What build would you suggest for a survivor who only cares about their own escape in the 1v1?

AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

Title. What perks would you bring if you're expecting to get into a 1V1 scenario with the killer (all other survivors are dead)?


  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I already play left behind key in solo Q. That's really all you need to win the 1v1 in endgame. Spine chill too helps keep yourself hidden until you can find the hatch.

    But if you get caught, only the handful of perks that let you escape a chase entirely are gonna help you. Lucky break, dance with me, shadowstep, quick and quiet, resilience, etc etc. Otherwise you probably just die no matter what.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Oh and if you don't have a key for left behind, wake up is #2 for ultra-selfish survival perk. Camping a door and letting the killer find the hatch is an optimal strategy on tons of maps, and wake up lets you survive even more. With the upcoming buff it should be almost as good as a key.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343
    edited January 2022

    Edit: I super misunderstood the question... sorry everyone.

    I'd use Urban Evasion, Botany Knowledge, Self-Care, and Antipathy... or Empathy as it's actually called, and bring a med kit. Self care can be swapped out with spine chill.

    Empathy allows you to avoid people being murdered. Botany knowledge extends the time you don't need to be near others and self care+medkit makes this much much longer. Urban Evasion and Spine chill makes it stupid easy to sneak away and leave the fool who thinks your friends to their death.

    Post edited by cantelope on
  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    It's gonna sound sus, but Alert. You force a killer to kick a pallet when you are LOS'd and you have the optimal escape path everytime to the next pallet. It's like being the rainman of map traversal.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,610

    Overcome is good for immediately stopping a chase as soon as you get injured, I'd probably recommend that or the obvious pick of Dead Hard for your exhaustion perk. Lucky Break is good for stealth and synergises pretty well with Overcome. Windows of Opportunity will help you use the resources around on the map, Self-Care and a medkit will help keep you alive, hell, if your plan is to let your teammates die you can go for Fast Track or Self-Preservation.

    Oh, there's also the wallhacks build- key with Blood Amber, Open Handed, Streetwise.

  • enormous_bruh_moment
    enormous_bruh_moment Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2022

    First 2 perks are non-negotiable:

    1. Dead Hard
    2. Iron Will

    Which leaves you 2 slots to experiment and decide what scenarios you're trying to deal with best.

    • Two exhaustion perks is usually terrible, but if you run Windows of Opportunity + Balanced Landing on top of that, you will be able to run any Killer on any map.
    • Resilience + Spine Chill gives you the vault speed build. Spine Chill also lets you get a head start on running, which is far stronger than most players seem to realize. Just running as early as you can will make life miserable for the Killer. Not to mention Spine Chill also gives you nearly perfect info to win Exit Gate opening 1v1's in the endgame.
    • If you're looking for self reliant longevity and don't trust your team to survive, Decisive Strike + Boon: Circle of Healing.
    • If you are looking to not rely on your team for anything, Deliverance + Decisive Strike.
    • Swap out Dead Hard for Lithe and add Quick & Quiet + Dance With Me, and pretty much any chase you get into with the Killer just ends the second you find a place to vault.
    • Scott Jund recently made a video about meme builds he tried that were too good to be memes, the one that might pique your interest was Overcome + Lucky Break + Inner Healing (Inner Strength) + Quick and Quiet. It does require that you break a totem first, but you can swap out Q&Q for Small Game or something if you have trouble finding totems. But basically you get hit, run a million miles away while leaving no blood or scratch marks, and jump in a locker to instantly heal.
    • You could also take Left Behind + Wake Up if you're really just going for that endgame.

    I would strongly suggest taking Windows of Opportunity just in general if you're trying to do better in chases. Even for skilled players its info is invaluable. It can turn average players into strong loopers, and strong loopers into gods. Especially after its buff to 32m with no cooldown.

    An alternative to all of this, is to just accept that you'll get dunked on and run something like Flashbang + Blast Mine + Decisive Strike (or Deliverance) + Head On and take the game way less seriously. Just have fun trying to use your perks on the Killer as many times as you can in a match. Or try to pull off the wombo combo of Head On stun -> drop Flashbang -> back into locker to craft Flashbang #2 -> Decisive Strike -> drop Flashbang #2.

