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General Discussions

charms are useless and I am pretty sure 97% of the playerbase doesn't give a ######### about them

Member Posts: 238
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

quit making charms, waste of time, money and effort, they are the most useless thing from this game, why do they even exist? who actually pay attention to charms? the only time you could if you aren't looking at what your teammates are doing when on a hook.

they were most definitely added because of the rift and wanted to fill the blanks, but F hell just give shards and BP instead of charms, totally useless junk.

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  • Member Posts: 6,987

    The 3% are the ones paying attention to charms...

  • Member Posts: 7,383

    They, atleast for me, bring even more life into the character I play. That's why I'm mostly using charms related to that character or related to their tome (those epilogue charms)

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    Believe me, I absolutely will. :D

    Plus they're not actually that hard to see on my survivor, I don't know where you're getting that from lol.

  • Member Posts: 960
    edited January 2022

    My only problem with seeing it that way is that shows instead of balancing the game they can just keep adding stuff like this and act more like a f2p game than one you had to pay to play. Now don't get me wrong I like some mainly the Gladius one and such but I would rather they held off on this stuff and fixed their game first.

    Also just wanted to add this but it doesn't help that crossovers especially the for honor one could have been better without resorting to the only thing we got was a trinket.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Because they let me add flair to my hooks while the Survivor hangs there. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    I like the charms, some of them look quite nice. I do think there are probably too many, but they're a nice little visual flair for hooks and survivors.

    The "Heart in a Cage" charm from last rift (I think) was a gorgeous design, that filled out my third spot alongside the gnome and the pride flag.

  • Member Posts: 954

    I love the Nectar Vial charm especially on the Halloween skins.

  • Member Posts: 127

    76.83% of statistics are made up on the spot like the one in the title of this thread and at the start of this post. Just because you don't care for something because you think it's worthless doesn't mean the vast majority of other people are going to agree with you. Sometimes the mere point of something is just to make you feel like it's cute or neat or any descriptor you want. It's eye candy and nothing more. I certainly can't speak for anyone else in terms of why they like charms or dislike charms but for me at least I don't care in the slightest if another player can see the charms I'm wearing or not because they are not for them, they are for me and while it's true that during a match my attention is going to be on other things than the charms I'm wearing I know that they are there and they make me happy so I'm going to keep wearing whatever charms I care to and enjoy seeing the new charms that come out.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Some of them look really damn great and I actually hoped we would see them eventually in the merch store as keychains…

    as for in-game, i like to look at the hooks to see which charms the killer uses, as well as my own if I have nothing else to do while hanging on a hook or sitting on a gen etc. But yeah they are pretty unnecessary

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Okay, I was going to say I don't care about charms, but I might care about that one.

    @op while I get your point, the above cat charm being the first one I kinda like. You're honestly getting way to worked up over this. If anything they should fill in the free track with extra BP and leave the charms for those who like them.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    Charms are a big reason why I get the pass. I love them

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I like charms

    For survivor i just pick the ones I like the most but for Killer i always try and match them to the killer I'm playing

    E.g Lament Configuration charm on Pinhead's hook and so on

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Ah, yes, because 3d artists know how to write c++ scripts and know a good amount of maths to balance out. Just like mathematicians know how to make 3d art so BHVR can constantly give their mathematicians extra work if they have nothing to do.

    No, ofcourse not. The 3d artists have their own timeschedule. If you were to place the 3d artists in the coding team, you're gonna have very broken mechanics(not OP, I mean actual scuffed mechanics, like attacks clipping through walls). Just like putting the coding team in charge of 3d assets is gonna make for very basic objects, or very ugly skins.

  • Member Posts: 527

    Why would I ever wear charms? They add too much color to my character and would otherwise make me stand out for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I don't care that much about charms, but I appreciate that somebody is putting work into at least some of them. There's some cool-looking stuff mixed in with all of the metal circles.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Just like skins, I like/enjoy charms for myself- not to “show off” to others. I imagine anyone else who likes them, feels the same. It’s exactly like you said- no one else is paying attention to them, they’re for my enjoyment only. Charms add cosmetic replay value and what I look forward to the most in Rifts. If anything, there are waaaaay to many empty slots in the free rift and they should fill a few of them with shards & BP.

  • Member Posts: 34
    edited January 2022

    I like the charms, I think they are cute and I love to collect them.

    Also I do pay attention to them, when I heal or do a generator w/someone I like to see what charms they are wearing. It tells me if they have played the game for awhile or what events they participated in if they wear those ones. It is a nice little cosmetic addition to the game.

  • Member Posts: 960

    They couldnt come up with some actual reworks for maps that developed new issues? I'm not saying they need to code but if everyone focused on balancing their game instead of selling people ######### like it's a f2p game then maybe there wouldn't be as many problems as they are now.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    The peoplemaking charms are not the people who redesign the maps, who are not the people who balance perks, who are not the people who make new Killers, etc.

