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Survivor entitlement, and the devs who bred the expectations

Hopped on for the event. It's fun. I like the envelopes, and event BP gains are fun.

What isnt...isn't.... survivors. What is it with the constant nasty attitudes? Why do they go into matches and expect to stomp the killer evert match, and God forbid one of the swf players die they decide to belittle and make excuses in the chat?

Had a match as slinger, and I'm not that great with him but I was having a good time going for good shots. At the forest map nonetheless, against a 3man and rando.

I ended up getting 5 hooks, a good bit of shots, and thx to the BP event gains I left with 50k. I was happy with it.

They weren't.

At the end of the match, all 3 got toxic at the end gate giving me the chance to get two more shots on them in the exit area. Since they were healthy they still escaped.

All 4 got out, all 4 had more points than me. But for some reason I was called a camper, trash, quit the game. Not saying gg bc you play a bad killer. Go play call of duty if you wanna snipe etc....

I replied quit whining... you all got out with more points than me. Lol.

Even when they win, there not happy. Survivors or more importantly swfs ruin this experience every time I play. They have this entitlement mentality about them. There miserable people in general and have no business playing this game.

But who's to blame? Them? Or the devs for giving them the power role when they group up?

It's a little bit of both. But honestly, for the health of this game, the devs need to give Survivors a reality check and take away the power dynamics in swfs. Bc until something is done about people expecting to dominate every match, survivors will continue to trest killers like garbage weather they win or lose matches.

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  • Member Posts: 435

    Every game that has chat has people being jerks in it. It's not a Behaviour thing, it's not a DBD, it's a societal thing. Killers need to grow some thicker skin. DBD is still balanced in favour of killers. Instead of worrying about what they think after a game that you enjoyed, move on to the next game and figure out what you can do to get better. When I see a group of survivors dicking around and trying to play with me, I know it's going to be an easy 4k. Learn what to do when a team is trying to toy with you and you'll find you don't get toyed with anymore.

  • Member Posts: 435

    The majority of the chat interactions are positive, especially if you initiate them. There are always going to be dicks anonymously sitting behind their computer screens who are going to be jerks. You can't design around them since no communication at all is not fun for anyone. If you want to play any game online, you need to learn to ignore them or mute everyone. It's just the world we live in.

    Having people be jerks in-game is much more preferable to having them message you on whatever platform you're on.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    You can design the basic logic of "if this player closed the chat before, please keep the chat closed until they opened it again". You can avoid making "avoid the problematic behaviour" a process of constant involvement from everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    That's why I play worst possible tactic sometime, 4king swf and looking at them throwing tantrum is pretty fun.

  • Member Posts: 801

    I just main nurse now and stomp most of my games

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    If survivors are salty when you do the only thing you can do given the current state of the game you can reply by a one line short brush.


    _ "I see the problem: you think I care. gl hf <3"

    _ "And you point is?"

    Then leave for your next does of pain.

    If they have typed something unacceptable (e.g. harm or self-harm), you can report them first.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Yes it I cause they do little to nothing to curve the behavior and even one said that their game is basically frustration.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Cause their report system sucks and the bruised egos of players clogged it up with useless bullshit.

  • Member Posts: 960

    First of all you must be a lucky mf cause most of the time with this game its usually I initiated by someone bitching about something that went wrong.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Because there's 4 Survivors to 1 Killer, per match.

    Imagine if groups of Survivors in SWFs mass-report Killers for supposed 'slugging', 'tunneling', or 'camping', when all the Killer did was win.

  • Member Posts: 2,266

    Turn end game chat of, do not concern yourself with their opinions. Sad but true reality.

  • Member Posts: 217

    i understand what you mean but just say gg wp and then leave the match why read something you don't have to read?

  • Member Posts: 960

    Tell that to console players who get their chat notifications clogged with this #########.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Yes but at least, right now, people can't be put in a 'low queue' because people mass-reported them. Which was the idea the other poster I replied to had.

