What the hell did you do to Nemesis now?

Well the lingering hitbox was already known about but that animation reset is trippy.
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How did they manage to get ALL 5 gens done when you tunneled one player out of the game at 5 gens?
Also, Nemesis needs reworked along with Deathslinger and Pym Head.
You can't make anti-loop Killers when Survivors only have looping to survive. And looping SHOULD BE THE ONLY thing that lets survivors "rank up." Swan diving the hooked survivors and only doing gens isn't useful as being able to loop a Killer who refuses to concede the chase.
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They didnt... They only got 1 gen done before he closed the hatch
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I noticed this yesterday, it looked like I was hitting survivors with blueberry faygo
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And he's complaining because of the awful "killer power" of anti-loop whips?
Oh. Ok.
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They only finished 1 gen the entire game. I just closed the hatch at the end.
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Yeah I know but the one in the video is a bit crazier than the ones I usually get.
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You act like the design was some mistake or something that the devs didn't intend?
Looping is less efficient than Shift+W by the way. I also don't get how any of that is relevant to an animation bug, which seems to be what the video is showing. The tentacle seems to be working but the animation is not properly playing.
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I noticed this while I was streaming and I liked to imagine I was using the force, funny visual bug that I hope gets fixed soon.
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Bro this is a comedy. That bugged animation is downright silly.
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Yeah it's pretty goofy feeling when it happens. But I don't know if it's visible in the video but near the end when I try to hit Mikaela right outside the lodge with the tentacle and the animation just doesn't play, the game stuttered pretty badly. At least when I was playing it did. My PS5 never did that with DBD ever until just at that moment which was weird.
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I'm a PC player, Steam specifically. Didn't notice any performance issues but then again I'm playing on PC. Hopefully that gets fixed soon for you.
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DBD Nemesis used to think his life was a tragedy but now he realizes it's a comedy.
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What Do You Get When You Cross a Poorly Depicted IP with a Dev Team Who Abandons Him And Treats Him Like Trash?
(I'm kidding bhvr peeps pls no angy)
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Animation bug or maybe a ping issue
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Yeah, I've been getting that same weird animation glitch occasionally since the update.
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This content has been removed.
What kind of rework?
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Then you need to reduce the power of loops. There are still defacto infinites in the game (Swamp *cough*). Do that first, then we can discuss toning down anti-loop killers.
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I was expecting you to talk a out how they nerfed Marvin's Blood into almost irrelevancy but yeah this is odd
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lol looks like someone need to do some bug fixing.
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Played a couple of games last night as him and might have had 1 bit of animation jank. But there was something wrong with his vaccine chests.
They only open when you get close to them. A Survivor can have opened the chest minutes ago, but the chest remains closed for your client till you get close enough to the chest to hear it open. Lost a chase due to that as I walked into a room, heard the chest open, seen it open, and yet there was NO ONE around it. Asked about it in post game chat and it seemed to be that way for both Killer and Survivor.
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Hello, when you want to report a bug, please check the bug report section (https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/bugs) to see if it has been reported already and upvote it, otherwise open a new report following the guidelines.