Killer Vent Megathread

I decided to make this because I've been having a rough day today and seems like this board could use it to contain a lot of the similar frustrations most Killers tend to feel.


Decided to play Pyramid Head today and I've spent roughly an hour and a half trying to get out of Ash II because I just suck too much at Killer. If I get a couple wins, I usually get 1 pip. Very rarely do I ever get 2. Well, I got a 3k and a couple 4Ks. Got stomped next match. No biggie, not every match is gonna be a win. Stomped again the next match. And the next. And the next, and the next, and the next. That isn't fun. It's not fun to suddenly feel like I'm repeatedly going against people way better than me. I'm still the same me as I was the first 3 games, it's not like I suddenly dipped in quality of play.

I'm just frustrated because I want to be better at Pyramid Head but sometimes it doesn't even feel worthwhile to be good at it. My "reward" is usually just getting destroyed twice as many times in a row as I won. Part of it is on the fact that I don't tend to run gen slowdown perks but everytime I do it just seems like they don't make that much of a difference.

I know, I should take a break and play something else. Or work on games where I am already good to some degree.


  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    I dunno if him not being worth it rn is a him problem and not more of a general problem with Killers, map design and gen speed as a whole.

    If I get a max range Punishment hit it feels like a double edged sword. I got the hit but now I have to waste upwards to a minute just getting back into range.

  • istlix
    istlix Member Posts: 15

    Practice, practice, practice! I get how you feel. Starting out with a new killer is often difficult. But the more you play killer, the more you notice survivor patterns and types of survivors. When I started out with Trapper, all four survivors would often escape. Now I play Freddy, and getting kills is much easier now that I've practiced a lot. Sometimes all four survivors escape because they were just better, but that's okay! It should be motivation to try and get even better so you won't let them out next time. Play aggressive. Don't just let survivors go because you feel bad

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    I've been playing Pyramid Head since I bought the game, so I wouldn't say I'm new just....not very good haha

    I think I can handle losses fine, it's moreso big losing streaks that MMR puts me on that just bog me down.

  • Oiry
    Oiry Member Posts: 218

    Let's be honest the game is full of BS. Not just inconsistent bugs and stuff, but also there is this feeling in the community, where if you humiliate the opponent you feel good. In the end, if you play to win, you woN't have a lot of fun. You can play fun, or you can play to learn. Or both.

    And in the end, yes. If you don't enjoy any of those, take a break... I don't think anyone will blame. Most killer players are taking extensive breaks. I know I do. I try to only play survivor if I play. :D

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    No now it's just play survivor or you will have a bad time the devs made playing killer a non tolerable aspect and decided instead of fixing it just double down on survivor wishes.

    Post edited by CyberDragoon656 on
  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    Let's not make it all about "us vs them." I did want to make this thread to be able to talk to other people frustrated with Killer in a more centralized thread, but while I do feel BHVR has made a lot of missteps in their balancing, saying it's "The Survivors'" fault is not the way to start making the Killer experience better.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    i see pyramid head may i interest you in a guide for some nifty dos and donts

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    Uhh sure. I know a lot about his do's and don'ts but I'm always interested in learning more

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I love PH as a killer, but he has two aspects that make him just...not fun to me.

    • His addons are either boring and okay, or boring and completely useless.
    • His cage mechanic doesn't interact with hook perks well.
  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    dude... THIS Freddy is NOT the one portrayed by Robert Englund.

  • N8dog
    N8dog Member Posts: 541

    I never liked playing pyramid head. It's entirely luck based if you get torment activated since a survivor must walk or run through it. Any time I get his cage daily ritual or have to bear trap survivors I redo it. The ritual is something YOU are supposed to do. Not something that you HOPE someone else will.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I get frustrated playing him too. Not because of wins or losses but because I find him boring asf. His anti-loop is clunky and wayyyyy to telegraphed. His add-ons might be the only ones worse than Freddy's.....with also leads to boringggg. To top it off his cages don't count as hooks (for perks) for the killer or survivor. Demo/Slinger can zone so easily without punishment but he gets hammered for it.

