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Let's Hear Your Balance Changes

Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

Since people always want the devs to listen to the community's balance changes, then let's hear them. Drop your balance change ideas, be it perks, killers, survivors, items, addons, or the game itself. I'm interested in hearing what some people think the game needs.

Drop those ideas like they are a hot potato

Edit: Read this thread anytime you feel confused or mad that the devs don't listen to the community's changes. There are of course some educated or good ones, but a large number of people just spouting blatant "I want the game to be easier" changes outweigh the good ones. I don't blame the devs.

Post edited by Lochnload_exe on


  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,719

    Do bones

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I have one request that the developers are too afraid to implement, it is quite simple, really, I desire hit validation on vaulting. What seems to be the issue? I wonder why they won't do it. Hmm... So strange. Maybe it would favor the killer too much? Is that it? We just don't understand how servers decide hits didn't happen despite putting powers on cooldown? So weird.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,719

    I’m sorry I like literally can’t think of anything else 😂😂😂

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    These are a tad old so take them with a grain of salt

    SoloQ Changes

    -Added a Ping System that allows communication during a Trial. The Ping System allows Survivors to tell their teammates they are working on a Generator, searching for (Insert Secondary Objective here), cleansing a Totem, being chased or going for a save.

    -Repairing a Generator and pinging it will show the Generator's Aura with no range limit for as long as you remain on it (this will work the same with cleansing/blessing Totems).

    -Pinging while in chase will show your Aura to your team for 15 seconds (same with going for saves or searching for Secondary Objectives).

    These changes I feel would reduce the massive imbalance between SWF and SoloQ. Now, if Survivors would to get such a buff, Killers should get a few changes aswell.

    Killer Changes

    With this new efficiency within the Survivors, Killers should get some inbuilt slowdown.

    Option 1

    -Hex: Ruin will now be base kit with a slight nerf reducing the regression from 200% to 150% (Ruin would get a change to it's effect but I don't know what it should change to).

    Option 2

    -Corrupt Intervention would become base kit with a nerf to its duration taking it down from 120 seconds to 95 seconds (like Ruin above, Corrupt would get a rework).

    Option 3

    -Survivors would get new Secondary Objectives. Each Map/Realm will have their own reskins of said Secondary Objective.

    -Every Generators/(Insert reskin here) will give Survivors 2 Gate Parts (1 per Survivor if there are 2, and if there are 3 or more, the Gate Parts will be randomly given to 2 of them) and will go into the Survivor Inventory(Gate Parts will go in an in-Trial inventory and won't take up Item slots, nor will the be able to be brought into the next Trial). If a Survivor dies, the Hook they died on will be shown in a white Aura, indicating that there are Gate Parts to be collected. If the Aura is missing, then the Gate Parts have already been collected or the Survivor never had any to begin with.

    -After all Generators/(Insert reskin here) are finished, Survivors will have to come together to craft Gate Switches using the Gate Parts they have collected. 1 Gate Switch would require 5 Gate Parts to be crafted.


    -Autohaven Wreckers Maps will now have Car Engines instead of Generators. To fuel these Car Engines, Survivors will have to explore the map to find Gas Cans. Using a Gas Can will allow Survivors to work on 50% of a Car Engine, making it so it requires 2 Gas Cans to finish a Car Engine.

    -MacMillan Maps will retain the basic Generators, requiring Gears to be found with the exception of Suffocation Pit.

    -Suffocation Pit's Generators will now become Holes that require Shovels to be dug up.

    -Coldwind Farm Maps will have Pig Pens as their Generators and will require Pig Food as their Gears. Generators inside Main Buildings/Shack will have TV's as their Generators and will require TV Remotes as their Gears. Bringing Pig Food to a TV will turn it into a TV Remote and vice versa.

