General Discussions

General Discussions

What is the chapter you want most?

Applicant Posts: 384
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

I would love a bioshock chapter. imagine being chased by a big daddy in rapture.

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  • Member Posts: 4,092

    We're getting it

  • Member Posts: 797

    I was really anticipating Candyman for the 4th anniversary, I actually watched all the movies (and loved them) because I was so sure it would be him.

    Still to this day I await his arrival.

  • Member Posts: 3,171




    Walking Dead - Beta Killer with Rick, Michonne, Daryl or whomever but at least Michonne.


    ones I feel deserve to be here along with Jason even though I don't like him.

    Would be cool but doubt

    Silver Bullet


    The Thing

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Health chapter

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Hannibal Lecter

    Anthony Hopkins model in face mask and prison jumpsuit.

    Then whichever chapter introduces custom game bots.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    At this point in time, my top three chapters at this point in time are F13, Alien and FNAF. I got my other dream chapter, Resident Evil. :)

    As long as DBD continues, a lot more licenses are going to be added so, hopefully everyone gets their dream chapter.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    In terms of licenses that are actually plausible, an Alien chapter that blends the first movie and Isolation would be my dream chapter right now. I've not even seen the movie, I just think the Xenomorph would be a near perfect fit for DBD and that there are a lot of viable map locations.

    In terms of licenses that are my personal pipe dream... a Hellblazer paragraph with a John Constantine survivor. Maybe if I bring it up every time, it'll happen, right? Right...?

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited January 2022

    Are you gonna try her on PTB? Next PTB is probably 2 weeks later.

    Answer to Topic: I wanna Bioshock. I love Elizabeth so much, i wanna make her one of the my survivors. And Big Daddy is also cool.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Those are good picks. I'm also getting my dream chapter

  • Applicant Posts: 384

    All of those would be really good anniversary chapters

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    I'm on a ps4 so I can't the only time I got to play ptb was Mikaela paragraph since I was over at a friend's and he can use the ptb

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    Compared to Freddy, Chucky, Pennywise who all can terrorize their victims with vocabulary as well. I just find Jason boring asf. I know Mike don't talk either but he at least had a cast of survivors to attach to like Laurie, her daughter, her son who vanished in thin air, LL cool J lol. Jason is ass.

  • Member Posts: 954

    Hotline Miami or Bioshock. Or Dead Rising paragraph.

    I've always seen the video game licenses as bigger potential than movies.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    Wow. Straight up with it. Concise and to the point. Damn

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    a gamehealth chapter.

    though i dont think 3 months are even just remotely close to being enough to fix this game.

    it would be a start though.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Chucky is my dream licence

    For original i would love a Lovecraft inspired killer

    Or a pyromaniac

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    It's not super likely, but I'd adore if a Hotline Miami chapter had Jacket as both the survivor and the killer. It'd be really fitting for the game's whole vibe.

  • Member Posts: 284

    Will never happen, but...

  • Applicant Posts: 384

    YOU KNOW WHAT I respectfully disagree with your opinion

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Entity is already from Lovecraft, is not she? I am sure she is one of the elders. Killer from Lovecraft is possible but all monsters are God-Tier. I don't know how to make killer from this franchise.

  • Member Posts: 4,092

    I think she is based on Lovecraft but not directly part of the mythos. As for a Lovecraft killer in dbd it would be hard considering the fact none of the major entities are small.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Yeah this. Maybe human/small version can join. But they still strong like Entity herself. How Entity will catch them?

  • Applicant Posts: 384

    I would love a killer with a flamethrower

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I meant more as a cultist or something like Wilbur Whateley.

    Not one of the old ones.

  • Member Posts: 4,531

    In no particular order;


    The Shinning



    Resident Evil 7 (I don't care if we already have a Resident Evil chapter, I still want Re7)

