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Another fun RPD match...

Member Posts: 1,033

They burnt an RPD badge, all with boil over, no mither, soul guard and dead hard. A nice 40 minute match of slugging each individual person to death in the library... Such fun

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  • Member Posts: 4,903

    And yet you still played and are still playing the game.

    Thank you for them, without players like you they couldn't troll anybody.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Best thing to do for all the killers id say is to afk. Just afk the whole match. Don't give them any chase points or rescue points just let them sit on their gens and boil over alone in the library.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Maybe the RE license can be deleted so they can remove RPD.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited January 2022

    ^ This.

    I had a couple survivors send me to the Eyrie, the two of them running Boil Over, Tenacity, Flip Flop, and Power Struggle. I needed to break pallets for the Tome Challenge, so I chased people around, and after a little bit the two realized I wasn't actually taking any swings. So they started throwing themselves at my zombies to get downed. I hooked one, Feng Min, because she went down near enough to a hook, and I let her get saved easily because the whole thing was I was being friendly.

    Then, Jane gets downed and stays downed for multiple gens, and after the last gen pops Feng Min shows me Jane under a pallet and is like, c'mon, c'mon. I'm forgetful, I'll admit. I downed Feng Min, picked up Jane, and got immediately Power Struggle'd. Oops. I assumed they were running Boil Over builds and didn't think about Power Struggle. Whatever, though, I needed the pallet, anyway. But that was that, I opened the exit gate and started going around the map to make sure I got any pallets that had been dropped. They could leave, I really didn't care.

    And then there the two of them are, at the killer shack. Time is ticking down. Feng Min is begging me to hit her, so I do, and she goes down under the killer shack pallet... and the two of them seem determined that I'm going to pick her up. I'm not sure if they thought I was stupid or if they thought I'd do it willingly? I don't get that. Why would I do that? They didn't farm hooks with me or anything, why would I give them another stun?

    Well, I'm not stupid, I'm friendly, and being friendly is a choice; I can change my mind whenever I feel like it. I kept slugging Feng Min when Jane would try to get her up, and by the time Jane realized it was futile and ran for the door it was too late. They both died to the entity.

    They threw themselves at me all match trying to use their builds and Jane spent a lot of it slugged by her own doing. I went into the Eyrie once and otherwise I refused to chase anyone around it because I knew what they wanted and didn't want to give it. They seemed determined to demonstrate their amazing can't-hook-me builds despite me showing no interest in killing or being at all aggressive. Does being friendly mean I'm stupid? A punching bag? Or do they want—despite the endless complaints to the contrary—for all killers to be "toxic"?

    Anyway, it was amusing enough that they died in such a dumb, low-effort way, but I probably would've been better off just AFKing at the door. I gave them almost nothing but pure nothing would've been better.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    If the devs aren't going to killswitch Boil Over (which they should), they should at least killswitch every map that has even one spot that is out of range of a hook when using Boil Over.

    Too much effort? Then revert Boil Over.

  • Member Posts: 219

    I mean....untilately its the killer that has the choice: drop down for a shortcut or walk to a hook. Given it may not be ideal on every map, but that is still the kilelrs choice. Personally i like it that the killer now can no longer just take shortcuts.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Then the devs need to make it so I can control my pathing rather than getting thrown off ledges when I don't want to take a shortcut. Right now, I don't get a choice, I just get thrown around while carrying someone. Slugging is the only actual option.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Just dodge the offerings, loool 4Header

  • Member Posts: 53

    I find it ironic BHVR was on a mission in the past year to "making it much more accessible and a lot easier on your buttons & keys." Then Boil Over comes out and it's nearly impossible to carry survivors through doorways. I can't even imagine what it must be like on console controllers.

  • Member Posts: 928

    The devs once again prove how detached they are from the killer experience.

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    If someone runs to the top of the Thomson House, the killer does not have time to walk to the stairs, then down the stairs,then outside, then to a hook. The only options are:

    1. Slug them for 4 minutes, throwing both the game and my fun
    2. Keep chasing them up the stairs and downing them over and over again until all the gens are done. Also no fun.
    3. DC then come and cry on the forums.

    I chose option 3.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    There is an ever better option but I'm pretty sure mentioning it would be frown upon ...

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