    Just using slinger/demo as an example in my argument.....Please do not cripple them for it. Slinger didn't need all the nerfs already done to him and Demo is perfect.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i'm not really a fan of the whole "killer community" mentality, i think it feeds into the us vs them mindset that's plagued this forum for as long as i've been on it.

    that being said, i just haven't been enjoying killer much lately. i think i'm just bored, nothing looks fun to try or play anymore since i've done most of what i can or want to do so it just turns into monotonous games where winning or losing doesn't really make a difference.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,144
    edited January 2022

    Killer Venting Incoming:

    I made it to Iri 1 as killer on PS4. I've never bothered before, but the 1 million BP at the end is just too good an incentive to ignore.

    I'd like to do the same on the Nintendo Switch. I need BP on the Nintendo Switch really badly, because I only got DbD on it back when the RE chapter released. So far, I can't even get out of Ash. Killer is that goddamn bad on Switch. I cannot describe the frustration of only landing one out of twenty attempted hits. I'm not joking. I whiff almost every time. The framerate and the sensitivity are just that bad. The only time I got kills were when I cheesed it as Pig and the survivors screwed up, finishing the last gen right after I put a helmet on someone. I was annoyed and petty enough that I then opened the door and followed the RBT'd survivor around so they couldn't search any boxes.

    It doesn't matter what killer I try to grade-up as if I can't land basic M1 attacks, so that's not even worth discussing. (I did it using Nemesis on the PS4.)

    I guess this is a cross between killer venting and console venting.

    Edit: I wish I had some Pyramid Head advice to give, or a vent to share, but I haven't played as him for a long time. I don't enjoy how clunky he feels.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    It is though think about it.

    -most killers are nerfed or gutted to the point of making them viabless leaving only two left that are worth anything

    -they got two mechanics added in the past few months that made a mechanic even more useless and another that made a mechanic even harder to use

    -little to no real nerfs at all to problematic perks for survivors.

    -pratically dead killer variety, because unless you camp and tunnel or play blight and Nurse you're screwed

    Let's face it it's a survivor fault for two reasons the fact that the devs know they can get more money from them than killer that's why theres an over obundance of cosmetics especially over the past few months and that survivors keep buying this ######### so as a business why not try to cater to them.

    At this point the devs are one of two things thanks to that qna

    1. Ignorant as #########

    2.there's an ulterior motive and they don't want to admit it

    Cause that's the only logical way to explain the ######### they pulled recently.

    Post edited by CyberDragoon656 on
  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    I look at it this way, as a killer main I know that when I go into a match I am going to be at a disadvantage. It's 4 to 1 and if they are a swf with comms it is even more of a disadvantage.

    So I find going in with the expectation that I will do my best, but my chances to lose are higher then it's not so bad. At the end of the day. It's just a game. You win some you lose some. Sometimes your on a winning streak sometimes a losing streak. Take the good with the bad, try not to care and just do you. 😄

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    Sounds a lot like what Pulsar was talking about in the "Lack of Console Optimization" department. There was a huge thread about it, but it was mostly about past gen consoles. Unfortunate that the Switch is suffering too.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    When they walk into you, you swing, and it misses... That feel. This is why I play Bubba. Try to mess with the auto aim now, you freak!

  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 148

    For me after playing a fair amount of Blight and Nurse most of the other killers become boring to play because it's hard to recover from mistakes and there isn't the same speed and flow to the gameplay with that constant action. With Blight and Nurse it feels like you can almost always pull off some fun and big moves at any point in the match even if you don't win at least you aren't stumbling to an imminent and boring defeat after a bad beginning.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,144

    Oh yeah, I post in there a lot. Survivor on Switch is playable, though. Not great, but playable. Killer is not playable. Playing last night, I felt like I should be getting 100k per match, because I was having a miserable time struggling to earn 13k while the survivors were getting 60k+ for doing gens and leaving. They didn't have to use pallets, all they had to do was run in a straight line and every once in a while move to the left or right. I was a free event lobby for them, and I got nothing out of it.

    My friend had that problem last night, too, but he was playing killer on PS4. He's not great at killer, he plays casually to earn points without killing, but survivors weren't going for it because they could get a crapton just from the event. He felt like he was helping them by giving them a lobby while he lost 20 minutes of his life to a match he didn't want to be in after like a couple minutes, so he only played the one match before turning off the game.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    True but wouldn't you like it to be more of a win some lose some set up where you can learn from it and not have it be because the game is broken.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    Our Freddy's powers don't even make sense. Bring back OG Freddy.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570
    edited January 2022

    I feel you OP. I got Iri 1 on survivor a few days ago and now I am trying to get to Iri 1 on killer as well. I have to sweat basically every single game if I want to get as much as a single pip.

