Tell me guys
Why wouldn't it be? It gives you a second chance when you're being tunneled, I'm sure if D Strike didn't exist, there would be a lot more tunneling.
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Yes, the difference is that now it actually does what it was supposed to do.
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You mean one of the strongest meta perks? Yes its good
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It is good when you are being tunneled. Nothing else.
I also use it when I have the "stun the killer"-challenge.
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Yes it is still good.
You just can't use it as a full immunity card while progressing the game the way you used to be able to.
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Even after the "nerf" it's still one of the most useful and powerful perks. Even when I'm memeing around I'll make a point of trying to squeeze it into my build.
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It is technically the strongest survivor perk. The issue is it is also the most misused and with hit validation added it is harder to mess up Dead Hard than it is to use it properly. So, I do not know. Objectively DS is better, but once you take survivor mains into the equation, Dead Hard dabs away with it.
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S tier.
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Yea.... The Killer still has to play around it
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^^ this. It's still a very very very good perk, just not straight broken.
This said, in the end game it can still be a free escape with no counter for the killer. I still think it's fine as it is
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My problem with it been a free escape at end game is it punishes a killer for tunneling when the only real option is to tunnel. It also punishes killers that play "fair" because they didn't tunnel.
Otherwise the perk is fine imo
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D strike is so powerful it has an effect when no survivor is using it in the game. Yes it's good.
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It's good, it practically allows you to be hooked 4 times.
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DS is situational perk at this moment.
If you feel that you are being tunneled a lot than Ds has a purpose.
If you are like a guys who prefers doing gens and avoid killer but you arent good at looping i would not choose DS anyway as killer mostly blindingly chases the one who used DS to grab his ass again.
DS is overally good perk but you have to know its limits ( no totems / healing / doing gens for a minute).
It can make a difference in a match if one loops pretty good
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Yeah i agree with the end game situation, it's like... Gates are open and everyone else is healthy.... What is the killer supposed to do right?
Personally, if it gets to that point i already lost, so i hook the downed person for the points and scadadle to the other side of the map.
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It's a great perk, still super strong during the end game.
If a Killer wants to straight tunnel you out, well odds are they can do it.
But, it does give you another chance to get away, perhaps someone else will take agro
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It doesnt really. It never did actually.
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It does, giving you another chance when getting tunneled, instead of giving literal invincibility time for no real reason.
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Yes, it's among the best Survivor Perks
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It’s a trash perk. But it’s the only perk you have against tunnelers, so you have to use it. Imagine if jolt were the only gen perk for killers, it would be meta
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Against most killers it was and it is a some second delay. thats it. Its more of an meme perk than an anti-tunneling perk.