Neas hew hair

Can she please have some hair instead of 2 random bald spots on the side of her hair looks weird.. lov3 the top thoe oh and I LOVE the cat charm can’t wait to get that !!
Pics? 😂
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It's puck rock
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It's not everyone's cup of tea but the rest of the outfit is SO good
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Use a different head if you don't like it
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Yeah the top and bottoms are cute but that bold spot hurt me soul 😂
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Like what is that bald spot and long ass side burns 😂😂😂
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The problem with Nea heads is that their almost all like that. Side shaven or some other awful "progressive" cut that so many teen girls got into a few years back. I get why some people like it but personally I can't stand it
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Why be a character if you don't like her style?
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It's quite a lot of hair on top/back for an undercut.
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It's punk dude, not every single hair is going to be tailored to you, nor should it, let people have their punk chick, you swap the head out for any of her others.
I for one love the hair :)
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She kinda looks like she joined the Children of Atom from Fallout
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nea is one of my mains her hair cuts ain’t bad I like her other green ones but that one is a joke. Like I have never seen anyone with 2 bald spots like that
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The hair style and make up is cute is fine bar the bald spots …… I love using nea and outfits besides the baldness 😂it’s like somone went crazy with a razor or just shave of the side burns and she’s have a Mohawk which would still be cute
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I actually like it. This is basically the same cut without the tendrils.
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As a woman with a mohawk I LOVE IT. My dream skin
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I like them.
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Lol ok. I was responding to your response with my own opinion. Sorry if that bothers you
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Didn't say I am? Lol. I'm just saying I don't care for her hairstyles is all. I understand that other people have other opinions, and that's fine. Some people like her looks, some people like the shaved head style, and that's cool. Personally I think it's horrendous. I love some of her outfits, but the hairstyles kill it for me
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This is the hairstyle, punk/goth/alternative whatever you want to call it, isn't everyone's cup of tea, however it's a very common hair style in the alt community. If you don't like it don't wear it, no reason to ######### on it though. I love it and as a nea main I'm glad to see it
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Thats fair lol something about hair the devs always mess up. Like I loved Claudette's red and purple hair and they nerfed it and made it short with less color
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Oh no. 😂 (But I was thinking the same thing)
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As a Nea main, I love the whole outfit. I think the hair looks fine, but I probably won't ever use the hair on any of her other outfits.
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I'm getting kind of tired of the "shaved" looks tbh.
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I can see that, I feel that way about fengs hair lmao
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this looks cool! I would like if it it looked like that <3