Cross Play Off

KerJuice Member Posts: 1,979

For those of you who opted out of cross-play, how would you rate your experience? Do you feel like your matches are better? (PC players who do not want console teammates, and console players who are fed up with the cheaters- especially the subtle speed hackers).


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,137

    Haha, you can't find many matches on the Series X with crossplay off

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    My one night of PC crossplay off I hit a squad of 3 hackers and a random. I tunnel mori'd the random as spirit and then was held hostage (this was like a year ago).

    Crossplay on for me. Q times are bad enough as survivor I would deal with the occasional hacker as opposed to 15-20m Q times I got when I did crossplay off on Xbox.

    But I moved to PC because the performance on Xbox is just abysmal. I would never go back to being a console pleb

  • ZaynXT
    ZaynXT Member Posts: 27

    Its not worth it, you'll barely be finding games and when you do they will most likely not be fun.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,590

    As PC-player when I tried it, my Matchmaking was faster. 30 seconds instead of 3-4 minutes. Also the teammates were better.

    But you get only matched with players who also turn Crossplay off, so we had the same players nearly every Match. Survivor and Killer.

  • Zachcjjj
    Zachcjjj Member Posts: 531

    on pc in my experience you just play with the same people its extra sweaty and people get extra salty and queue times aren't even shorter

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,979

    Hmmm that sucks- I was afraid of that. I wish games could make it so that if you have cross-play turned off, you could still be matched up with those who have it turned on. For example, if all of us are on PC and y’all 3 have it ON- you could still be put in a lobby with me and the killer who both have cross-play OFF. Then, based on circumstance-the very next match the three of you could end up in a lobby with a 4th survivor and killer who both have cross-play ON. I guess in a perfect world, huh? Oh well.

    I’m just tired of the damn subtle speed hackers. It’s such horse #########. Moving in tier 3 bloodlust at the start of the match. Had a ######### huntress just now who barely threw hatchets cause she could just catch up in one loop and M1 the ######### out of us. She had so pretty ugly whiffs like she was overconfident- like she expected to land a hit when I wouldn’t drop a pallet. That and swinging into pallet stuns. Mind you all of this after looping ONCE, and being right on top of me. Smh.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,588

    I used to play PC crossplay off all the time. Matches were better. Then hacking exploded post-MMR and I get hackers pretty much every game with crossplay off on PC. Not worth it anymore.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,979

    Wow the hacker situation was WORSE with it off?? Interesting…

  • Tubby_Squirrel
    Tubby_Squirrel Member Posts: 245

    Well yeah, it takes significantly less effort to mod the PC version of a game over a console port. This is the case in almost any game. Look how many mods and cheats there are for Java Minecraft compared to bedrock. (Granted in that case its in-part due to Java being an easier langauge to understand than C++) but the point stands.