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Please devs, if you don’t want to nerf noed..
..make keys basekit. It’s only 1 escape, same as killers say about noed
I mean... I guess? Why not?
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If keys are basekit what is the point of closing the hatch?
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That's an odd thing to ask
First of noed isn't basekit
Second how would it even help? Most of the time when a killer wins with noed it's by slugging the whole team. A key won't save you in that situation
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I'd rather rework NOED to be more useful and less unhealthy.
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5 matches this morning, 5 noed killers
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So far, in my 289 games, we've seen NOED at a rate of about 26%.
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Make NOED base-kit aswell
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Do bones?
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Making keys basekit doesn't suddenly make NOED any less unhealthy for the game.
It's like people saying we should bring back old undying because COH is busted. Old undying was busted and reintroducing it now means you have 2 busted perks instead of just 1.
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Unhealty is relative. Personally i think killers shouldn´t use NOED, as it skews the kill rates.
But on the other hand, totems are that secondary objective survivors need so desperately, with the current gen rush meta. So i understand why killers use it, since its guaranteed to proc.
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God I wish the Dead Hard hard pick rate was that low.
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Plz survivor dont cleanse bones they only bless them if they dont bless them they ignore them for gen. Its kinda funny they have the possibility to remove a perk from the match and they still chose to ignore the counter play because in their eyes its boring to play around some perk
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Because you don’t play in Eastern Europe
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Here's where it's unhealthy and poorly designed.
It punishes Solo's who already are getting the shortest end of the stick. It's good against Duo's still, but it drops off massively against 3 and 4 man SWF's.
Good Killers aren't going to need it against Solo Q and Duo Q. They're gonna need it to deal with SWF's....except that's exactly the opposite of what NOED does.
It punishes you for doing totems, unless you get all five. If not, get #########.
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If a perk is used in every game, we need to look at it pretty closely.
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That's correct, I do not.
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Well, killers could avoid ds, bt and ub also. It’s kinda funny also they eat these perks?
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Try one day and you’ll discover the survivors hell
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26% is still a pretty huge number considering the number of perks.
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I would have 400 ping.
If it's hell, I will drag the others with me through my poor connection.
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You'd think it would average out to about 1 in 4 games, but we've had stretches of 10 games where we've never seen it and then 5 games in a row with it in play.
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There are perks to find totems for survivors who has problems with NOED. I'm solo survivor and that perk is no problem it's good killers have to play all game with 3 perks, then if a totem is still up you can cleanse it. It's not a strong perk I would say B or C tier it's very situational so no need to nerf it, they could even buff the speed boost.
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Strongly depends on the time of day, from experience.
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Well with all those boon totems, survivors can also prevent NOED by blessing every totem they see. Which is kinda like just doing bones but gives more points.
Survivors wouldn´t have an issue with NOED, if they actually did some bones. No one expects a solo survivor to do all 5 totems. But he shouldn´t have to in the first place, since there are 3 other survivors around. If i can run between 2 totems and continuously bless them to max my boldness points, then other survivors can take a couple of seconds to cleanse a single totem.
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Funnily enough, a blessed totem will prevent NOED from spawning. So they could bless a totem while they are repairing gens in that area and remove it once they move to another zone.
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In my somewhere-around-200 games, NOED is being used in around 14% of my matches.
Not discounting your results at all, but it's interesting to see the difference between what you've seen and what I have. I wonder if it's a product of what's still small sample sizes for both of us (considering the tens of thousands of matches that are being played over the time we've probably both been compiling numbers), and/or if an actual usage rate on the perk is somewhere in between the two of our results. It's one of those things that would be an interesting number to be confirmed by the devs, but I doubt we'll see that, unfortunately.
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All of Europe, correction. EU has two servers both of which are in Western Europe (London, England; Frankfurt, Germany), and so everyone from Europe plays on one of those two servers.
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You mean making NOED BASEKIT?
because making key basekit is like that, but even then hatch itself is pretty much NOED where you have a totem fore free escape and killers have to close it.