    Camping and tunneling could get a nerf but I have no idea how to nerf them.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    Giving the survivors an entirely new non optional secondary objective means essentially every killer that is slightly good would need a nerf of some kind. Pig having passive slowdown? Insanely punishing and oppressive. Not even MENTIONING pinhead. All killers that are either good, or just bring good stuff essentially have an even easier time than they already do because they got passive slowdown for free. Option 2 would be the best choice really.

    In terms of the killer base kit perks, corrupt would sound fine (doesn't really need reworked either, just make the passive time 90 seconds and the perk increases that time to 120) but ruin as a whole with just a slight reduction in speed would mean LOADS of perks need to be reworked. I think a better concept would to just make kicking a gen give the gen ruin level regression (200%). Ruin now doesn't need reworked either since it still gives the benefit of not needing to kick.

    For the SoloQ changes as well, that would ALSO require loads of perks to be reworked. The new icon symbols they are working on look fine enough personally.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    As I said, these are from last year or so, so Pinhead wasn't even a thing back then and I didn't really care how much this changed the game and how many Perks/Killers needed reworks as I knew it wouldn't be implemented, it was more for fun

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,606

    I just want to play release Freddy again :(

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,429
    edited January 2022

    Kindred basekit. Solo survivors lack information that SWFs get for free. Kindred also becomes redundant when multiple solos run it, so you actually potentially lose perk slots on top of spending a perk slot on something other players get for free in the first place. So it's at once an often necessary perk that also hamstrings a team of solos in other areas because of what they lose by running it.

    Survivor A on the hook has Kindred. Survivor B on a gen also has Kindred. It makes zero sense that two survivors are spending a perk slot to look at the exact same thing. Survivors C and D don't have Kindred but see Survivor A's Kindred. Survivor B has a pointless perk for the duration of A's time on hook. It's dumb.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited January 2022
    • Rework Dead Hard.
    • Rework maps to remove problem loops and to give better hook RNG.
    • Ping system for solo survivors.
    • Encourage better sportsmanship.
    • Negate facecamping.

    No, Kindred's ability to see the killer post-hook, especially when combined with Open Handed makes it crazy strong. You'd have to buff the everloving hell out of killers to compensate.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Rework generators

  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    Remove Overheat From Billy.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Personally I would rebalance maps, currently there is a lot of variety (and this is good) but there is also a huge disparity in resources. I just played a match in Coal Tower where the window of the shack was facing a strong pallet loop, with right next to it another average pallet and an L-T wall. Catching survivors in that area was a huge pain in the ass. The next match I went to Yamaoka's Estate and I face 2, maybe 3 pallets and a couple windows.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,772

    - Add voice wheel for Survivors that pop up on the top left of the screen. Survivors can tell their teammates various things such as "Killer on me!" "Generator Here! (Percentage)" "Killer close!". They could also add immersion by making the characters speak in their native language. But the text will always appear in the games language so you can understand.

    - Survivors always spawn together

    - Healing costs more charges after every heal, first heal is 16, second is 18, third is 20 and so on, but it caps at 24. This way you nerf healing, CoH and medkits