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Control. Jesse Faden as survivor, Oldest House as the map. Maybe the Hiss as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 9,713
    edited January 2022
    • Supernatural - Winchesters as the survivors, a Demon who can turn to smoke and possess survivors briefly as the killer, and The Bunker as the map. (I suspect this won't happen since if it was ever going to happen it probably would have by now, but if it did I'd buy it in a flash. 🙂)
    • Werewolf - A Werewolf killer to pseudo fill the void of Demogorgon in the store. The Werewolf could have a lunge similar to Demo, but instead of tunnels they could have some sort of heightened senses where if they focus they can do something like detect a directional scent to the closest survivor in their terror radius. Plus a limited sprint ability to help get around the map quickly.
    • Medusa - Ever since the Greek set I've wanted to see a Medusa style killer that when survivors look at her they are inflicted with worsening conditions. I think a killer that survivors are actually afraid to see while they run away or do gens, etc, could be pretty fun and tense! (I could also maybe see an ability like this for Sadako in the upcoming Ringu dlc, it'll be interesting to see how she works!)
    • The Shining - I actually don't think Jack Torrence would be a great killer mechanically since he's basically just a crazy guy with an axe, but as a new set of Maps The Shining would be great! Imagine two maps, one which is the interior of the hotel and the other is the exterior with the garden maze in the snow.
    • Phantasm - It's kind of a cult movie thing, but The Tall Man as a killer sending murderous pinballs after people would totally fit this game. 😄
    • The Thing - Or really any sort of doppelganger type killer that looks like a survivor outside of a chase. When this idea usually comes up, someone will comment about how it's weak against swfs, but keep in mind that mimicking a survivor implies the killer is Undetectable while doing it. So even if you know that "The Dwight is a fake!" he's still got no red stain or terror radius so has quite a decent stealth ability inherent to him. They could even make this kind of killer very simple otherwise - make them the only 120% or 125% speed basic attack killer with maybe an enhanced vault speed and the only power they'd need would be to use their Power button to refresh their mimic out of chase.
    • It - Pennywise would be a huge get for the game. There's even a great concept video out there for it. I'm a bit skeptical it'll happen because it feels like if it was going to they would have done it around when the movies were out, but who knows?
    • Chucky - Aside from the mechanical question of how does Chucky do hooks, this would be a really fun killer. Kind of like playing Victor all game, but maybe with some sort of magic related ability. He could even be a killer that gets special spots placed around the map that, if he visits them all to do quick rituals, some effect happens that gives him a big edge (a bit like how Plague gets a boost from fountains or Hex: Pentimento gets powerful the more of its totems you can place.)
    • Avatar of the Entity - One killer we haven't seen so far is something which is actually an avatar of the Entity itself. So powers involving summoning those branches and spidery legs to harass survivors, block vaults or generators, and so on. Basically thematically using the environment or summoned entity aspects to do their dirty work.
  • Applicant Posts: 384

    I was thinking chucky could be that he can teleport between good guy dolls scattered around the map

  • Member Posts: 334

    Gets my vote. Mori would be awesome

  • Member Posts: 2,197


    Would live a Woodboro realm and Sidney Prescott/Kirby Reed survivors

  • Member Posts: 434

    Dead Space with Isaac Clarke and a necromorph killer(Ubermorph/regenerator) or Slenderman with a new Red Forest map variation. Hard to choose

  • Member Posts: 960

    Game fix chapter.

  • Member Posts: 822


    2.The Witch's House

    3.Your Mother

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    The on-release version of the ANOES Chapter back, and a FNAF one.

  • Member Posts: 980

    We got my dream chapter when Hellraiser came to DbD.

    Next up though would be Phantasm. The Tall Man as a Killer would be epic, especially if they did a swarm of the balls as his mori, just shredding the Survivor to pieces.

    Not sure what to use as a map, but they did a lot of funeral home/mortuary type locations in the films, so would definitely be thematically appropriate. Be a good atmosphere too, nice and dark corridors and rooms with bodies laying half out of caskets. Fun times!

    Chucky would be good, but I think his height would be problematic. Hag FOV is already rough on people who aren't used to her. Trying to use a doll with that FOV would be rough.

    Would like to see something animalistic or non-human though. Dead Space, some form of werewolf/beast-man, something out of the Cthulu mythos, or any other mythology/lore we don't have in DbD yet. South American Indian (Maya, Aztec, etc) based or something out of the Middle East's culture would be cool. Love to see variety in the backgrounds and lore of the Killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Fnaf, a proper scream dlc, F13 and supernatural.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    Scream sid as survivor I'll be happy hell the perks can be crappy and I be happy.

  • Member Posts: 320

    Movies: Alien, It, The thing.

    Videogames: Outlast, Evil Within, Dead Space.

    Novels: Something from Lovecraft's universe, a Deep one killer with an Innsmouth map would be great. (Could do something half original)

    Non licensed: I'd like to see that spider thing from the videos and a vampire.

    Those are my personal favs that I can think of rn, but I like others too, both original and licensed :)

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