Should survivors be able to see scourge hooks?

This can encourage survivors to sabotage them, right now you can kinda predict it anyway, so why not? And predicting some comments about how bad are killers now, and why buff suvivors, I'd better had interaction between survivor and killer, because sabo'ing requiers, well, survivor and his time, than just that survivor sitting on gen, I hope that there will be more powerfull scourge hook perks in future so survivors actually be scared of them, and to counter them, they can sabotage them
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Would you explain why?
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Would you explain why?
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Or trying to get down on opposite side of map where there are no scourges?
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Maybe if using perk slot for Sabotuer but not just base kit.
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Survivors already have more information about most killer powers than the killers themselves. They don't need YET MORE
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There's only what, 4 scourge hooks per map? So that seems pretty easy to try and keep sabotaged, which makes me want to say no.
On the other hand, that's also a new way to keep survivors away from gens, by giving them a new objective, if they are so inclined, which could lead to interesting gameplay, which makes me want to say yes.
On the other other hand, as survivor, I've got too much going on to pay attention to everything some days, and that will clutter up the game every time, and as killer I don't want something Immediately giving away one of my perks...
So yes, but only as a perk, nothing basekit.
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I just feel there's no real reason to. If the only reason for doing so is "So survivors can sabotage the hooks." Well, it just feels like if they were going to sabo hooks they were going to anyways, so what's the point of showing them? Also, in the off chance it does make them break those hooks more often, well then now survivors are basically taking the killers perk hostage since it's not a deactivation like hexes.
It just doesn't feel like a necessary change. In my opinion.
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Not by default, no
Having it be apart of a perk - idk like saboteur for example would be acceptable and not really game changing. That's if it were to be a thing, which it doesn't have to be.
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Not every bit of information has to be bottle fed to the player. I much prefer the thought of using your brain and keeping track of the scourges as a survivoid.
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No, unless you're willing to have every hook to be scourge for now on.
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No, but maybe some perks should have "seeing the scourge hooks" as a side effect like maybe Saboteur and Detective's Hunch.
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There’s no good reason to.
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Yeah this makes more sense like a buff to saboteur, nice buff for niche and weak perk
Points about running to side of the map without hooks is also fair, however this means survivors will force themselves to run to dead zones, because pallets are not infinite, so maybe this means easy downs, but this is very dependant on random generation because some very good windows can spawn here
But point about all hooks being broken is not verry correct, yes, you can't use scourge related hooks, but currently all these perks are slowing the game, survivors literally have to run to this hooks, use their toolbox every 30 seconds (or saboteur which has 60s cooldown) and then run back to gen, I mean, yeah, your hooks are broken but the gens are not being repaired while survivors are breaking hooks so their purpose is completed, game is slowed, or am i wrong with something?
P.S This is not part of the discussion, but I also wish that basement hooks will be scourge hooks basekit, so you still can use your perks even if every hook perk is broken
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Yeah ok, but then also let killers have the same hook counter as survivors on the HUD
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Because further buffing survivors and painting more basically objective pictures the devs are survivor sided isn't going to help the games declining population. In fact I think constant survivor buffs is why the game is dropping players like an anvil. This buff is unnecessary because it just acts as a massive nerf for a mechanic that is already very lackluster outside of one perk. Do you think killers should get to see the aura of boon totems from across the map, too? Because that would probably be the trade off to me. If you can see scourge hooks to try and take away the killers perk, then the killer shouldn't need to search for boons and just be told where they are.
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Survivors already have enough information without also being able to see my limited, uncontrollably spawned special perk spots to deny yet one more thing.
It's already bad enough that the way auras work makes it entirely too easy to dodge things like BBQ and Pain Resonance, let alone all the status effect things saying what perk handily just came into effect...
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If you pay attention to where a killer hooks a survivor you can figure out where his scourge hooks are. I don't see why survivors need this informative innately.
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I feel you can get the information through observation, so there's no real need for any way of seeing in advance. It would feel like too much hand-holding to me. It's nice to use your head and figure out things like scourge hook locations, what perks or add-ons someone is running, etc..
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I don't really see why this buff would be good for the game. It would generally encourage survivors to sabo the scourge hooks or go down away from them, making scourge hook perks harder to use and exacerbating their RNG mechanic. I'd rather have it the way it is now - survivors can figure out which hooks are scourge hooks through them being used during the match, but they aren't given that information at the start.
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No. Survivors would just run to the side of the map where there are no Scourge Hooks. And they'll just sabotage the hooks in spite.
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That would make it too easy to harass a killer by keeping sabotaging their scourge hook to prevent them from using their perks.
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I do not see why not. I read through the entire thread and literally nobody provided a decent reason against the idea.
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A balanced mechanic not needing a nerf isn’t a good reason to you?
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I agree with this.
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White Owl’s response is reasonable.
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Maybe show those hooks in a different color if using Saboteur but idk how they would code that those two perks interacting with each other. There's not really much of a reason to though
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That would effectively eliminate another killer perk from the game.
SWF would gain another way to bully the killer by sabotaging those hooks, and normals would just run away from them so you are not able to use them ever.
And since any regular hook will become scourge when you have the perk, sometimes they spawn next to each other and it would make way too easy for survivors to avoid them. Especially now with the wiggle buff.
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It would be a nice buff to Saboteur, but basekit? Nah. If that was the case everybody would just hold W to the side of the map without Scourge Hooks.
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The sabo squads that I played so fsr always pretty fast wisened up to that one hook I was hauling everyone too and often enough someone would already run over there to sabotage it.
By now I am used to this and expect it, so it van save you some pretty seconds, while often wasting two survivors time, ie one who wanted ti bodyblock you, one who sabotaged the hook, while you only took one step in that direction, before changing course.
Everything can be a mind game if you're brave enough.
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No. Survivors don't need yet more information spoon-fed them to help them turn off yet more Killer perks via avoiding/breaking Scourge hooks.
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I could see the ability to discern scourge hook auras being added to Dark Sense. That perk is pretty underused and this way at least the bully squads could glean some utility out of it.