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Survivor insults and harassment toward killer should be BANNED



  • Member Posts: 6,987

    This is the ultimate donowall, I truly witnessed something legendary on this day.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Starstruck is my goto strategy (when I used to play).

    Works only at medium and low MMR as the high MMR "plays" are usually a spread of the gens done in parallel and no SWF worth a damn goes to a gen or a hook with the killer chasing.

    This is followed by a full bleed-out with the current oh-so-wise change of some survivor perk.

  • Member Posts: 55

    In my gameplay experience survivors insults you if you camping or tunneling them otherwise they just type gg wp and left the lobby.

  • I wouldn't shrug off an insult just because they said it one time. No one should be a punching bag for insults, because we are not punching bags. Do you want to be a punching bag?

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    All the "but killers do it too!" is nonsense. In my over 8000 hours, most of it survivor, I can count the amount of times I've been told monkaW things, or harassed by a killer on literally less than 2 hands.

    Survivors? I'd need 10,000 hands.

    The scale is way off balance and "but killers do it too" is a nonsensical argument. Period.

  • Member Posts: 372

    I am so glad rhe devs hinted that they are working on more ways to punish the tunneling like this. It's low skilled play really.

  • Member Posts: 147

    Your play style is, even if you don’t want to admit it, inflammatory in itself. Many survivors don’t like that play style - you tunnelling means you’re playing... well. Especially on one of the two strongest killers (nurse). It also means you could chase someone else if you’re camping - something you say you’re playing for. No, it doesn’t give them the right to say the things they are saying in endgame chat - but you’re adding fuel to the fire and not helping the situation. You’re using endgame perks which means you’d probably get a couple kills regardless - you could camp at the end if you needed to, probably secure more kills with NOED.

    it’s also funny you say you don’t want to patrol gens, you don’t have to if you’re decent at finding and tracking survivors - if you aren’t, there’s enough aura reading perks to help you with that :)

    finally, you seem to be “poking the bear” in the screenshots you’ve posted. You say it’s affecting your mental health, but you respond until they say something really derogatory? Just don’t engage, especially when you can gauge from the first message or two they aren’t being chill.

    like others have said, don’t engage in the chat, close it and ignore it. It seems it isn’t serving any purpose, especially with the way you choose to play.

    if you do want to keep it up, and not find different ways of playing, then report and move on. But don’t keep adding fuel to the fire.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    They have never said that btw. They don’t like facecamping, but proxycamping and tunneling have never been a problem.

    It’s the opposite, the new dead man switch makes it way easier to tunnel. And tunneling is mandatory if you want to have a chance at high mmr because there is no way you can win a game doing 12 hooks while preventing them to do 5 gen against very good survivors. That’s 1 hook in less than half a gen against 4 survivors. It’s impossible. Anyone at high mmr knows that, killer or survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,105


    I don’t remember saying I was camping ? Camping is not smart if you want to tunnel because they will not rescue and smash gens instead. A good tunneler will make survivors believe he is chasing someone else so that a 3rd survivor will come for the rescue and only 1 survivor will be working on a gen.

    Now you are going to ask me, why don’t you commit to the chase instead of tunnel the person that was hooked ? Because let’s say you down that survivor and hook him, the other survivor that was saved in the first place will be healed and nowhere to be found (we are talking about good survivors here, they know how to hide and to counter BBQ). So you will have to chase another survivor (a third one) splitting your hooks on the team while gens are being worked on. And if the survivors have half a brain they will make it so everybody take turns being hook buying enough time to complete all 5 gen and get a 4 man escape. So to solve this problem, the easiest solution is so tunnel the first survivor (while pretending you are not tunneling so they rescue him fast) until he is dead and you are in a 1vs3 that is way more manageable.

    Why not injure multiple survivors instead and applying pressure so they stop working on gens ? Circle of healing allows survivors to heal themselves so no time is lost, and the rest of the team don’t have to stop working on gen, find the survivor and heal him.

    That’s why tunneling is the only consistent strategy to win. You may no like it, but it’s the meta at high mmr. Of course before skill based matchmaking, trials were so unbalanced you didn’t have to tunnel to win, and sure they are professional streamers playing 10 hours a day that can win without tunneling because they know the maps so well they could draw them with eyes closed with all the pallets and gen location but for everybody else it’s the most efficient strategy.

  • Member Posts: 1,164

    Face camping doesn't exist anymore. It hasn't since back in the day.

    People call any camping face camping now. They would be incorrect.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    Still wishing death in DBD because I park Victor next to a hook.

  • Member Posts: 258

    A lot of this thread feels like:

    • Killer does scummy tactic
    • Survivor responds with unjustified death threats
    • Killer is surprised and upset by said threats or pretends to be

    I don't think their reaction is appropriate, but I can see why they acted this way. I'm not sure why you're surprised.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Typical DBD community excusing its degeneracy by trying to shift the blame into impersonal behavior that is done solely to achieve a win.

  • Member Posts: 328

    devils advocate here: i've gotten heinous messages from killers all because my team and i clean sweep with CoH and other less than favorite survivor perks. I agree, end chat is toxicity at its finest, but at the same time, if tunneling, camping and what have you are viable strategies, yall gotta realize Coh and DH are viable as well, albiet annoying.

