boy thunder so now coh is in play… wait that was my ruin… ugh

    oh wow I actually outplayed them… oh they hit e and are now at a new loop

    would sure suck if this person running to the double L’s has iron will… wait what am I saying of course they do

    hey I finally got a down, and I’m near a scourge hook time to get some momen—oh they dc’d *gen pops*

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    The CoH non-nerf clearly meant to throw Killers a bone (It's 25% so it LOOKS big!) without actually nerfing it (Turns out to be +2 seconds healing someone else, and +4 Self-Healing)

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732
    edited January 2022

    Hearing a survivor scream as if Ive downed them to then keep looping cause the game said "nah lmao". Havent sat down and enjoyed a killer session in months.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited January 2022

    The lack of care and understanding towards many of the game’s problems. Community members come up with great ideas only to get rejected most of the time because “tHe NuMbErZ”. Sometimes I wonder if we’re playing a different game or if the devs have their own vision for the game that has many nonsensical decisions. They also haven’t addressed the recent wave of DDOS attacks yet.

  • Huntar
    Huntar Member Posts: 848

    SBMM being tested the first time did it. As soon as that test hit, I knew it would be awful to play this game in the future, and started weening myself off. Glad I did, since I gave this game another shot when the most recent PTB was announced. Literally everything about the game has gotten worse for killers. Boons means you can't do anything but tunnel, survivor-sided hit validation means you'll hit someone and just see them heal after they pull a pallet three seconds later, and all the new killers are clearly just made to throw survivors a cookie and not intended to actually be competitive. And then the most recent QA? "We can't say anything," "We don't know anything about that," "That can't be done." Why even have a QA if you're just going to waste everyone's time? Shows how the devs really feel about the player base.

    It's a shame this game has gotten so bad. It used to be fun.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 866

    Too much grind

    Poor matchmaking as killer

    Poor accessibility

    All my friends quit

    Now the nail in the coffin: can no longer read Chinese/Japanese names

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    Controller settings are from stone age. Ranged killers are incredibly hard to hit anything. If you play 100% so you can follow up with spinning survivors, using m2 requires aiming assist by strafe movement. Small adjustment with aim stick ends up in 90 degree flick.

    Sick and tired of DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH DH

    I will try to struggle for a bit (waiting for elden ring) and then taking a fair break or farawell until decent update drops

  • Big_Tony
    Big_Tony Member Posts: 14

    Having to worry about being DDoSed for playing the game because BHVR refuses to fix the security holes in their game is what got me. It's not fun to play when there's a chance my router can be fried since it's just a feature of the game now.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,639

    Slowly watching the game I loved become something I despise.

  • Juicyman
    Juicyman Member Posts: 136

    Dead Hard removing any point in trying to outplay, mind game, or use certain abilities.

    The lack of variety in meta perks (both sides) or meta perks never being looked at unless it's a buff.

    The lack of killer players at peak hours meaning if I want to play consistent games I have to willingly play against Dead Hard.

    Boons on a map with multiple levels.

    The Grind if I hadn't already completed it, it's so hard to recommend this game to friends because of it.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Tbh most killers are either super terrible, don't do anything interesting or are stupid strong with certain builds/add-ons. It makes the game boring for both sides when I play. For playing killer my options are very few and far between. And if I don't run the easy mode set ups I'm bound to reach a point where that's the only way I can keep up.

    Survivor is dull as well because of it since you either get facecamping bubbas with noed or you go against alchemist ring blights. I guess the biggest problem is there's too much stuff to ruin the fun for the other side. And those happen to be the best things.