    Id do more but this is what I can think of right now

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • No totem should start within line of sight of a survivor (if the system allows it currently), and ideally hex totems should all start a reasonable minimum distance from any survivor and generator. Hex totems being in plain sight of a survivor right at the start of the match should be avoided whenever possible.
    • Hooks should be a minimum distance on a single level of a multi floor map. A hook on the second floor of RPD or Midwich or The Game, etc, shouldn’t be used to prevent a hook being placed on the floor immediately below it, since what matters is the walking distance between hooks, not straight beeline distance through all walls and floors.
    • I suspect the matchmaking system is using a simple formula for survivor groups where it takes their average when deciding what killer to put against them. If so it should instead probably do something like have a trained neural net which inputs four survivor MMRs and outputs an optimal killer MMR to aim for. That would help with any mismatches caused by having, say, swfs with players of widely different ratings.
    • Remove map offerings. Map offerings only exacerbate existing imbalances and exploits by allowing those maps to appear much more often than usual.
    • Don’t use bloodpoint bonuses to “balance” perks and add-ons, only use effects that impact the match itself. Things like Padded Jaws which put Trapper at a big disadvantage to give a small bloodpoint bonus at the end of the game really shouldn’t be a thing. Leave bloodpoint bonuses for the offerings.
    • On the survivor side, Dead Hard should probably split the lunge forward and granting invulnerability into two separate perks, The lunge distance is already useful enough that it’s the main reason the perk is picked, so why also include the invulnerability which could be a decent perk in its own right? Split the perk into two separate perks, one for a lunge and one for invulnerability.
    • On the killer side, I’d be ok with Borrowed Time being base kit to incentivize spreading damage out more. That being said, that change could be significant enough that they also should probably couple it with a slight increase in the amount of time it takes to complete each gen so the overall kill ratios aren’t changed too much,
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Here’s my ideas for how to make clown feel better to play


    The Afterpiece antidote and tonic now use 2 separate ammo pools. You have 4 tonics and 1 antidote available without add ons. You still have to reload the tonic as normal but the antidote now recharges every 10 seconds. Additionally the antidote’s speed boost now lasts for 6 seconds (from 5)

    ”Many clown players refuse to use the antidote since it cuts into the amount of tonics they can use. This change allows more free use of the antidote without making clown have to reload more often”


    Fingerless parade gloves: Shows the arc of the a bottle being throw, allows for the clown to charge his bottle for twice as long. This changes the arc to similar of a huntress when fully charged

    Robin feather: Decreases antidote recharge time by 2 seconds

    Sticky soda bottle: Increases both tonic and antidote capacity by 1

    Starling feather: Decreases antidote recharge time by 3 seconds

    Kerosene can: survivors intoxicated by the afterpiece tonic are afflicted with the oblivious status effect

    Spirit of hawtshorn: Increases haste status from the antidote (from 10% to 15%) and reduces the afterpiece antidote’s duration (from 6 to 5)

    Bottle of chloroform: Now also increases the duration of the afterpiece tonic’s duration (This makes it essentially the old garish makeup kit)

    Cigar box: Clown can now detonate his tonic bottles mid throw at any time by pressing the switch bottle button. Can no longer use the antidote

    Cheap gin bottle: Increases both tonic and antidote capacity by 2 

    Tatoo’s middle finger: After hooking a survivor all of your bottles are automatically reloaded

    Redhead’s pinky finger: Survivors who cure their intoxication with an antidote become exposed for 15 seconds

    I think these changes would help make clown feel more fluid as well as making his add ons more worthwhile to equip

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005
    edited January 2022

    SWF moves to a separate game mode, or gets scrapped whatsoever. Wanna play with friends - go play KYF.

    DH, DS, BT, NOED, Ruin, Undying, Devour get nerfed to the ground.

    Blight, Spirit, Doctor, Legion, Oni, Artist, Ghostface, Clown get nerfed (maybe just a little bit).

    Hitboxes, especially vaulting hitboxes and those of Huntress' hatchets, get fixed.

    Wraith and Bubba receive massive buffs in order to qualify at least as C tier killers.

    All licensed maps get removed from the game without compensations.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Shadowborn basekit :^)

    Shadowborn my beloved 💜


  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    Make Trickster a 115% killer.

    That's literally the only balance change I ctrl+F search new patch notes for passionately.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    Not a balance change but a QOL change.

    Scourge Hook perks will now start the trial with 4 stacks. Hooking a survivor will cause you to loose one stack but turn the current hook into a Scourge Hook + perk effect.

    This will let the killer choose which hooks to turn into a Scourge Hook and remove the RNG aspect. Giving the killer more control of their perks.

