Decided to try out a boil over build for some fun

Decided to try something new with all the changes, this was the result. Killer DC'd for a different reason. MY own teammates telling me to kill myself. Gotta love this community.
Yeah, I got taken hostage for an hour last night because I blessed a totem after wiggling off. Two teammates, plus Ghostface, blocked me in a corner.
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Dead by daylight after 4pm. I had nothing but great games, teammates, and killers all day, right up until the evening. My girlfriend won't even play after 5pm and swears by it. I am starting to believe her.
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I don't get it. It tells you if the survivor has boil over, is it that hard to just walk down the stairs instead of falling off a ledge? There aren't even that many ledges in the game for God's sakes.
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Had an ash keep running up to the top of house at coal tower. There was a hook right at bottom thankfully but out of spite I shook my head after hooking and slapped the ######### out of him a few times.
Just had a Claudette try the same ######### in the Foundry at Ironworks. She jumped in a locker and everything at the top thinking she was big brain. I scouted for a hook dropped off and threw her as up on a hook...GG
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Yeah like i said earlier it gives me OoO vibes everyone just hates your guts for even running it.
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Lol you sure you weren't the reason they died? You're running a cookie cutter bully build/offering.
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You actually have enough time to wiggle off if they do that.
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Too bad the game is programmed poorly and will count a half foot drop as a drop from a high ledge. Which anyone who has used BL can tell you.
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He wasn't even on me when he DC'd. So I'm not sure why. I'm just playing the game with the tools provided. There is no reason or excuse to tell someone to kill themselves over it.
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"I sent the killer to RPB while using Boil over. Who could have possibly seen them DCing coming?"
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Play anything you want. Who cares what the killer thinks about it?
They don’t ask you permission or your blessing when they put on their sweatiest load out.
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Last time someone tried that on me in the library I let them bleed out.
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Well, I mean, he clearly cares what people think about it or he would not have posted here.
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You're absolutely right. I've been enjoying my slugathons when I see them Boil Over kids suicide at elevation.
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I played vs. it on Gideon and got stuck on a wall for like two seconds. Happened twice and cost me a hook each time. It's overtuned even without the drop-off bonus.
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I don’t think OP cares about whether or not they are ok with his/her build. If anything they are shedding light in how disgusting this community can be to tell someone to Kill themselves simply because they are using perks. That’s how low this community has reached.
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The killers build doesn't exactly look sweaty though...
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The chat isn't from the killer but other survivors though?
The killer is from console it seems.
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Sorry i have 0 respect towards you at this moment. I tried boil over build for fun...i sent the killer to RPD for fun.. FUN FUN FUN.
Well dont cry at the endgame if you get slugged or hard tunneled out of the game.
If i see survivors send me to RPD and i see boil just going to afk the whole match. I'm not taking a dc penalty because survivors want to, they can just have their fun without the killer.
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Well deserved trashtalk tbh, especially when you intentionally tried to abuse that place with offering.
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Definitely not "just because perk", I'm pretty sure what he tried to do and I know everyone else knew it too.
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I don't see any trash talk. Also imagine defending such things because someone played in a way you dislike. Even if a survivor was being a tbagging snot, telling someone to kill themselves is not okay in any capacity. Hell, people have gone to prison for it.
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I never said their build was sweaty.
I made a general statement that you shouldn’t care about what killers think of your load out because the first thing people usually say is “don’t play by survivor’s rule” so that same rule applies to survivors too.
Perhaps you missed the context, but I was clarifying to another party that OP seems to be shedding some light about the new low this community has reached that they (anyone who would do this in this case the survivors who made those comments) would wish death upon someone for using a freaking perk.
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Again, not just using a perk.
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Why are you responding to my response to somebody else?
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Well maybe, I just don't see it any different than slashing people on the hook, they just want someone else to be unhappy.
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I don't like the rework of this perk but when we play killer, we are noticed of that (icon is showed). If you know that it's not difficult to avoid falling and if you see that the nearest hook is too far, just let fall the survivor and slug him (still better than a new chase).
I mean, yeah the perk is bad but don't need to harass player that use it or DC, just use your brain :)
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He said survivors though...
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Can we be clear that despite the op's build that the response was 100% unwarrented.
Telling someone to off themself over a game no matter how unbalanced is wrong. Period.
Hope you reported them.
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And ? I'm talking about what he said (insults from others survivors and killer DC)..
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Regardless of what build the survivors or killers have. Telling someone to "die in a fire" shouldn't be acceptable, but hey go off.
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This would work if this game was programmed well and the game didn't count a fall from a half foot rock to be a "fall from a great height." you can't really know for sure if any drop could stagger because the game cannot properly tell the distance of a fall. Have you use balanced landing? You can fall half an inch at the top of the basement stairs and it activates. It's not like the stagger is going to only happen if you drop 30 feet. Dropping off a tiny rock by a hill on like coal tower will likely do it. If it was consistent and programmed well, then that may be less of an issue. But it isn't programmed well nor consistent. Them taking longer to hook is abused by running to a section where it will be unable to get them there in time no matter what you do. Several maps have these. So, you can't drop down, and you can't go to a far away hook, so if there is no other hook or a dead zone of hooks, the survivor is immortal unless you throw the game to slug them and babysit for 4 minutes.
"Just slug"
I mean that's extremely boring and if you're going to tell me "well just have no fun and babysit a guy while his friends do gens" or something, I'm just gonna go play survivor. Shame about those queues though. Really a mystery why they keep getting longer every week.
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You are right. When I heard about the rework and I read it. I was sure BHV was talking about a true great height and even if I still don't like the Idea, I can understand it. But like you said even a fall from 10cm trigger the perk and that's a non sense...
