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Why Boil Over & DMS Came to Live?



  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    She definitely can but I'm so far seeing the only difference between the Artist and another camping killer is that some gen pressure can be applied but not massive gen pressure due to crow cooldowns. I haven't run into this combo while playing survivor though. It seems like to counterplay it have a survivor move near to the Artist once a down is about to happen and unhook as soon as she moves away. That way we're back to can the survivors finish gens faster than the killer can do effective chases. When I run into it, I'll try it out. My idea might work but I won't know until I see it in practice.

  • k0reant3a
    k0reant3a Member Posts: 139

    I find dead man switch fine it’s boil over that kind of annoying by swfs really

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    That's exactly it. It's not the occasional survivor with it that's a problem; it's that it's used by SWFs to abuse locations where they can't be hooked. I saw it save a survivor from a hook once or twice in regular play, which is what I would expect from a perk, but when you get squads with it whose only goal is to waste the killer's time it's a problem.

    If they'd just do the gens and leave it wouldn't bother me but the annoying part is the camping the RPD library and just not moving off the upper level there period.

  • VikingDragonXii
    VikingDragonXii Member Posts: 2,885

    Mandy was one of the Staff I trusted giving us as much reliable information they can....but this last statement seemed very a cookie cutter response to the situation.....

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    DMS seems fine to me. Maybe it isn't, but I haven't seen any real evidence of it being extremely abusable. And even if the killer uses it, he's still using it with the intent to win the game. The problem with boil over is that people aren't using it to help them win the match. They are using it solely to troll the killer and make him miserable. The problem with the perk is that the buff did nothing to make the perk more viable as an actual effective perk, and only made it more effective as a troll tool. DMS is effective as an actual perk to win with now. It's not being used to hold the game hostage or force bleed outs or anything. It's the intent that is the issue with boil over. People are using it with intent to make the game awful for the other side, not to actually win the match. DMS seems to also only be an issue on a killer you barely see as is, where as every single survivor can use boil over to be obnoxious. Really only artist can be an issue with DMS (other killers are strong with it but not as good as artist)

    You're going to come up against boil over far more than DMS Artist just because every survivor can use boil over to be obnoxious, and there's 4 survivors per game. Meanwhile I can play 30 matches in a row and not see an artist. Boil over is seeing more complaint because people are going up against it near every game. No one is facing an army of DMS Artists.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    You have good points. They should go for Boil Over first but Artist's issue can not ignore too. They also need to look her after Boil Over.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Its mostly an "Artist" problem, but no trivial one: Artist can comfortably facecamp a poor survivor while sending out crows at gens and hit survivors will let go of the gens for a splitsecond, allowing The Entity to take over. Its just disgustingly effective.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I think BHVR would get so much more room for fun and interesting designs if they allowed perks to be blocked or altered for specific killers. DMS is fun on most, but problematic on Artist.

    If "I am all ears" had a shorter cooldown it would be a very oppressive tracking tool on most killers, especially the ones who are a bit struggling ... but on Pyramid Head and Nurse it would be downright deadly.

    So I would advocate to allow perks to be blocked or getting an alternative set of stats on problematic killers, while keeping things interesting on 95% of the roster.

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    yeah like how tf little petite feng min able to make nemesis struggle to move?! inb4 reasoning is that entity gives survivors super strength when carried

  • dallasmedicbag
    dallasmedicbag Member Posts: 571

    i dont know why people are up in arms about boil over being used in RPD upper library lol, you dont even need that perk to guarantee a grasp escape. done it 10/10 times before the midchapter. its not the perk thats the issue, just add a damn permanent hook in there.

  • legrosporc69
    legrosporc69 Applicant Posts: 250

    Honestly the only problem with DMS is when Artist use the perk but on any other killer the perk is nice and you kinda need pain resonance for the perk to be effective. So its a 2 perk combo most of the time just like ruin and undying.

    Boil over is worst but that because of map design. Using boil over in a indoor map with no elevation make the perk strong and give the survivor a better chance to wiggle out. The main issue for this perk is a map with elevation because most of those map boil over make it so you camt get hook so the killer have no choice but to slug you. Maybe the 25% is a bit too generous maybe the fall % should be nerf by 5 or 10% and i believe the perk will be in a better spot and killer wont complain about it that much.

  • Kenzilal
    Kenzilal Member Posts: 1

    The change you're proposing is nonsensical, first because it makes DMS garbage on her since she has normal mobility and secondly because it would also nerf her even when she doesn't have DMS, it would completely remove the only map control that she has and allow survivor to just ignore the crows when they know that she isn't near, 32m is the range of her TR, which means that as long as survivor don't hear her TR they could just ignore the crows with no consequence, she would just become yet another killer with no map control and normal mobility, i.e a garbage killer, it would also dramatically reduce her skill ceiling by completely removing her ability to snipe people, a better solution would be to simply increase the range at which she cannot use crows when near a hook, so she really has to leave the hook to send crows, this way she either camp and lose all her map control or she doesn't and can actually benefit from a perk that synergize well with her kit.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Because they have no idea of what they are doing and don't play their own game.

    DMS with Pain resonance is godlike tier on Pinhead in a really broken way.

    Meanwhile Boil over can be abused a lot by SWF.

    But as always expect months for them to get "statistics" and then IF they please will only start thinking on doing something about that.