Handicapped Players

If this game does not want disabled player's playing, then PLEASE make certain disabled people understand this before buying.


  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    not when ADA is in place. The UI Hud designer focused on just one disability, the colored blind players when all other disabilities were forgotten. Thia is an algorithm issue/

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181
    edited January 2022

    You need to elaborate much more than you have. It's extremely vague and doesn't clarify which disabilities you are refering to and what aspects of the game you are refering to.

    Also, if there are games which do cater to the disability or disabilities you are referencing, it would be helpful that you point this out and explain why those games are better for you.

    Post edited by Marc_go_solo on
  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I'm confused, what are you talkin about?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just FYI the ADA doesn’t apply in general to video games, it applies more to employment and public accommodations and facilities and communications. The closest thing that appears to apply to video games is the Communications Act which the FCC has ruled means that if a game provides communications like ingame chat or messaging then it needs to have appropriate accommodations for the disabled to be able to use those features.

    That’s not to say providing support to the disabled isn’t a good thing to do of course. I’m just saying the ADA itself doesn’t have legal requirements for video games from what I can tell.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    The removal of the dumb struggle mechanic was a huge benefit to those that could not rapidly press Space, X or A.

    Windows of Opportunity and Zanshin Tactics is great for autistic people with executive function disabilities (that prevent them from recognising structures from different angles).

    Colour Blind mode is there for those that cannot tell certain colours apart.

    So considerations are being made, they clearly DO want disabled players playing.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I clearly need to do more research on what Autism does.

  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    I have severe rheumatoid Arthritis and very limited mobility with deformities in my hands. It’s not fun when getting tea bagged the entire game and then told I play strange in the end chat when all survivors are leaving. Pairing survivors with killers is horrible so the algorithm needs to be changed desperately. I cannot run the killer because I cannot look behind me to see the killer’s red stain. I am sure several teenagers were physically handicapped wish they could play games. Obviously, BHVR does not care to be a part in the accessibility of efforts. Another thing, ADA is getting involved with video games

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Executive function basically affects planning, organisation and time management. It makes the simplest of tasks sometimes feel like quantum physics, so in terms of the perks mentioned it may help plan how to escape and also where to go.

    Not all autistic people have this, but according to a study in 2018 it's estimated 80% of people with autism live with this. Being on the spectrum myself, I can say this can be extremely frustrating.

  • TKenji
    TKenji Member Posts: 3

    I agree with you. I have also noted on the very first day playing this game that you need to wear headphones and need to not have any hearing impairment.

    They never mention in the advertising that hearing impaired people cannot play the game at all.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,576

    I must admit I’m guilty of telling one or two killers they “play strange”. If that was you, I’m terribly sorry, that was idiotic of me.

    On the topic, with all due tespect, but I have to wonder what BHVR can even do here? A quickbind to look behind you? I’m struggling with ideas here, because they’re rather limited by the typical player’s hardware.

    If you have ideas, by all means speak up.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    Sorry if I am naive or uneducated here but are there any (mainstream) games out there that cater to any of those things outside of maybe subtitles and/or color blind modes?

    I didn't see anything like that in neither lol, r6s nor rocket league to name a few online multiplayer titles but also not in any of my solo games iirc?

    Or am I simply overlooking those as one of the lucky people without any of those restricting health problems?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Off of the top of my head, Sony games are usually very good at this, with Ratchet + Clank: Rift Apart being very good, and I think TLOU:2 won The Game Award for best accessability. Spider-Man also has some pretty good options. Sony itself announced a website on the 16th December which explains which of it's games have which accessability features and pledged to include as many as possible.

    Celeste is an indie game with some of the best accessability, too, even if it isn't immidiately obvious (the way it works here is that dying enough times will then give you the options for the features, with the accessability allowing players to adjust the difficulty as much as they need to).

    WOW has amazing accessability for visually impaired players, with subtitled, Colourblind settings, HUD scaling, and the like. Maybe not for people with auditory disabilities/motor disabilities, but still.

    Any game which features an extensive control remapping system (like AC: Valhalla) technically has good accessability features, as that (along with some gameplay changes, like the struggle change + soon to happen toggleable interactions + wiggle change) enables people with motor disabilities to play however is easiest for them.

    Any game that has subtitles, a scalable HUD, vibration, Colourblind settings, and remappable controls is already doing pretty damn well in terms of accessability settings, and a lot of major games have them. It's something that a lot of people take for granted but can be really helpful to others.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    Okay thanks, that helps me understanding the issue the op is addressing in terms of behaviour and DBD.

    Yeah, most of those feature go under because I and probably most people don't need them and just acknowledge their existence without paying further attention.

  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    I uh, dude, im sorry, but if you haveva serious hearing impairnent and you are trying to play a game that relies on audio for the most part, you might have to think about yourself for a minute.

    Im pretty sure every single game tells you in the safety measures before the game even lets you in that it contains flashing lights and so.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,763

    Show me where it says that in DBD. Also, show me where it mentions anything about the heavy reliant on audio in the game. Cause on the back of the Switch box (or the front) there's nothing about anything- just that you need online play. Hell, ######### Pokemon does it better, when it says that "Basic reading ability in one of the software languages is needed to fully enjoy this software". There is a section specifically for mentioning what is needed to play the game and DBD has no warnings. At all.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I'm sorry not to contribute to the discussion but I wanted to share a video I've watched a while ago for people with difficulties to hear.

