Nurse feels horrible to play because of the new changes. Are they getting fixed soon?

Nurse feels horrible to play because of the new changes. Are they getting fixed soon? Do the devs think she is “close enough” and is no longer a priority? Were these changes intended, and this is how they are balancing her?
It might help if you said what the problem was.
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BHVR already acknowledged they’re bugs in a bug thread.
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Here are three bug posts for her. The first is the main post. TDLR is she has to spend longer doing actions than before, like having to overblink through objects, or wait longer for blinks to start activating, or wait longer before attacking after a blink, or some places being bugged for her to blink.
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Requiring Nurse to take longer to do actions is much worse than "just messes up muscle memory". If it takes Nurse longer to do actions, then the survivors have more time to react and evade her.
If I see a survivor on the other side of shack wall, I want to be able to very quickly blink through the wall, like I used to be able to before this patch. Greatly increasing the time it takes to blink through thin objects gives the survivors more time to react. Creating a delay with the second blink gives the survivors more time to react. Shortening the max length of the second blink hurts Nurse too.
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They've acknowledged the bugs in the bug report section. As to why they pushed the update when it was obvious within 10 seconds of playing her that she was bugged with the coding update....we are, as always, left to wonder.
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Anytime the code is changed it's going to change the way that she feels to play. That's just how game mechanics work. I think they're still fine tuning her and will for the next couple patches. Once the changes are complete you'll just have to relearn how to play her. She's going to be worse at some things and better at others. I think fundamentally she's better than she was before, even if specific parts of her kit are weaker.
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I am certainly saying it affects my gameplay. Forcing Nurse to spend more time for some of her blinks means she's punished more if she guesses incorrectly. And we have no idea if these issues are even going to be fixed in 2022, considering how long her previous bugs were in the game.
I'd rather the changes be reverted, and deal with the rare instances of blink bugs, than deal with every chain blink being worse than before, and every blinking through an object being worse than before.
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That's not true. You're only right back on them if you're running very specific add-ons. If you double blink and you don't have recharge + distance, they are absolutely outrunning you.
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You make it sound like Nurse is always 4k'ing, and that survivors have no input. That's a complete misrepresentation.
There are survivors as familiar playing against Nurse as there are Nurse mains playing her. They don't just give up and let themselves get hit just because the 2nd blink is in range. They juke, they gauge your distance based on orientation and charge time, they've figured out your addons within 3-4 blinks at the beginning of the game, they go out of their way to avoid becoming repetitive and predictable.
I don't think a Nurse main should so blithely boil down her nuances in some attempt to dismiss bugs. Maybe you are a god-nurse and the bugs don't affect you. Feel free to get off your high horse and allow other players to pilot her and voice their concerns about her.
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Have you actually played nurse ever, even...
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Yes a bug that shortens the maximum possible distance on the chain blink doesn't affect gameplay. 3head take.
Nurse has significant punishment for missing. The downtime on Blight and Nurse (without stuff like Alchemist Ring/recharge) is the ideal. Other killers are way too behind in comparison.
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Has anyone not been able to attack after blinking? I'm not sure if it's a bug but I had a match where I hit the attack butting and she just stood there twice.
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One of the bugs that remained unfixed from the patch.
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Ok wasn't sure haven't really played her much so I'm not sure her bugs. Thanks
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Nurse performs at ~2K average against equally good survivors at high levels of play when the survivors are handicapped way more severely than the Nurse. With zero restrictions, her average falls to less than 2K/match. Even at high levels of play, she is balanced precisely because of the mindgames and LOS usage you have stated. That is also precisely why she's the best designed killer. She makes chases about who makes the better read, not about what mechanical restrictions and tiles there are. I would not say that removes all counterplay/agency. It means the counterplay/agency is in mindgames.
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You have it a bit backwards. Nurse/Blight are punished for the good amount of time. Several seconds for a whiff is significant against very good players. Other killers are way too far behind what should be the standard in that regard.
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Yeah. I’d agree with you on basically all of this. Extremely good Nurses against equally extremely good survivors is the pinnacle of gameplay in DBD imo.
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Didn't play her much since the changes, but the only thing I noticed as of now is an exponential increase of the M1 bug.
I did though test in customs with a friend the second blink range, and it doesn't seem shorter at all. But that was while blinking in a straight line on the street of Preschool maps
Oh, and when you fail a grab after blinking you don't go into fatigue (after the m1), which still guarantees the down basically xd
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they do because her lunge bug isn't fixed yet, the second blink has a shorter range because of her fist bug. not to mention they haven't fixed a lot of unblinkable areas where she cannot teleport forward.
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It would be fantastic if the bug reporting had actual feedback. Seeing the word “acknowledged” next to Nurse’s list of bugs isn’t very helpful. Does it mean the issues will be fixed soon? Does it mean the devs want to “monitor the changes” to see how impactful they are, before deciding if they want to fix them? Does it mean at least one of the issues is a bug, but the others are fine and don’t need to be fixed? Some of the feedback in this thread is “she’s weaker, but that doesn’t matter if you’re good”, but do the devs agree with that statement?
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It means that the devs know the bugs exist and that they ARE bugs, not intentional changes. AKA, on their to-do list now.
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This shows you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nurse does in fact have to guess against the survivors who play the mindgame. You can’t know which direction they ran in after breaking LOS.
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Sad that you don’t know that Nurse has limited range on her second blink and physically can’t catch up in some situations. Blinking to the corner only works consistently if they wait there. I am a 2 thousand hour nurse main. Try again.
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You won’t get enough situations against good survivors like you just described, so you would never chase, especially on maps with a lot of los breakers
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The fact that you DC on those maps tells you that i’m right lol
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Guess you’ve never played a fighting game. You’re right, top players just always happen to guess right. Such BS talking points
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You appeared to mea culpa and clarify yourself for me in an earlier response, and despite you dismissing a whole swathe of players by saying something akin to "You shouldn't be playing Nurse if you're guessing.", I appreciated that (But seriously, not cool). However, the above is a really concerning admission.
How can you claim to be an experienced Nurse if you refuse to play her when conditions are unfavorable? I've still got a lot to learn with her, but I don't DC, and I don't give up, I take my licks even though I do sometimes have to guess, and blindly at that when the game is going really bad.
And I can tell you right now, without a goddamn doubt in my mind, after years of playing various games competitively at the national level, that the ability to get in side your opponents head and guess correctly is a skill.
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Mindgames are guessing with a predictive or unpredictive coefficient. You're splitting hairs. Most people here when they say guessing don't actually mean they're throwing piss into the wind, and others before me have said the same on this thread.
DC'ing still makes you a punk.
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i’ve played Nurse 3 years, across PS4 and PC. 0 dcs on any map.