    If you want to go even further, you get 4 Stacks per Scourge Hook perk. 2 perks = 8 Scourge Hooks. Maybe Gift of Pain will get more use with this one.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I really like this idea, but the one thing holding Pain Resonance back from becoming meta is the occasionally cruel RNG that will give you 2 hooks at the back of the map, one on the next map over and one under a duck.

  • BabyCameron10
    BabyCameron10 Member Posts: 950

    I really enjoy using the perk but the RNG makes me feel mixed up about it .In a way it’s similar to Hex perks. You can go some games with massive value or none at all. The perk suffers the most on Big maps and 2+ floors maps.

    Letting the killer decide what Hooks would really help the perk immensely.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,994

    Tbh what I want to see is basekit kindred but without the killer reveal. This way, survivors all see each other when someone is on hook and know if someone is going for a save or not, but it doesn't give any information about the killer beyond that/wouldn't have the open-handed synergy.

    The perk kindred would then continue to reveal the killer as it does now and could have something else added to it as well if deemed necessary.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
    edited February 2022

    I have a massive list of grievances, but these are the top 5 that I would do that I feel would shake up the meta in a really nice way:

    • Make survivors the BP breadwinners so that killers can be balanced as the power role
    • Nerf (or remove) all second chance perks, on both sides, and buff the duration of all aura reading perks so they can be used to assist in looping mindgames and objective prioritization
    • Raise the height of all tall-wall tilesets by 35% to combat stretch Res
    • Increase the penalty for a killer missing his attack by a factor proportional to the reduction of a survivors speed boost upon losing a health state (Combats excessive bodyblocking, prevents the second health state from always being guarenteed to play out at the strongest tile set, and this reduction would allow them to consider things like BT basekit because it would no longer be a get out of jail free card no matter who the killer chose)
    • Remove Bloodlust and increase the speed of all killers by 2%

    Lets make decisions have consequences and looping an actual skill instead of a game of whack-a-mole with pallets.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I agree, but I'd rather do a mechanical change. The new status icons should help with this.

    I find that running Agitation with it is a must (and you'll be surprised how much value the perk gives as well) as it allows you to, on most maps, choose a white hook. RPD and a few other maps make PR pretty worthless sometimes.

    I run PR on killers where I absolutely must be in the action ASAP again (ones with setup or no traversal). On killers with side objectives, I go hexes to overwhelm people. On killers with instadowns, I actually like PR+Surge. Wraith and high mobility killers get Pop.

    Being able to see each other baseline is a little strong for free - consider that what you are doing is essentially simulating a near perfect SWF in some respects. This would also be a bit of a buff to SWFs, as it frees up the airwaves for other things.

    I don't hate the idea, but killers would need something decent in compensation otherwise that's going to be a bit brutal.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,994

    I agree killers would need something in return. That's just one thing out of many changes I'd like to see on both sides of the game.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I'd love Deerstalker's aura reading (far too often I accidently bleed someone out because I can't find them) but killer perks don't easily slot in 'baseline'.

    The major killer buff I'd want would be a rework on maps, to remove some of the problem loops like logs on Swamp and the cow-trees on Farm.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    Why not ignore your constant quibbling because you've demonstrated you never have any intention of arguing in good faith?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Increase gen speed to 120seconds, make all gens only possible to do with at most 2 players, remove camping and tunneling entirely.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    Same way how I can physically be already running and even have Lithe activated but still be hit through the window.

  • SmarulKusia
    SmarulKusia Member Posts: 819

    The only thing that I ask for, is VC.

  • Weasdat
    Weasdat Member Posts: 143

    Make grabs work. Make grabs work at anytime as long as you're colliding with the survivor. So no more bt body blocking, no more hook standoffs, no more survivors trading hits by running directly into the killer.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
    edited February 2022

    Just going to be spitballing here. Most of these are probably not going to be good or well thought out

    Killer perks

    Hex: Huntress Lullaby

    Now always hides the sound of skill checks. Stacks now increase the penalty of the skill check

    The payoff just isn't there for it being a hex perk. This makes it usefull while still making it better the longer the match goes on

    Dead man switch

    Change the trigger condition to when a generator stops being repaired

    Just for artist shenanigans. Allows you to deny the gen blocking by doubling up on it and removing the crows one at a time

    Hex: Noed

    cleansing a dull totem now makes the survivor scream and reveal their position.