    "2k/2e with 10 hooks in total? Too bad, here have a black pip even tho we want the game to be balanced around just that"

    You basically need a 3k with 10 hooks when the gates are powered to get a single pip. To double pip you need a 12 hook 4k at more than 3 gens remaining. Tell me how I am supposed to do that on something like Clown or Doctor without sweating my ass off every single game. Its just NO fun at all!

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Okay my gripe is a usual event one because the quote unquote genrush seems to weirdly increase around these times. But one extreme example from yesterday was one BNP/prove thyself 3-man

    I get I dont really run gen perks so it's to be expected they so quickly but like...this lot let the solo go into 2nd stage while they all worked on different gens, then one of them went over presumably to rescue him, saw the gen he'd been working on and decided to do that instead? I come back to the hook and she's just sitting there working on it like 2m away from him. And this was late at this point, when survivor queues here are disgustingly long.

    BHVR give us an option to switch sides and work on gens with the survivors plz. Make it like the exit gates so I can reassert dominance over them by finishing them instantly

  • EvilBarney666
    EvilBarney666 Member Posts: 334

    Absolutely my friend. I would love for a balanced game. One that takes into account everything. It would be nice to be able to learn from losses without feeling like you were screwed over by the game.

    I also feel that this game will never favor the killer. Sole reason being, money. In any business you cater to your majority. The majority is survivors. They buy the cosmetics, they bring their friends to play who buy in turn. If the game is easier for them but not overly easy they will stay and play.

    If they feel they can't win as much they won't stick around and bring their friends. BHVR won't make as much money. It sucks but it's standard business.

    I hope things get better for you. For me I just honestly don't care about a win or a loss. I know the game favors one side and I just accept it.

    Good luck my friend!

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    Some of these tips are helpful but "don't break pallets" has thus far proven a horrible idea.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762
  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Basically any pallet dropped or not can be turned into a hit with Pyramid Head, the problem comes with people who either pre-drop when you're nowhere close or those who are cheeky and manage to vaccum and stun you last second (Which if you time it right you can also get a free hit from)

    Some pallets do need to be broken though, some are just too hard to get hits over with PH at times

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    So far it has seriously prolonged my chases instead of ending them faster. Especially if they're near vaults. I just don't have the map knowledge to really get away with letting pallets rock.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    Right, that's understandable actually- map knowledge will come with time experience in both roles and unless you're willing to bully yourself into learning quicker breaking seems like the best option for now.

    Just keep it in mind for later, because once you start figuring things out we'll and truly that can really help you.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    "Just accept it and move on?" Sure try telling that to people who spent 100+ on getting the dlc to try the killer's out and found only 2 are worth anything and one was free and I guess the devs never thought killers could bring in people to but why do that when you appease the one side over and over until your cash cow dies.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Thing is, he's not even that bad. He's only *slightly* different from what he used to be. The big thing that needs to be reverted is his trail despawning around certain things. Anywhere that Hag can place a trap is a place where the Trail should be able to spawn. You can reduce its timer quite a bit around a hooked survivor to prevent the instakill cheese, but it despawning around gens and hooks that have no survivors is really limiting him. It would instantly make half his add-ons actually worth running.

    As for his obsidian goblet, 1 fairly easy fix: spawn the trail half a meter more forward so that PH walks on the trail while placing it instead of walking in front of it. Giving him effectively the ability to sneak up on people by using his ability prematurely, at the cost of not being able to use his range.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Things that would "fix" killer for me:

    • Rework Freddy and bring back the real Freddy with Englund. With Voice Lines!

    • Remove Dead Hard from the game.

    • Nerf Iron Will so it is not 100% at purple tier. Even if it just 70/80/90%. Stridor should not be useless.

    • Recode the zombies so they cannot get stuck in place.

    • If you refuse to change Contamination hit speed boosts, at least buff the hell out of Licker Tongue.

    • Revert the Deathslinger nerf to quickscoping. At the bare minimum fix being a 110 speed killer with a 32m terror radius.

    • Remove the penalty to Twins basically getting Decisive Strike'd for using their power correctly.

    • Fix Myers so that he isn't worthless basekit but overpowered with add-ons. That gap needs to be closed.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I stopped playing PH last year because he's been consistently outclassed by others. As such, I'm still sitting on 53 Ghastly Gateaus that will probably remain unused until they make him viable, which will probably be the 1st of never...

