BHVR seriously....this is in the same match btw....

Both totems totally in the open and next to gens, "we are constantly trying to improve them" no, no you don't
Wdum Autohaven totem spawns are the best ones in the game I totally can't see them across the entire map.
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So what do you want? You want all totem spawns to be hidden behind seven textures? Some of the spawns are visible, some take half an hour to find. It's luck. Luck based mechanic is not supposed to always be in favor of killers. Try playing soloQ once in your life on Lery's, Swamp, RPD or Midwich, against a killer who has Devour.
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there's a different between being hidden behind a few boxes and being in the middle of a hill next to a gen or 2 meters from a gen
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Yes, this is why it's luck based. Sometimes you are lucky, sometimes you are not, same goes for survivors. Same goes for the gates: sometimes they are across 7 miles, sometimes they are next to each other.
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Both things that shouldn't happen luck based stuff like that is to often an excuse for lazy design
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I agree with that statement
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Laughs in grim pantry rock totemspawns near shack
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That’s why I rarely use hex perks.
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Don't worry, it's on their roadmap. Only gotta wait until 2024 now.
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just gotta be patient like every kind of changes they make, takes way longer than it should
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Its not hard to learn totem spots. Plus those totems being next to gens and plain out in the open on a pedestal should not happen.
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They haven't yet.
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boons are way louder to hear than hexes,
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Yeah, Autohaven totem spawns are horrible. Literally standing right out in the open.
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Autohaven totem spawns are always in the LT walls, on hills, or rocks. There is really no good place to put them.
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No hex perk is powerful enough to warrant being placed directly next to the survivors’ main objective.
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They need to revert them back to when Hexed Totems were visually the same as dull Totems. Remove that fire please to make them more viable. That would at least slow gens a bit since Survivors would be forced to do all of them potentially to remove that pesky Ruin. Besides, my Hex(es) are a personal thing between me and the Entity. No one needs to know about it... really.
Although it is amusing to get bumped off a Totem as it lights up when a Killer is running Plaything and hooks someone. And those fantastic NOED plays where the last gen gets popped, and the totem you have at 75% cleansed lights up, only to be popped a couple seconds later. The Killer DC'ing seconds later makes it worth it.
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They would still have generated spawn points. Survivors would find them and memorize them just like the current system. Sure, it might keep it around a bit longer, but aside from putting them in the sky out of reach survivors will blow the puppies up as quickly as they can.