    Another dumb fun one is Lithe + Iron Will + Dance With Me + Flashbang. The goal with this build is to run up to a pallet, drop the Flashbang directly under the pallet, pallet-stun the Killer (forcing them to be blinded & deafened by the Flashbang) and then immediately vault back over the pallet to make your escape while the killer is stunned/blind/deaf. It's hard, but it's also hilarious.

    Best of luck out there.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    ...how does ANY of that help you in a 1v1 when all your teammates are dead? DS + Deliverance? You just die on the hook instantly because its 1v1.

    There's only the hatch and the exit gates available in the scenario he is asking for. There is only 1 perk that finds the hatch for you, and with a key you can get out through it even if the killer finds it first.

    There's only like 3-4 perks that open those exit gates faster, and wake up is the strongest % wise.

    Perks to loop the killer don't matter. You have to break the chase outright, find the hatch mid-chase (so left behind is still the best perk), or die.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    Don't take perks specifically to survive. Take perks that give you the best advantages for your objectives and information, and they'll in turn increase your survival rate substantially if you use them right. Main reason for this is because you will run into too many DCs and unwinnable games to skew everything into just surviving.

    Windows of Opportunity - Maximize how much of the killers time you can waste in chase. Knowing what pallets/windows are available, which doors haven't been broken yet, and the most optimal way to combine multiple loops is not only great for giving everyone enough time to work on gens, but resetting the killer's pressure when they get a strong position. which ties into....

    Kindred - Arguably necessary for solo queue, based on the absurd amount of information it gives. Knowing where the other survivors are when someone is on the hook is massive, and like windows can be used to remove a killer's map pressure easily (If you're willing to be chased on purpose.) It also tells you when the killer is face camping, or when your teammates are going for saves, so you can focus on gens and keep efficiency up. As a solo, you can use the information from these two perks alone to cause a lot of damage.

    Spine Chill is another one I'd nominate as well, due to how strong it is vs stealthy killers. If youre pairing it with windows as well, you can get a pretty big head start on routing before you even get a terror radius, making you much less likely to get caught outpositioned. The small boost to actions while being looked at certainly doesnt hurt either, and can sometimes be the difference between getting tagged at a window or not.

    The last spot I would take your exhaustion perk of choice. Dead Hard is the most common pick, but SB/Lithe/Balanced also make good picks. Some stuff like Head On arent really as suited for solo play, but as long as its a perk you're good at utilizing thats the most important part there.

    There are other great perks you can sub in like BT/DS/etc, but Kindred should be on every solo survivor imo, with Windows not being very far behind. The other two slots have a bit more room to pick what you'd like.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    The DCs and unwinnable games are exactly why you run left behind or wake up. The OP didn't ask for perks that help you get to the endgame. They asked for perks that help you when you are already there.

    You don't need perks to help you reach endgame, all you need is a locker and the willingness to let your team die. No game is unwinnable with left behind key. Your biggest threat is your own team ratting you out when the killer slugs for the 4k.

    Games in DBD are usually a landslide. When I win as survivor, half the time I didn't need any perks. When I lose? There's literally nothing to do except wait for the hatch or exit gate.

    Running the meta builds and playing as a team are not required to survive in DBD. You don't need BT/DS. You only need those if you care about your team dying, which the OP stated they do not. Careful play makes DS pointless and BT is only for your team.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    No. Doing that "one person DCed so i need to start playing for hatch" stuff is self fulfilling prophecy, and it ruins the game for the other two players in the process. It is entirely possible to win those games as long as people don't succumb to that mentality. And if/when you don't? You shouldn't go into every single game expecting to win every single time. Doing your best and getting better is the best perk you could ever hope for.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    I have played too much killer to agree with that. If I can't win a 3v1 with 4-5 gens left then something is seriously wrong, even if the survivors are better than me. That's literally an automatic win for me even on an M1 killer. So no, I don't sit there and pray my opponent is completely incompetent when someone on my team DCs at 5 gens. I play for the win.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    not everybody defines "the win" as crouching in a corner and locker jockeying waiting for a chance to get the hatch the second someone dies. Games don't always spiral out of control when there are still 5 gens left, people ragequit even when there are 3 done. Being willing to play matches you know you can't win is something that makes you a better player, and increases your overall escape rate. Think more long term.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    I think this is one of the biggest reasons SBMM is such a failure, and the devs answer in the Q&A proves they still don't understand it: There are survivors who carry, and other who get carried. Escape in a given match will always be detached from player skill for as long as selfish players exist.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    Well that is too bad. That is how you win in a game that has gone south. Your teammates can DC or just get slaughtered and you lose without any real input from yourself. You can only hold M1 on a gen so hard. I am a very strong looper, I know every map inside and out, I slam gens when it is an option, and I will play for the team if I think it's a viable strategy to win.