You misunderstood, by slug I meant, if you down someone and you see you haven't the time to hook him because he use Boil Over and he's upstair on a structure, instead of try to hook him and lose him (that would mean a new chase), just let him down and go for others survivors, yeah you didn't hook him but you slowed the game by slugging, maybe later you'll down him in a better spot, nearer from a hook :)
I was never talking about slugging someone and facecamp him ;)
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Actually embarrassing if you think someone running a frustratingly annoying build is worthy of getting told to ######### in chat LMAOOOOO
You feel the same way about any killer build, playstyle, game abuse, etc?
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Yeah, there is nothing anyone could possible do in game that would even approach warranting being told to kill themselves.
I think a lot of people say that ######### as a throwaway insult, but you never know what someone is going through, and that should never be said.
And honestly, regardless of how obnoxious a player's style/build may be, if it makes someone angry enough to actually wish physical harm on them (or even if it "just" makes them legit furious), they should seek help. Literally. They should find a therapist, they aren't processing life well.
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Play anything you want. Who cares what the killer thinks about it?
They don’t ask you permission or your blessing when they put on their sweatiest load out.
You specifically used the word "killer" and the rest is disambiguas "they".
Maybe stick to the general "others" if you don't want to be called out for anything.
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yes you cant use certain perks or you will hear a lot about yourself or your family nowadays.
I got slugged until i bleedef out because of boil over. wraith had noed and gate was open but he didnt want to give me any chance to try to escape lol
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Yea? Because the killer DC’d. It was in response to the OP. So if they dc because they are upset who cares? Play how and with what you want. Just because I add the word “killer” does not mean I was referring to them as being in the wrong for what was said. They are in the wrong for dcing against something that they find annoying, when we could easily list away builds that are just as annoying for survivors.
As for the rest (which is the part that we should care about) is how this community has gone from simply being annoyed to outright wishing someone to die. It is rather alarming
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Same way? I don't know, at least I don't think anyone expect anything better by using exploit or hacks.
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I’ve had that same exact build on my Jane for half a year, & it was completely useless. I grinded hard to get all four to Tier 3 and was very disappointed it didn’t work out they way I envisioned it. I’m in what I suspect mid MMR where the killers do not slug at all. Boil Over barely phased the killer when he carried me, & most killers already knew where the hooks were on most maps. Those who didn’t had bright charms to guide them there.
Enter 2022 when I learned Boil Over was getting a buff, I got excited. Finally this build is going to come in clutch and be lots of fun, I said to myself. Whoa- to my surprised this ######### is completely BUSTED. It works a little TOO WELL. Not exactly what I wanted. I was hoping to wiggle off 25% of the time, not 75%. 😹 Then I played killer…people were still getting off without me dropping from a height or giving them time to get value from Flip Flop. I could see the hook not too far off and still couldn’t make it because I’d get stuck on a small rock or cactus in route.
Anyways, I for one will not be using this build/Jane until it gets nerfed next patch. And it’ll definitely get nerfed. I’d bet Auric Cells on it- that’s how broken it is.
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That's pretty much any competitive game. After dinner time the ######### come out to play.
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People are already running iron grasp + agi to counter it.
I tried using the upstairs room on Ormand but the Huntress was prepared and I felt shame as she hooked me.
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@AgtClappers as well.
Boil Over will allow you to wiggle off if they take the extra time to walk down the stairs. Moreso, it gives body blocking even more power because they can body block the stairs to the basement, making you drop down the side, thus triggering the boost. There are also many spots where there are no stairs to walk down or they are too far away.
Boil Over made SWFs even stronger - like ridiculously stronger.
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When did I cry about it? The post has nothing to do with the gameplay. It was in regards to my own teammates and community members wishing death on me for playing the game.
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Yeah, Boil Over == slugfest. What other option does the killer have, and even that is problematic with the bully squads with Unbreakable, Hex:Unbreakable 😁etc
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Most maps do tend to have plenty of hooks nearby to either walk or drop. The only location that might not have any, is RPD. I've seen hook RNG where the closest hook is the one that's 32 meters of pathing with 1 drop, or one that's 24 meters of pathing with 2 drops. Both can be used to hook, but only if you don't get stuck behind any doors.
I am calling it now, it's gonna get lowered to 20% at the very least. There is ALWAYS a hook available within 30 meters and 2 drops(eyeballing it, the furthest was 26 meters, and that is with 3 petrified oak offerings) and a hook within 40 meters and 1 drop(again, furthest reachable hookspawn is 34 meters away, and even with 3 offerings, it's very unlikely to not have any hooks left unless you killed multiple survivors already).
So 20% should be completely fine, even with FlipFlop, exponential, no mither, unbreakable and Breakout. Hard, sure, but at that point survivors need 6 perks to do 1 action. That's like calling infinite T3 tombstone Myers unfair because he dedicated all 6 slots just to murder you without ever hitting you.
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Temple of Purgation has a double drop.
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I don't actually want anyone to get dead threats over a game but i just can't agree on abusing that perk.Then again when you survivors abuse that perk maybe faster it gets nerfed or maybe even kill switched. I'm just going to afk anytime i see that perk being abused. You wont get any bloodpoints out of me.
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Listen, this thread should prove to everyone that the state of the game is so toxic that no one is having fun anymore. I used to worry about rank and such but why? As long as I reach silver, I don't care if I go any farther. It's just bloodpoints. I started playing this game to have fun with friends and make new ones. And I will quit this game because it's so toxic I can't anymore. Behaviour, fix this!
Also, anyone who sends out messages to ######### over a video game needs to move out of their parents house and learn to adult.....