    Gives noed something before end game but more importantly gives the survivors a heads up it's in play so doing bones doesn't become a gamble

    Brutal strength

    now has 30% increased breaking speed

    Fire up

    Increase to 6% per token

    20% just isn't relevant in almost all scenario's. Wraith can get to 60% breaking speed with his addons and uncloak and it isn't that strong


    Now applies to all regressing gens. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds when it triggers

    Makes it easier to get use out of it while adding a cooldown to stop it from being nutty with ruin

    Coup de grace

    downing a survivor during an extended lunge refunds the token

    coup de grace bassically means finishing blow so this fits really well thematically. Also would reduce the awkward can't swing now or i love my tokens thing this perk has

    Survivor perks

    Boon: CoH

    Reduce bonus healing speed to 33% (healing others 12 seconds, healing self 24 seconds)

    Snuffing a boon now makes the entity block that totem for 60 seconds

    Feels like those would be more fair (and rounded) numbers. The entity blocking is just to give an answer to the real trouble totem spots. I realise this also nerfs a mediocre and a bad perk but with boons only looking to get better with future releases i think it's fair

    Dead hard

    If the killer didn't attack during the duration of dead hard you stop moving for 0.5 seconds. Dead harding over a beartrap deactivates the bear trap

    we know from challenges and validation that the game keeps track if the killer swings near you so this should work. You can still throw pallets so this won't remove dead hard for distance completely but it will be more situational and require a bit more thought. I don't think allowing bear traps to catch you during a dead hard is a good idea with basement trapper being a thing but it really shouldn't turn trappers power against him

    Corrective Action

    At max stacks it will turn a good skillcheck of another survivor into a great skill check and lose 2 tokens

    At a bit more utility to this training wheel perk


    Removes regression penalty

    why does a training wheel perk have a downside again?


    highlights the locker you are in to other survivors

    Makes it a bit easier to pull of in solo


    Increase odds of skillchecks

    a real fun perk but rng can screw you so hard

    Could probably keep going but let's leave it at that for now. I'm not going to pretend that i know enough to make base changes

    Post edited by Sonzaishinai on
  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Dude I have a lot of them... But here are my 2 best changes IMO

    Here are the rest of the changes I would make if you're interested:


  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I am reading through the ideas as I see this, and indeed lmao I do not have the energy to even respond to some of these.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    So make the game exponentially tilted in killer favor, and how would you possiby get rid of camping and tunneling?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,564

    For those whom said to make perks basekit... what are you going to do about the perk slot left over

    Dying Light: Increase Debuff from 3% to 6% and have the Obsession's Heal speed will start at 0% but as the Killer gets Hooks that number goes up by 11% to 33%

    Difference between Survivor activated perks and Killer activated perks/Status effects... Deep Wound should last longer if BT was used but if FF is used then it shouldn't last as long

    Get rid of BP increasing addons and make them do something else (I don't know what for each one)

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I think a character should come with only 1 perk, but it also come with a new mechanic for the game, something like Doctor DLC gives all killers ability to kick Gen, only him can do that more effective.

    If Corrupted intervention being base with only 20sec (so Killer who uses perks increase the time to 120sec). It would help Killer a little. Of course there should be other thing being basekit added along with it (perhaps 2sec Lethal pursuit)

  • El_Gingero
    El_Gingero Member Posts: 1,147

    In no particular order:

    Incremental tweaks to underperforming perks + addons (every other patch)

    Quality of life changes to various killers (Twins)

    Ping system + optional comms built-in (I know you don’t want comms, I really don’t want to get into it.)