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  • Member Posts: 960

    Well for one it would all be more beneficial if we could just get two rooms one for casual and one for competitive and yes I know "this game isn't competitive" but since the devs want to keep bringing up skill and want to compare this to sports then they need to have the game reflect that notion.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Yeah but then you run into the same problem Overcrap (Overwatch) had; they balanced for comp, which pissed off the casual players. People were always demanding two separate balances; Comp and Casual. They seems unable or unwilling to accept that Comp players could play just as hard in the Casual settings.

    The only difference was no comp ranks to win or lose, in Casual.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Ok then what should be done then cause what we have now isn't working.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    How should I know? I don't work for BHVR so I've not really tried to solve the problem. Nor do I have the education or experience in game design to start developing an answer to such a complicated problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    It's same the other way round tho, how often do you see killers get extremely mad because they didnt get a single kill? how often do you see killers rage and scream "genrush" even though the match lasted 8+ minutes with 3 gens remaining with the final 3 gens being done 4 minutes later? How often do you see killers actively tunnel players who just wanted to get an envelope(yes, I have had those. I was already injured, I already basically gave you a free down by standing still, you could have waited 0.5 seconds longer and give me the points, but noooo, you had to be an ass).

    As for survivors having the power role, not really. The power role switches constantly in this game, it's up to the opponents to take back the power role if they have lost it. The killer starts with it, survivors gain it by pressuring gens and then survivors have to fight to keep it, and if they dont keep it, they lose. Killers can take the power role back by pressuring back by slugging or hooking and there are plenty of games where killers never lose the power role, even if survivors got all gens.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Well that's just it though why would having two lobbies not work? Just because overwatch failed well that game went to being an esports game much like lol is.

    To be honest I was more thinking of smash 4's for glory and for fun options.

  • Member Posts: 1,814

    Straight up: There should never be a 4 survivor escape result.

    The game is about the most well known slashers/monsters/villains of pop culture (and the design team's imagination). There should be at least one kill in




    Full stop.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Wrong way round, Survivors are the ones who start off in control. They're all uninjured, haven't used any single-use effects, have good items if brought in, aren't immediately endangered, can safely spread out on multiple gens, and have every map resource available and unused. Killers start with 0 pressure, trap-based Killers have nothing set up, Myers and Nemesis are at T1 of their powers, etc.

    Killers aren't in control until there's some pressure built up.

  • Member Posts: 312

    You act like the killer has a choice in taking back the power role from survivors.

    This game is designed for 4 people to work together to escape, not for a killer to 4k matches.

    If the survivors all do gens and don't mess around, then will always get completed 100% of the time.

    A killer is only as good as the mistakes made by the survivors. Hands down. This isn't an opinion. This is a fact. Therefore the power will always be in the hands of the 4 other players in the match.

    Slugging is the only viable way to nasty a 4k, and that has a hard counter as well. Camping doesn't work. It's an easy escape for the other 3 survivors.

    And slugging and camping are the two things people complain about when it comes to killers and look.. counters. Easy ones at that. 1 of the 16 survivor perks is all that's needed to counter slugging. 1.

    Killers in the end have no real power in these games. Swfs prove that time and time again. Luckily, that's not all killers face against every game, and it it were, u wouldn't be playing this game anymore lol.

    I hate playing against swfs. It's no fun most of the time. It's more of a headache.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    Random number? Excuse me? Do you look at the statistics that the devs post?

    This is a 100% true statement, and inact killer winrate INCREASES the higher the rank. These statistics were also done back before many survivor things were nerfed as well. People are too blindsighted by how dbd 2016 was to realise that the game is completely differnet now, it hans't been surivor favoured in a long time. If you want to win as killer, there are plenty of builds you can just lock in and instantly guarantee urseufl a 90% win rate. Lil ridiculous dont you think.

  • Member Posts: 980

    The game itself is much better balanced than it was back in 2017. At its base at least. Some Perks are OP, some are utter trash, and some are more for meme or "I need to try something different" style of builds. Overall though, with a couple exceptions, they've done a decent job of tuning Perks and keeping the game healthy.

    The only glaring issue I see right now is voice comms. BHVR should implement an in-game voice chat, tied to distance between Survivors, so that everyone enjoys the same benefits that voice comms currently give. THEN they can properly balance the game. Until that happens, it is completely pointless to attempt to balance the game.

