How does this game still not have a reconnect method? If you devs are not skilled enough, maybe hire someone who is and can implement that. But nooo, you're busy creating new hats and socks for the characters. Bravo!
Or it's because the game is not in any way balanced against drop in/drop out play?
I mean, far be it from me to point out that someone could DC when they're about to be hooked, then log back in to continue doing gens, and thus never get hooked.
Or they DC when downed, then log back in once their SWF friend says the Killer is on the opposite side of the map.
But sure; it's a skill issue and not a balance issue. 🙃
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1.) The game is not in any way balanced against anything.
2.) Then give the one reconnecting a disadvantage like being downed, spawned close to the killer and giving them a notification or if they were being carried by the killer, put him back on their shoulders.
But sure, let's not even try to think of a solution. 😍
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- Not a good reason.
- And what happens if the Killer is in a chase, and suddenly has a Survivor on his shoulders? Or is already carrying a Survivor? Also; SWFs would happily DC when being downed by the KILLER, then log back in to get picked up by their friend. Their SWF buddy could tell them when the Killer is already carrying someone, so they log back in, safe from being picked up, and get saved.
The game is in no way geared for drop in/drop out gameplay. This is not a Developer problem; it's a YOU problem. Sorry.
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Make the reconnect wait until the chase is over for X second or not carrying someone anymore or not being in a radius of X meters of another survivor.
Give SWFs the option to pause the game, when someone drops out. If they refuse, the one who dropped out can't reconnect.
It's not a ME problem, sorry, this is a problem because of people like you, who apparently can't think further than they can see. For whatever reason you can give that speaks against a reconnect, there can be a solution. This is not a universal physical law we're talking about, but a game.
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You're adding so many rules and caveats and now pausing? Sure! I'd love for SWFs to troll me by DCing when I down someone, then voting to PAUSE THE GAME because they can. 🙄
It's a you problem because you can't think past 'I want this' and are willing to ignore every problem it creates to get what you want.
Sorry but not every game needs drop in/out ability, and this game does not have it. If you can't see past your own nose as to why this would be horrible for the game; that's a you problem. Very much a you problem.
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If this game can't offer something EVERY other game can, I am the problem?
Give the pause a timer of max x minutes, your problem is solved.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Here's a shocking fact: Not every game has to be like every other game! 😱
You wanting a function that won't work is very much a you problem, not a dev problem. But I'm out. It's clear you can't think of anyone but yourself, so have fun asking for something that would never work. Hope you like waiting forever to get it.
Have fun thinking of only yourself. Just don't blast the devs over it.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
No. Reconnect happens when you get kicked due to lag or if your game crashes.
If you purposefully dc, it won't allow a reconnect
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Are you kidding me? A function that won't work? I gave you a solution to EVERY one of your counter arguments. You basically just admitted you are out of ideas against it by saying iT JuSt wOnT woRK!!!!111
I am thinking, clearly, by giving you solutions to the problems you see behind it. The one who is struck by their own gridlocked mind is you. Give me a reason against it for which there is no solution and I might reconsider.
But go ahead, flee from the argument you have lost.
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Of course I don't demand a reconnect for people who click the leave button. I'm with you.
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Your solutions cause MORE problems. The simple fact is that, and read this very slowly so you understand it: Not. Every. Game. Needs. Drop In/Out. Functionality.
This game would not work with it. It's too abusable. Pausing? Really?
How about being able to log out when downed, then wait to log back in until you're safe? Oh, it puts you near the Killer? Ok, now the Killer still has to find & pick you up. Not to mention how it may put you on separate floors in a map like The Game. Or behind a wall, if the Killer is near one.
You wait to let you log in until the Killer is not in a chase? Sure. But again; could spawn you someplace the Killer cannot reach right away.
The bottom line is that THIS GAME IS NOT MADE FOR THIS FUNCTION TO WORK. Just because 'other games have it!' does not mean THIS game needs it. You're wrong. It happens to everyone.
But keep thinking you 'won' by screaming louder. Peace. ✌️
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Wait, you are suggesting that SWFs get the ability to pause the game at any time they want? And it wouldn’t be a problem if the pause had a max time limit?
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No. When one drops out, then they get to pause. IF they decide to pause, the dropped out can reconnect.
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Yeah but that would definitely get abused. You can always fake a dropout after all. You really don’t see the problem with that??
You definitely didn’t give a solution to everything @AngyKiller said. At least not reasonable solutions.
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Make it usable for max 2 times or so, that way it can't be abused.
For which ones didn't I give a solution?
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sorry but being able to do it abusable twice is not making it not abusable.
you didn’t give any reasonable solutions at all.
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Stopping for 1 minute twice is game breaking for you?
You can't even give a simple example of to what I couldn't give a reasonable solution. You're just like the other guy.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
The problem is your solutions aren't simple.
Then give the one reconnecting a disadvantage like being downed, spawned close to the killer and giving them a notification or if they were being carried by the killer, put him back on their shoulders.
Make the reconnect wait until the chase is over for X second or not carrying someone anymore or not being in a radius of X meters of another survivor.
Give SWFs the option to pause the game, when someone drops out. If they refuse, the one who dropped out can't reconnect.
These are SUPER specific circumstances and too many checks imo.
The only plausible reconnect function that actually could work would be: The survivor's body stays when you disconnect. It just doesn't move.
Then you have like atleast 1-2 minutes to reconnect. (hook timers)
(also why do only swf get the pause option lol)
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
You are kinda forgetting they can time those pauses precisely to moments that are super advantageous for them. And they all know when they happen while the killer has to suffer through it.
but sure let’s go:
disadvantage like being downed, spawned close to the killer and giving them a notification or if they were being carried by the killer, put him back on their shoulders.
thats still better than the situation where they were in when disconnecting. The killer doesn’t know at which point they are returning and probably is already busy with something else. Maybe carrying someone else (who then also disconnects if it’s suits them to come back later)
Make the reconnect wait until the chase is over for X second or not carrying someone anymore or not being in a radius of X meters of another survivor.
the exact system will be known by the survs and they will time it to their advantage to avoid hooks/downs or whatever. Also way too many variables and ifs. Those are not solutions but you not being able to actually make a substantial solution.
Give SWFs the option to pause the game, when someone drops out. If they refuse, the one who dropped out can't reconnect.
they just said they want to bring solos further to swf level, they shouldn’t get their own abusable mechanics
you literally didn’t give any reasonable solution and no good reason why it should be added other than ‚every other game has it‘ (which I am pretty sure is not true) and you can’t even admit that it might not be the best idea to add to this game especially in its current state to begin with.
Post edited by EQWashu on1