False bans? Report system fix is needed...
A person on my mod team in a dead by daylight server just got permabanned for "hacking"...
When you spend money on a game, buy all the dlcs , and have supported bhbr by playing the game, and the fact that he didn't even hack, only has 2 probable reasons.
One, bhvr made a mistake and banned the wrong person
Two , they only listened to survivors instead of killers reporting and let the report system not work.
Which one sounds more probable to you?
Insert jeopardy music...
TWO! If you answered 1, you haven't played the game or are a bhvr simp.
While option 1 would be the one I would pick if it were better, the report system does not work. The fact that you can simply thumbs down somebody and get them banned after a couple timed of that by all 4 survivors is beyond unhealthy.
This is in no way attacking the devs, but an updated report system would be nice for the health of the game. If it ever does happen, thank you bhvr, thank you for this.
But I cannot forgive the permaban. I'm sure there's more that are super similar to this because of the report system.
They've stated many times before they don't ban for cheating unless 100% certain. Which is why video evidence showing the cheating is required for them to ban. Perhaps they lied (as in the person in your discord server).
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The report system bans as well. When a swf that gets angry because the killer 4ked all thumbs down, that hurts the person that was just playing normally. They also could have banned the wrong person, don't forget that. Still, an updated report system would be nice. Bhvr doesn't always have... good behaviour when it comes to dbd. The report system could help them and the players. Do you not agree?
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It would be better instead of s thumbs down to have a typed report option. Say why they should be banned or suspended and maybe add a team to email reports like hacking that are more to have video proof
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First of all, we do not ban without proof, not on reports alone - which is why we request support tickets providing evidence.
Your friend is able to contact Support to get the reason of their ban: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new