    The games where 2-3+ people are slugged when im not even 20 seconds into my first generator that I literally held shift+W to? I am letting them all die. Cause that is not a game you are ever winning. And if there was a 1% chance that the stars aligned and the team still escaped, there was the 99% chance to die and I work off the most statistically successful strategies.

    Letting the whole team die is a very successful strategy I often employ. And it's only my teams poor play that puts me in the position to make that decision so it's their own damn fault. Darwinism at it's finest.

  • Spine Chill, Hope, Sprint Burst and maybe Left Behind if you want the hatch. Hopefully you find the hatch during your sprint and not the killer.

    But hey, if you do...another free sprint burst!

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited January 2022

    you... do know that hatch escapes don't count as a win, right? its a draw.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    For MMR maybe. For my own personal win conditions? Surviving a trial is a win. Camping a door with wake up still gets you MMR but I always run keys.

    And as if I care about the arbitrary decisions of the devs who can't even make up win conditions for their own game. To them I can get 10 hooks and 2 kills and that's the same as facecamping 1 hook and then getting 1 kill with rancor as leatherface. It means nothing to me. I care about my own fun, and to me escaping is the only win. A 3k or 4k is the only win.

    Why? Because killing people is the condition for talking ######### in the endgame chat. And lets be real, that's what matters in DBD. Keeping your pride in a game that's designed for you to lose.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733
    edited January 2022

    My own personal win conditions are pipping. If I can pip in iri ranks in a game we lose, especially if someone DCed, then I won by a landslide. Even better if I somehow get a double. Know what the biggest difference between our outlooks is? mine doesn't ruin the game for other people, while yours does. You're kinda putting yourself on the same level as the person who DCed, just too much of a coward to take the penalty in the process.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 284

    Clairvoyance is also a good alternative to Left Behind. It has a farther reach, so you can find the hatch faster. Also, it and reminds you to cleanse totems.

  • People already said Left Behind + Wake Up, I think I recommended it as well.

    The other builds are largely to do with 1v1 in general, or just prioritizing your own survival and how well you can do in chases.

    If you/the op is referring to a situation stricter than that, then they can feel free to specify or pick and choose.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Dead hard, Iron will, Resilience, spine chill

  • Reece8u
    Reece8u Member Posts: 5

    Left Behind, Open Handed, Shadow Step, and Sprint Burst with a Rainbow Key that has a Blood Amber and either Scratched Pearl or Prayer Beads on it.

    Left Behind + Open Handed ensures that you find the hatch as soon as it spawns due to its 48 meter range

    Shadow Step protects you from aura reading and hides your scratch marks during the inevitable 4 minute slug, while also helping you not get found while dashing for the hatch. Personally, I don't like hiding in lockers, as it makes me feel very vulnerable, so this is an alternative for hiding from bbq, and also allows you to keep tabs on when the killer eventually picks up your slugged teammates.

    Sprint Burst pairs very well with Shadow Step, allowing you to make the most of those 3 seconds where your scratch marks are hidden after leaving the radius.

    The Rainbow Key has an aura reading of 50/62 and a duration of 22.5/15 seconds depending on whether you ran Prayer Beads or Scratched Pearl. By watching the killer from afar, you know exactly when to dip from your generator during the game, as well as when it is safe to go for a closed hatch at the end of the game. It can also give you a heads up when the killer stops camping the slugged survivors, so you know when to run and hide.

  • Laurie268
    Laurie268 Member Posts: 573
    edited January 2022

    Iron will is a must imo, so you can stay stealthy even if injured. Other perks I would recommend are Left Behind, DH/Sprintburst and kindred so you can see where the killer is heading after your last teammate dies.