Are TTVs Toxic? Are killers bias towards TTVs?



  • hexennacht
    hexennacht Member Posts: 5

    A lot of ttv players I have encountered while being both a killer and survivor have been toxic af... but besides that ... the first thing I do as a killer is look at the survivors names while im waiting in the lobby.... if they have ttv in their name i automatically look up their twitch asap... if they happen to be streaming the current match i will listen and watch while playing and slaughter them :D and then i laugh and laugh and laugh because only a derpy derp would make themselves so easily accessible . 😂

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    first, a lot of people with ttv in their name are toxic, and i say this from both perspectives. I had ttv´s blocking me at the exit when the killer came, so he downed me, while they got out and stuff. As killer, they are often toxic af.

    Also, i was never asked about my consent to stream any matches i am part of. That might be legal, sure, but its also legal to make the game for their viewers as boring as it can be.

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