    This whole Survivor vs Killer bias garbage is just beating your head against the wall. Pointless rage and frustration that only makes the community more toxic as a whole. Take a step back, relax for a minute or two, then play some more. Or else, find something else to play. I find 2-3 months of playing DbD about as much as I can take, and then I'll play other things for a while. Much, much healthier than raging out about something that cannot change until portions of the base game are adjusted.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    but its not?

    If someone says something you dont like that does not make it bait.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    wdym the kill rate sits only just above 50%? It was basicalyl 70% when those statistics were released? 70 is a lot different to 50. And considering the game has only imporved for killers since that point its safe to say they havn't decreased at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    All killers averaged up have a 70% kill rate accord to last statistics released by devs.

    Maybe its time you looked at where the game has come from since 2016 and realised "oh wait, the game is nowehre near survivor sided like it used to be."

    Things change, whetehr you want to believe it or not. This is not the 5000 pallets infinties sabo instaheal dbd that used to exist. Its more liek the 5000 slowdown killer perks plus stupid boon totems dbd now

  • Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    All together cause if you checked each killer averaged around 50 to 60% unless it's nurse which is under 50%. Also yes it is survivor sided cause while certain things were removed others replaced them and if it Turely not as survivor sided let me ask you these then.

    "What reason is there to make boons a better version of hexes?"

    "Why did they have to nerf and gut certain killers while the survivor perk nerfs were minuscule or not even a nerf in the first place?"

    "Why buff boil over without nerfing or at least tweaking survivor perks so we don't have more bully squad tools?"

    "Why is there potentially going to be more nerfs to killers kit such as base kit bt or making camping another useless tactic much like hit and run thanks to boons yet give no real mention of making DH not a 'safety net' or making it so you can't bully/harass the killer much like how survivors want camping tunneling and slugging gone?"

    "Why did the new wiggle mechanic give the survivors a small % boost when it was meant for accessibility?"

    "Why has nothing been done for killers to compensate for that fact that now hooks have the potential to be useless given what has been shown with rpd?"

    Like I said it is still survivor sided they just replaced the issues instead of removing them

  • Member Posts: 960

    First off for while yes it can be seen as that but as of now there's no excuse for making it survivor sided as they did if it was balanced and tuned you wouldn't have constant matches boiled down to "meta perks VS blight" or "meta perks VS nurse " u and also there wouldn't be as many perks that can be used to bully killers due to making them way to forgiving for survivors ######### up along with the qol changes they made only buffing survivors more.

    As for the US vs them mentality guess what it's never going away thanks to the devs making a game where it is "all play the same vs all play differently" so unlike if a fighting game tweaked a character or if a team game tweaked something its not everyone gets hit only one side does and the other reaps the benefits no matter what anyone says.

  • Member Posts: 980

    I can agree with a lot of this, but one of the things that makes the current balance patch so horrendous is the ability for voice comms to allow instant coordination between Survivors. WIthout that, the Boil Over buff and lack of a meaningful CoH nerf wouldn't be as bad. It would just need tuned a bit more. The problem being, you can't balance it. I play Solo Queue, and the game is a bit Killer sided for the most part from that perspective. If I could talk with my team mates, it would definitely become Survivor sided though.

    The whole Us vs Them thing is something I never did understand. I play games for fun though, I'm not competitive other than wanting that rush when I get a down, hook, save, whatever. Little bit of adrenaline, little bit of feelsgoodman. Both sides are guilty of it though, and it is kind of ridiculous in a sense. There's no tangible reward other than knowing you won. Winning though is personal, and it's different from player to player.

    Everyone is going to play different, have different rules for themselves, and have different win conditions. Learning to actually respect that instead of venting frustrations and rage over something that is better off being discussed with a cool head is something a lot of people need to do.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Well first off comms need to start being a bannable offense only due to the technically that it is an exploit.

    Secondly think about this though it's not just competitive however if you play a pvp game wouldn't you want it to be balanced between both sides along with that remember thanks to the bloodweb and for some reason the devs fetish on rng people have to grind out a good span of hours to get anything meaning you potentially go into long ruts because the game has both casual and competitive players mashed together so poorly it wears people thin

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