Aggressive Playstyles by Killers

So I am making this Discussion to try and understand Killers more. Now I have been playing Dead by Daylight going on 4 years now and just each year Killers that play the game have just been getting more aggressive. Now when I mean aggressive playstyles I am mainly talking about.

Campers - as soon as the game starts they get 1 person and either Face Camp them or Proxy Camp them so no one can get them.

Tunnelers - the ones that go around corners out of sight so another survivor comes just so the one that was just on the hook goes back down since not every survivor runs DS or BT which they shouldn't have to btw and last but not least the...

Sluggers - mainly the ones that down every single player and leave them to bleed out.

Ok, now that is out of the way I understand if there is 1 maybe 2 gens left the killer wants to secure a kill so they camp and I am completely 100% ok with that. I also understand Challenges and Dailies but I do feel that Killers or at least Killer Mains don't understand or care that for Survivors it takes us sometimes up to 20-25 mins to get into a game, unlike Killers where maybe at the most they wait like 2 mins to get in.

The reason why is because there are more Killers playing the game than there are Survivors. If you go Steam Charts - Tracking What's Played and pull up Dead by Daylight you will see how many players are playing the game as of the post there are 44,228 and if you look at that number clearly more than half are playing Killer then Survivor. So you can see why a lot of Survivors tend to get upset when they just get pounded into the ground a lot in this game like almost every match.

Also, I do understand that Survivors depending on who you get can be Toxic sometimes Survivors are Toxic to other Survivors not just towards the Killers since I do play Killer from time to time to actually see it happening but I will say to all Killers who get upset seeing Flashlight's, Keys, or just Survivors being Survivors.

We don't need to take this game seriously or at least to a competitive level just play to have fun I know the point of the game is to Survive and Murder but not to the point the game either becomes Numb to you and you just keep playing just cause or you just stop playing because the DEVS keep messing the game up Nerfing this Buffing that releasing broken Killers and Survivors.

Sorry for the long post this has just been on my mind and I have been asked questions by Killer Mains that are Streamers questions like why do Survivors get mad when we do this and that and I give my point of view why so I want the Community to answer why play like this why bother playing in general if you're going to do all this because it can not be that fun for you there is no way you're getting that rush feeling when you Camp, Tunnel or Slug.


  • CyberDragoon656
    CyberDragoon656 Member Posts: 960

    Boiling it down it's because the game has a few major issues .

    Thanks to mmr people who want to be competitive are mixed with casual.

    The balance makes it where no matter what killers have to become more and more aggressive just to get something done

    Thanks to the survivor meta being stale everyone now thinks they are using the same perks which ironically were made to curb camping tunneling and slugging but Thanks to how survivors abuse them they encourage it more.

  • FeelsBadMan
    FeelsBadMan Member Posts: 570

    If you play killer solely to reach iri 1 for those sweet 1mil bp's you gotta sweat. There is NO way to play 'nice' and still get a 3-4k with 10+ hooks (which is needed to pip) if you don't happen to be a god Nurse (and maybe god Blight).

    People sweat cause they are forced to do so by the devs. 8 hooks and a 0k nets you a black pip. Blame the devs, not the players. I am sure most killers (myself included) don't enjoy sweating their asses off either.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    You might see more slugging to death with boil over.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    As a non-god Nurse I can confirm. I have to sweat. If I'm not running 20% recharge blink the survivors are identifying that and holding W on me around every LOS for the rest of the map.

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500

    Except for the fact that behavior has confirmed survivor to be the majority played

    The reason ques are so long is due to a lack of killer players not too many of them if killers out numbered survivors you would catch a game instantly cause there would always be a killer since they are the majority

    But they aren't survivors are and there is a killer shortage these are the facts

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    A good example of this is Predator: Hunting Grounds. The minimum wait time for Predator is four minutes, at peak hours. It's not unusual for that to be doubled, easily. I recall the longest I had to wait was twenty three minutes, only for the match to be a stomp in my favor. Fireteam queue is under two minutes. It's just that everybody wants to be Predator, and it shows in the times.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I'm pretty sure camping/tunneling is passive playstyle and not aggressive playstyle because you don't actively hunt down survivors as opposed to walking around and defending gen/breaking palette/hitting survivors.

    I'm not sure how slugging gonna be though.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    I've looked at the steam charts and you can clearly see it's time to nerf the Twins.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    then you clearly haven't come across a Killer who is aggressive as of yesterday I had 3 PC KIllers tell me I don't like this map so i Try-Hard and had to be aggressive so i get off this map or my favorite I hate your team just cause so i wanted to be rude so hmmm tell me how playing like that isnt aggressive whatsoever

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I mean I do agree with you for the most part but I'm going to tell you the same as I tell dumb survivors who complain about NOED if you feel like there is a possibility for NOED if you see a Totem break it but for killer find it and stomp it CoH really isn't that powerful yes it is Strong wont argue about that but it can be countered like everything else you just have to find it when wow hit a survivor and watch where they go and holy crap Batman you know where it is or at least the general area. Again everything else I agree with

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited January 2022

    If people use half their brains I think they could figure out why killers are playing this way. Outside of new players or BAD players survivor is a cakewalk. This coming from a solo survivor.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Because, camping and tunneling, is by nature, passive playstyle.

    You don't do things, you will wait things to happen.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    The difference being two-fold:

    1. The Killer's time is more valuable than Survivor's, because his is limited by how quickly Survivors do gens. He has less time to spend Snuffing totems because he also has to: Find Survivors, chase Survivors, h it Survivors, hook Survivors, pressure gens, possibly keep an eye on exit gates, etc.
    2. Even if the Killer snuffs CoH; it will pop right back up in 8 seconds, meaning his Snuffing is literally a delaying action, whereas a Survivor doing bones is permanently removing a perk.
  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Also can you try to make things easier to read?

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Yea I can agree that if the Killer brings a Hex and someone breaks/boons it that's gone unless you have Undying but IDK about it coming back up in 8 seconds unless you didn't mean literally plus unless you have survivors that go back to the same totem they are really brain dead they should keep in moving at least that's what I do if I use them haven't play Mekalea much but a few times.

    I also didn't take in the fact that killers do have to do all that and then some. Don't get me wrong I am still just trying to understand the minds of Killer mains and not just people who play killer to do whatever like myself I don't play killer often

  • SomberNokk
    SomberNokk Member Posts: 732

    Wait did you just say that survivor queues are too long cause theres more killers playing then survivors?

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2022

    yea someone did the math and told me and I ran with it and I didn't realize he was wrong until after I sent the post and I just never bothered to correct it. It was my own stupidity to not check myself but it's whatever at this point I got my results out of the thread.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    It is actually fun for me. I try to reserve it for survivors who deserve it, but you know, sometimes I get a little carried away. You do not understand, I play as a nice killer too and I still get treated the same despite being courteous. So why not win, trigger them, AND have more fun all at the same time? You tell me. Why should I throw the game, go out of my way for their fun while they disrespect me, and overall have a worse experience? It makes no sense.

    But guess what? I do it anyways, all the time. I only play mean on Bubba, Pig, and Twins, if I recall. Actually, you know what, my Clown is outrageously toxic too. No idea why, I just "feel" it with him. Everyone else I play super fair. It is all about karmic balance.