    There are actually a playlist as well with three other videos, so I let the link to the playlist. In case it could help someone reading the thread.

  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 148

    I have problems with motion sickness in this game and agree that FOV should be adjustable through the menus like a majority of games and not locked behind a perk. With shadowborn I am able to play Nurse and Blight, my two favorite killers to play but also the ones who bother me the most due to their motion/zooms/camera shakes, but without it I get queasy and dizzy very quickly. I can imagine people who have more severe motion sickness couldn't play killer at all.

  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    How does someone with limited use of their hands get flashlight saves? The Developers could easily figure this out if they wrapped rubber bands over all their fingers tightly or broke their fingers and wrists and then tried playing the game. BHVR needs to look at all the disabilities mentioned above and get their developers to put themselves into similar situations that the disabled people are in when playing the game. No one here is going to code out functions and pointers to solve the problems

  • Ghalam
    Ghalam Member Posts: 99

    I wish i had known how much I needed audio when I started this game. I'm half deaf and used to get tons of insults for running stridor on all my builds to put me in the normal range of play. Half blind too but I don't expect them to do anything for that.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197
    edited January 2022

    I know the game has a ways to go in some regards but I feel they've actually tried when it comes to accessibility.

    I remember an amazing Hag that turned out to be 100% deaf. She used perks and notifications to help her dominate (can't think of her name at the moment unfortunately).

    I know colour blind settings are a bit lacking but they have made attempts (though not of their own accord) but its better than nothing....

    Edit: Not to mention struggle and wiggle changes!

    Is it perfect? No. But they're not ignoring these players either

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Shrug. I'm partially deaf in one ear, so play mono and you learn to work around it (I think survivors assume the killer is deaf in one ear two, from the way I move sometimes).

    The long and short of this is:

    • It's a great thing if a developer can make a game more accommodating towards players with disabilities. I know that I'd love flashlights to be changed due to my own photosensitivity problems (any sort of rapid strobing can mess me up).
    • However, there is also a line where it starts to get silly. Resident Evil removing giant spider monsters (a series staple) due to 'not wanting to scare arachnophobes...in a horror game' or a bunch of games and companies changing designs due to an very obscure and rare phobia involving tiny holes - to me, that's absurd.

    I'm glad that colorblind folks and people with motor issues (I know I'm getting arthritisy these days) are getting some help in DbD - but in these things, 'perfect' will always be the enemy of 'good'.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Jokes on you, the colorblind options don't even help with the problems that colorblind players have :)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    BHVR are taking steps towards more inclusivity, which I applaud. There will be things that may be hard for them to totally help:

    An example is that I have Tourette's as part of my diagnosis; one symptom are twitches in my fingers. I Sometimes end up twitches on the joystick, which can be problematic in chases. I've tried hard to learn to play with it and for the most part I've evolved my playstyle, but I'm not sure of there is anything they can do with this.

    The devs will find it a ginormous task to include all disabilities, but I don't doubt they are trying. It's just that there's more involved to disabilities than just colour-blindness and such. Feedback will help, as it's one of many things they'll need to deal with.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,897

    I only have hearing in one of my ears, which can really cause some issues for me (especially when playing as Spirit, which is actually my favorite killer despite directional sound being so important to her). I've lived with it for so long I just kind of shrug at this kind of thing, but having some other option for feedback would be cool.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    The biggest concern they probably have is in regards to non-handicapped players possibly exploiting these new settings to get an advantage over others due to receiving additional information like improved/selective audio or clearer visuals. It's quite scummy but there are always people trying to cheat.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    The ADA is a workplace and employment law in the US. It has absolutely nothing to do with video games or design requirements by their creators, especially internationally. THAT SAID, its not only a good practice to attempt to accommodate disabilities among their userbase, but its also a smart move in general as it expands the possible market. Unfortunately as we saw with their copy and paste of simple filters, expecting proper tools is a bit of a waste.

  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    No, it is not just for the workplace. https://www.ada.gov/cguide.htm . Also, I know BHVR in based in Canada and I am starting to think BHVR discriminates against handicapped people. https://www.ami.ca/abcs-of-canadians-disabilities-act-cda

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    "The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, State and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications. It also applies to the United States Congress."

    Yeah I don't think any of those apply here.

  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    Then BHVR NEEDS to make it clear to consumers that they do NOT give a ######### about disabilities before they purchase anything from them!

  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    It is hard enough playing Dead by Daylight. The last thing a person who is handicapped needs to deal with are hackers like "camp nd ima hack 2.0".

  • ShameOnYou
    ShameOnYou Member Posts: 10

    Almost 2024 and BEHAVIOUR is only making challenges more difficult for physically handicapped people.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    This is going to sound mean, heartless, insensitive...but here goes.

    Some games are just NOT going to be able to cater to these players. I'm sure they have considered some of these options, but unfortunately, certain features (like the visible terror radius heart) will just be used by non-disabled players and will just create imbalances and an unfair playing environment for the vast majority of players. We already had/have Killers who mess with their brightness settings trying to accomplish this exact thing.

    It's like the physically handicapped complaining that Pokémon GO doesn't do enough to cater to them...a game literally created to get people off their couches and go walking outside. There are thousands of games out there, sometimes you just have to accept a game can't be molded to you or it will just be misused and defeat the whole purpose and/or balance.

    I am not unfeeling and do wish these things COULD be implemented, but sometimes you just gotta look at the grand scheme of things and accept every game just isn't for you. I'm sorry :(