    Basically, making the charms is not taking time or manpower away from map/perk/Killer balance, because they are different crews. it always makes me wince when someone says 'If you'd stop making cosmetics to focus on the game balance...!" because they are showing they have 0 idea how game design works.

    In a company of, what was it? 600 people? You don't have people working on what-the-heck-ever. INstead, different crews do different things. And seeing charms does not mean less people are working on maps, or powers, or perks.

  • Member Posts: 960

    So they spent money the hiring people to make side items then and it doesn't matter the team size when the results do not match up.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I would actually like it if they changed some of the charms in the rift for rewards like BPs, but I don't want all charms gone. Some of them are really pretty, especially those at the highest levels of the rift. But yes, I'd rather not have various recolors of the same design.

    Anyway, I don't think making more or fewer charms harm the development of the game in any way because I'm quite sure BHVR has different teams of people with different roles, and the ones that work on balance issues may not be the same that work on the rift design. But I'm not sure.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I also like charms they look good, and its the only reason why i grind those archives. I understand your point but you can see a lot of end game players finding bloodpoints and shards are useless. Because you know. They got everyting. So they are grinding those charms as well too. And having something "unique" is not a bad idea. Skins are mostly coming back after a year two after the rift but those charms are the only option you can have them rn. So they dont mind me.

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    I dont think charms shouldnt exist (i like a lot of them) but at the same time do we need 14 pages of crap re colored ones? Bp and iri shards in place of those I mentioned would make the rift 100 times better.

  • Member Posts: 801

    Charms should not exist because they bloat the rift pass

  • Member Posts: 801

    Do you not think that devs know how to do different things, besides they could work on map reworks, facial reworks, hell just new cosmetic sets altogether

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    I'll be happy seeing charms.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    There are charms?!? Only 1 of my killers has them on the hook which is oni, there is no point in them.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    Charms are just seasoning they offer nothing other than more stuff to customize your account with. I highly doubt that much effort is put into making them as its probably a concept to Blender setup they got for newer artists to get aquainted with their tools in the inbetween sessions of dlcs. You gotta understand that for artists when your designing stuff on a tight schedual you absolutely need a jolt in a side objective to refocus your brain on the next goal otherwise time and time again you keep repeating your design choices in ways you might not always see. Its why we did animated shorts at Cartoon network before getting back to work in the fall. You often dont realize how many design flaws and skills you pick up when your stuck with the same mold day after day.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    I like them but I have 13 pages with about 10-15 I actually use

  • Member Posts: 980

    I like the Charms. They add a little something to each character. They're the same as any other cosmetic, just less time/energy investment to create them. Especially the themed ones that are unique to the different icons. I always run RE charms on Nemesis, Jill, and Leon for example.

    Ultimately, every single cosmetic is a waste of time/energy. They simply exist to keep people invested in the game by looking how you want, and to make a little extra money during the empty spaces between chapters.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Skins are useless and yet people are buying them. (No, I don't get it either)

  • Member Posts: 47

    I think they're useless too, I don't pay attention to them at all on survivors or the hooks. Like when there are charm code giveaways, big whoop?

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I don't care about them in the slightest but others seem to so if someone enjoys them then whatever I guess

  • Member Posts: 298

    I don't mind well made and unique charms like the cat one or the last one in the current Rift that is also animated. Those are cool and not a waste of space expecially if they're killer charms as they are way more visible than the survivor ones.

    But the other 30 charms that look like crap and are all recolors of one another? Those are useless and should not waste any space in the Rift. I'd 100% prefer bloodpoints over them.

  • Member Posts: 570

    I never ever used charms on any of my survivors. They look stupid and in the 'worst' case can expose you if you happen to run a very bright one (happened to me quiet a few times I managed to find a very immersed survivor solely because of the charms they were wearing)

    On killer hooks most of them look ridiculous! They are way too big and bright. I actually use exactly three on my main Doc - a blood bag, a dog collar and some handcuffs. You gotta stay on my BDSM hook once u go on it!

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Tbh I like charms. Not the recolour ones from the rift (I see them more as a mean to tell a story, since their description does that), but the others are a good way to add some personality to your characters.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Agree. It would be better to have some addons for outfits like wigs or extra item on shoulder but since certain outfits comes with hoodies and those hoodies are one ...

    I have never give a phunk abou charms lol - so smol

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    Some of them are pretty nice but yeah most of them are boring.

  • Member Posts: 472

    My Nea has pride, gnome and the pink elephant 😁

    I can't wait to get fatty catty, but not sure what to swap it for

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    I'm not a massive fan of the 20+ charms per Tome. I never cared about any charms since Tome 4. I will say though as a massive Saw fan I definitely took a look at some of the recent ones.

    I would really like some sort of BP increase, shards or xp increase rewards.

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