The DC Penalty Needs a Rework

Innards638 Member Posts: 5
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Last week I got disconnected due to bad internet and got banned for 24 hours because it kept happening. I took a break for about a week and it happened again. I got banned for 6 hours. This is extremely unfair and it needs to be fixed. It's one thing if I'm disconnecting intentionally, but being punished for getting kicked off is another. It's already punishment enough to be winning in a match and then get kicked off right at the end. Please fix this issue, it's very unfair.

Post edited by Gcarrara on


  • Innards638
    Innards638 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2022

    I'm being selfish because I have bad internet? I can't play a game that I enjoy because I get kicked off sometimes. What is wrong with this community? I spent money on this game. I should be able to PLAY IT! As I said, I'm not intentionally doing it. There are ways to fix this issue such as reducing the penalty times or something like that. There are ways to help instead of just degrading people who are getting wrongfully punished.

    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    this seems to be brought up frequently and the only thing i can say is if your internet is that bad you should just not play, you are screwing over your teammates and im sure its not fun for you either, so until your internet is better, dont play, theres no possible way for the game to know why the DC happens, just that it happened, if you see that your internet keeps going down over and over again and you still keep playing knowing how that ruins the matches for the other people, you are being selfish for no reason cause you still cant play properly and neither can your mates :/

  • Innards638
    Innards638 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2022
    1. I'm a killer main
    2. My time is being ruined too. Especially when I get a penalty.
    3. My game's being ruined. I play killer. So whenever I have 2 people already out of the game with 3 gens left, I don't really think I'm ruining their experience.
    4. They get to move onto the next game while I get banned.
    5. People like you who probably have the best internet can't see my point of view either.
    6. You can't think of others either.
    Post edited by Gcarrara on
  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
    edited January 2022

    Contact your internet provider. Demand they fix your internet. Cancel your service if they don't. That's your only solution. Or move to a place that doesn't allow a monopoly. The devs are not going to make it so you can DC over and over because of bad internet. I don't care if you DC'd due to being angry or due to internet troubles. Both ruin my games equally. Yeah, I'm sorry it sucks for you but asking 4 others to be cool with their games regularly being ruined because you live in an area that allows an ISP monopoly isn't really the solution

  • fengminenjoyer
    fengminenjoyer Member Posts: 62

    what is the point of playing a multiplayer online game if you know you are going to constantly get disconnected? its not the devs fault your internet is bad, if its a game where anyone can join midgame sure its not that big of a deal but thats not this game's case, unless they implement bots to take over the missing teammate which they have in mobile i dont know why they dont implement it in the main game, better to have a dumb IA meg than nothing, still gives the killer something to focus on...

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    How about fixing your internet? You even play accept that your mates are screwed if your internet goes down. Its totally fine to give you a punishment for this mentality.

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396

    I faced a Clan in DBD has a killer and they just DC after i catch 3 of them in bear traps...

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Should of said hackers dude then they'd be more sympathetic lol.

  • Tiki
    Tiki Member Posts: 2

    next time before you spent money on something and wanna interact with it, read the minimum reqs

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,361

    So you know the getting disconnected from the game gives you a penalty and you know your internet is disconnecting you from the game, yet you keep trying to play without fixing the issue causing you to disconnect.

    You might want to solve your issue first before asking for the penalty to be changed to accommodate you.