    I say we just nuke the end chat all together. no toxicity if theres no chat.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    Yep, I said nobody deserves to be treated that way, including survivors.

  • Member Posts: 209

    The game is toxic because BHVR is toxic. It won't change. If they wanted to do something about it then it would have happened a long time ago.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Anyone who abuses someone else on this game with personal attacks wants banning. I'm all for banter and wind up material, but wishing death or disease on an opponent is beyond low.

  • Member Posts: 178
    edited April 2022

    Does it have to be in text? I had an Oni down me when the other three survivors were on hooks and he just waited until the last possible moment for the bar to almost run out to pick me up and hook me. Then proceeded to hit me on the hook while I died. The only reason I could reason they did that was because I was able to escape them in the one chase I had. No flashlight, no dead hard, no t-bagging, nothing.

    Can you even report for purposely dragging out the game like that when you could easily put someone on a hook and finish the game?

    Edit: It actually happened again today, first game with a Doctor.

    Post edited by Sylhiri on
  • Member Posts: 1,599

    If it came to a vote. I would vote in favor that chat be removed from Killer. Let the survivors bag each other in end game chat all they want, and keep the Killer out of it.

  • Member Posts: 949

    That's not exactly the full truth here. You also kept saying how survivors needs to be educated on killer tactics and how they aren't toxic (which I get it) but you only argued 1 sided toxicity as if the other side isn't malicious themselves

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited April 2022

    I said multiple times I don't play enough survivor to speak about the survivor experience. I also said you are free to do so, if you got any toxiticy from killers and how it happened. Feel free to share any screenshot here (don't forget hide names) and what BHVR should do to solve it.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Im curious where survivors got their ego from. Like survivor is the easiest thing ever, theres nothing impressive about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited April 2022

    A little history lesson for folks of the fog:

    Long ago back when Asylum was exploitable by survs to go to areas the killer could not go devs came out and stated boldly they would ban anyone with proof that did this. Well. many of us killers made videos and submitted them to the devs, we got tons of people banned, including some popular streamers who were showing the exploit and doing it live on twitch.

    What followed was the creation of "soft bans" and the unbanning of all those who were banned. Esentially giving them all second/third chances.

    People that I had banned for saying bannable things were suddenly unbanned and back in the game.

    Sad thing is, once "soft bans" became a thing, people dont get banned like they used to. Soft bans are not even really bans.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Remember when the forum mods boldly told us not to report people who were abusing the breakdown exploit?

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    You're suggesting that, after 90 - 95% of my matches as killer, I should spend 10 minutes reporting? When nothing happens?

  • Member Posts: 1,959
    edited April 2022

    This would be a good topic all on its own! I'm always incredibly baffled by the survivors that stack 4 meta perks, BNP and a Coldwind offering and then teabag you at the exit gate. Like seriously it would have been beyond embarrassing if you lost that

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I've had multiple people banned for slurs in end game chat, I would never report someone for calling people bad and trash in end game chat though which is obviously what people want, lol.

  • Member Posts: 911

    Here's an actual solution:

    Reports for harassment or toxicity result in the end game chat being sent as a text dump to BHVR, for either manual or automatic review. If they decide that the report was accurate, that player is banned from sending or receiving messages in chat.

    In addition, allowing players to disable chat for themselves if they are the sensitive type. Getting your feelings hurt easily is nothing to be ashamed of, so take steps to protect yourself.

  • Member Posts: 16,642

    Both is already the case. You only need to make an ingame-Report for Chat-Stuff, since the Devs can see the Logs.

    And you can disable the Chat by clicking the small Icon next to the Textbar.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    Playing Vommy Mommy to have fun and I get this.

  • Member Posts: 336

    As a newborn Basement Bubba, I beg to differ. I absolutely love when a team makes me sweat and then ends up piling into a basement to save one survivor. The messages have been quite graphic and yet hilarious all afternoon.

  • Member Posts: 4,125
    edited April 2022

    that is the thing about it. BECAUSE it is so easy they survivor the majority of their games, if they dont it hurts their preciouse ego they build up from all the wins before.

    Its very easy to feel like something if you play survivor, I have seen this very often from a lot of ppl who start playing survivor. This also applies ofc to Killers, there are even Killers who are worse but survivors tempt to be more often like that.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited May 2022

    Zero annoucement to reduce toxicity in the anniversary stream today. Meanwhile, a classic SWF team sends me to The Game, hoping to bully me. Except I am nurse main, and it's a good map for me. The results : death threats and asking me to commit suicide. But thanks for the 6 years togeather.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited May 2022

    As usual, insults, but now accusation of cheating too (I hide the part where he promotes cheating website on the 3rd screen). This dude later admit on steam that he cheats. Is this game full of toxics and cheaters ???

    Btw on my profile I am just asking for the toxicity to stop.

    Post edited by Murgleïs on
  • Member Posts: 1,667

    just close the endchat... this is (sadly) the only thing that you can do... i've reported SO MANY PEOPLE for those kind of stuff that you described... obviously noone of them was banned cause "reasons" (i won't wrote more about this cause i'll probably end banned from here if i should say everything that i think)

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