Sprinting mechanic

Hi, what, other than sound, does sound affect, does it make you more visible or something or is it only the sound that makes it bad to sprint?



  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    @snoopy said:
    Hi, what, other than sound, does sound affect, does it make you more visible or something or is it only the sound that makes it bad to sprint?


    Sprinting leaves 'scratch marks', which are basically foot prints in a way. I'm assuming you're new, so the advice I would give is don't sprint all the time. Don't sprint if the killer is close, unless he notices you, and don't sprint over windows or in a locker because it'll give a notification to the killer telling him where you are. : )

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    You can sprint when you know the killer is far away. There are some killer-specific reason to not sprint, however. Eg. Don’t sprint near chasing locations or generators when out of chase with the Hag because you’ll probably summon her.

  • snoopy
    snoopy Member Posts: 11
    Thanks, guys, that definetly helped me out alot. I am however not that new to the game, I just didnt know.