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yeah difference is that NOED relies entirely on the Survivors to activate in the first place, while Killers dont really have a response to items brought in by the Survivors (unless they dedicate a Perk slot to just that).
also, Hatch is already a basekit function that gives you a free escape. it doesnt spawn closed and requires you to get a key to open it first, you can always just jump in when you see it.
so what you're asking for is literally already a thing, but as a base mechanic instead of a Perk / Item. Keys only get into play as a second chance when the Killer found hatch first.
so if you truly wanted to even the odds here, NOED would need to be guaranteed to spawn in when the 5th gen pops AND it'd have to be a base mechanic that the Killer doesnt need to waste a Perk slot for.
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NoED is fine. You don't deserve free key for being too lazy to do bones.
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Pretty much this.
Whenever I see people argue that it's impossible for 1 person to break 5 totems it makes me wonder if they also want only 1 gen, since repairing all 5 solo would be virtually impossible. Then I remember that no, they understand it's a team game when it comes to generators, just not totems.
That's not a failure of noed. That's on your team.
And, as I have noted in multiple of these threads:
You only have to break 5 totems to prevent noed from activating, if that's too much work, you can check the spawn points and when noed activates, find the single lit totem (which isn't that hard if you've been paying attention to your surroundings as you play) and destroy that single totem.
So yes, prevention is definitely going to take more work, as it should. You are literally stopping a perk from having any effect whatsoever and keeping the killer at 3 perks. It should take a significant time investment for that kind of reward.
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no thanks
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Closing the hatch was intended to be just a way to stop the endless hatch standoff. No more, no less. It just so happened it turned out to be an overwhelming buff to killers, but it wasn't the intent.
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Killers have one real, unearned second chance perk. NOED.
Survivors have dozens.
NOED is more counterable than any survivor perk in the game. In fact, being that it can be removed before it even activates, with perks/items to facilitate it's removal, I'd say it may be the MOST counterable perk in the game.
But yes, because we're lazy/want to AFK on gens, let's nerf NOED.
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- Oh no, that Bubba is facecamping our teammate, what can we do?!
- Jeez, are you new? Just slam 'em gens and begone, what else can you do!
- Oh no, that Bubba has NOED!
- Jeez, are you new? That was your fault for slamming 'em gens, you should've vacuum cleaned the whole map in search of all 5 totems instead of rushing gens, obviously! Oh, survivors these days...
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But people are suggesting exactly that :D
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I don't think noed needs a nerf, at high level it can help or even be quite useless. about the idea of having a basic kit key, I thought of it as a buff of Bill's perk: left behind, that when the killer kicked the hatch you could open it without the need for a key, I think that would favor whoever wanted to escape the game, not everyone cares about that, many prefer to loop the killer even if he can't escape
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If NOED actually statistically resulted in higher than average kill rates compared to other good perks it almost certainly would have been nerfed already.
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You have a habit of simplifying things to a point where you can no longer be wrong.
Except you're still wrong. Your hyperbole isn't appreciated. If the first survivor goes down like a potato, you're going to have a bad time. Most of the time that survivor can loop bubba for several gens AND bones. And you can use Detective's Hunch to ear mark the rest and check them when the gens pop.
Stop being lazy.
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And i bet 5 times where you didnt cleansed the totems
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You have a point that keys should be in every match and the hatch should be more accessible.
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As a survivor main, I am just going to dismiss this as trolling
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Make Ruin basekit.
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Why make an Item basekit?
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For a blessed totem to remove noed from the game you kinda need to bless 4 totem and destroy the last one.
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Oh no, the Bubba is camping! This means I can do bones and stop NoED from ever activating! But I'll pretend that doing 5 totems while a Killer camps is somehow impossible so I can cry to nerf NoED while running 4 second chance perks in a 4 man SWF on voice comms! 🤪
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The difference between those two things, of course, being that the Bubba facecamping is actually a problem with the game and would ideally be addressed without hampering legitimate players, and NOED is pretty much fine.
To the topic of the thread: I think that's a false equivalence, and NOED doesn't need to be nerfed anyway. If it does get reworked, it'd ideally to be making it more consistently useful, since right now in my eyes it's an aggressively mediocre perk that doesn't do that much even when it activates, which isn't a guarantee.
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Doing bones does so much like Stops a insta down perk,need to heal,need extra points just do bones but survivors refuse to do them but then CoH comes out and now they are all Over them..