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    You can practice all you want, but until they fix the MMR and Matchmaking, you're in for a rough time. I find this happening a lot on Killers I don't play too often, where I stomp on some new players, then immediately get setup with a 4-man sweat squad. Usually happens a couple matches in a row, then I get to face another group of newer/more mediocre players.

    Oddly enough, on the Killers I normally play, the matchmaking isn't "too" bad. I only say that because the others, it's atrocious. So anything better acts as a band-aid.

    Playing Survivor, I find MMR matches to be much better. I don't have to meme or screw around for a few matches to drop my Ranking. As a Killer though, it's absolutely ridiculous how many matches I end facing people way above me in MMR, who I should never have to play against. Doing this multiple times in a row, fairly often, just makes me want to play Survivor more beacuse at least then I have fun matches.

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    He still feels pretty strong compared to most Killers, but I forgot that there are only a few truly viable killers...

  • Chimp
    Chimp Applicant Posts: 384

    Still no Godzilla yet smh bhvr🤦

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    I'm tried of the bad attitude everyone else has in this game. It seems like thousands of players wear a blind fold for the 1--15 games that are good and somehow only notice the one bad game and then cry they only have bad games.

    |Loads of people complaining that games are super hard at high MMR (That they can only presume they have) yet at the same time complain they always loose.... however THAT works.

    Not to mention you see about 1000 people saying the community is toxic a month but only see 0 to 1 people per month *actually being* toxic. The only bad thing about this community is how mindbogglingly pessimistic it is. Its like Eeyore fell into a cloning machine.

  • BigChapAlien21
    BigChapAlien21 Member Posts: 250

    A lot of people definitely take the game super personally. For me, losing a game isn't as bad as losing streaks.

    Nobody can see their MMR so I usually take the "I am high MMR" with a few grams of salt.

  • NinthPixel
    NinthPixel Member Posts: 60

    I love Oblivious perks but man...

    Dark Devotion - Hit the obsession and throw a case of yellow bottles as Clown because finding another survivor in 30 seconds in brutal.

    Trail of Torment - Always got some punk kid who taps my yellow gen, and adding Dragon's Grip to the mix is just beyond annoying matching up their stupid cooldowns. Survivors approach me curiously as I tap my foot with a flaming gaze toward my wrist.

    Hex: PlayThing - Fun perk, but I groan at most of matches I run this perk there is a TTV survivor who I bet at the time and know later is calling out the totems. Like, is this overly try-hard nonsense necessary? Pshhh... Your totem is North North East of the killer shack under the crow with bad left eye, Pshhh...

    Deathbound - A beloved perk until boons came out. The noise now almost makes me jump outta my chair when I accidentally add it to my build and the 1 in a millionth survivor actually triggers it. Not sure whether to give the knife or a balloon animal.

    I got more, but holy mac & cheese am I tired of wedging a firehose through the eye of a needle just to get some fun sneaky builds to work properly. Survivors have PLENTY of perks to know I am coming if they are just so against the idea that I want to be spooky. But NO...., them survs I watch streams of treat this game more serious than if they were ACTUALLY teleported to the fog.

    I am just a clown trying to get some funny jump scares, I could care less if you escape, just stop ruining my act! *pops balloon animal* You @%!@#!% Kids!

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Because mmr favors speed and no one wants to play high mmr swfs because the devs ######### up on balancing.

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    No it it's because that 1-15 good matches has shrunk to 1-5 in a 5-10 ratio for games.

    Mmr royally screwed this game and the devs said that the game favors speed for mmr so that mean that high mmr swf team or the high mmr op perk abusers who can't get a game cause the balance alienated killer variety and everyone doesn't want to play nurse or blight they get set up to play squash matches.

    You might be tired of people complaining but many many people are tired of the games horseshit balancing and the devs not giving a ######### for a game that is not f2p mind you and they have spent money on from as low as $5 on g2a to over a hundred with dlc and cosmetics. Also people are tired of players (mostly survivors) acting like the worst people to ever play an online game (over watch, lol ,cod are worse blah blah blah it's a lower player base that is on par with them and even the devs are accepting it so it's the worse by default)

  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    No but since no one is really playing high mmr as killer even people trying to learn more are ######### due to tha balancing.