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Boil Over Is Having An Obvious Effect On This Game.

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

And to those who are inexplicably arguing for it to be kept as is - perhaps this will be food for thought.

I'm seeing more and more people using Boil Over and immediately running to a raised area in the hopes of being unhookable. It's not always a dedicated troll comp, hell - it's not always successful, but it's just annoying enough to encourage killers to keep people slugged.

And sure enough, killers are slugging more. One of the big three 'survivor complaints' and something genuinely poisonous to the fun of both sides. It's no fun being slugged for extended periods and it's even less fun having to stare at a bunch of slugs, waiting to bap them back down.

Whether or not you like the new BO or not, before you start in with the 'what about camping?' stuff - just consider that.

Do you want more slugging? Is this the sort of gameplay you find engaging?

If the answer is no, you should be supporting a change to BO.

The meta needs shaking up, sure - but this isn't the way to do it. It takes the game in an even worse direction.


  • RainehDaze
    RainehDaze Member Posts: 2,573

    Boil Over makes for a better horror story than most of the actual games do.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I can't speak for console but PC can absolutely be bad with it too. I've had it jerk me around and pin me against outcroppings plenty.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I've found that aiming my mouse away from the 'sway' and using W and D can negate a lot of it. It can be ridiculous on indoor maps, but I'm usually able to compensate.

    The major issue is the % wiggle progress on even tiny drops combined with areas that have bugger all hooks near them.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,136

    BHVR has never given many options for controller settings. Movement cannot be changed to d-pad unless there's some way to do it outside of the game.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    Which is why I just cant get my head around how this perk change ever made it to live servers!

    The LAST thing the game needed from a survivor main perspective, was for even more killers to stop playing as queue times were pretty horrific already at peak times.

  • drakolyr
    drakolyr Member Posts: 322

    I only think they need to fix the impossible hooks like RPD.

    Besides that, the perk is fine. Even if its annoying.

    For me Noed etc is also annoying.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,166

    I've gotten super angry at the game and quit "In Anger" before (until I calmed down and came crawling back like the lil ######### I am :D) but this is the first time where just the thought of going into the queue as killer and knowing there's a chance I have to deal with this makes me really just not want to play.

    Like...this isn't anger anymore. This is just plain deflation. Right now the Envelopes are still keeping my interest as I can still get a ton of points out of the game even if the survivors are all abusing the situation but once the event is over...

    I just...I don't know right now. I want to keep playing as it is a unique experience you really can't get out of many other games but at some point, the cons are going to outweigh the pros. The cons already have started stacking up with things like CoH and SBMMR but knowing that any game I enter could become a damn hostage situation for me and there is literally nothing I can do about it...

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    What irks me with Boil Over, aside from the unhookable spots, is that wiggling off with it is not about coordination. Wiggling off of a Killer's shoulder requires good coordination and teamwork from the Survivors to be successful, Boil Over throws that put the window and punishes the Killer for taking shortcuts. Just go to a high place, or even basement stairs, and get free 25% wiggle progression

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Its just shows killer entitlement. Killers are allowed to be annoying af to survivors, but if its the other way round the game is unplayable/broken and must be changed immediately. Double standards at its best.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    New Boil Over has certain spots on maps that make it impossible to hook anyone. There's a difference between dying to an "unfun" tactic and something that makes it impossible to do your objective. Tunneling and camping still allow Survivors (plural as DbD is a team game, if someone dies and the rest of the team escaped, it's still a win) do do their objective

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Ehh, I don't really care if you want to get slugged for 4min for no real reason, I'll happily let you rot in that manner.

    I just think it's not fun for literally everyone.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    Here is my stance on this perk.

    I have not had one instance where I felt like the perk by itself did anything substantial that dramatically affected my match.

    Some of the only matches where I felt they got what they wanted, were survivors who clearly brought it as part of a build. Meaning that they sacrificed other perks that could have been useful against my playstyle.

    On the topic of slugging. Slugging is already being excessively exploited in matches so it doesn’t really make a difference in terms of “oh do you want more of this?” Why? Because survivors have already adapted to the idea that nothing is going to be done about it. Same with camping.

    Yet god forbid anyone bring those two topics up as “issues” because they are immediately met with “Bring DS or UB” … so a perk to counter a tactic that only lays at the hand of does the killer want to abuse it or not. Interesting, you have a perk (Agitation , Iron Grasp) that could soft counter BO (same as with UB and DS) but somehow that isn’t ok.

    I wanna see the same type of energy when it comes to the other things that are annoying yet somewhat counterable and then I’ll get behind an adjustment to BO.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited February 2022

    Here's the problem with what you are saying is: It's essentially the home version of Fallacy Bingo. Let's take a look.

    • Slugging isn't 'exploited', aside from situations where the killer leaves everyone to bleed out, to be annoying. Slugging is a tactical move, generally when you suspect DS or there are multiple survivors in close proximity. You are misusing the term 'exploited' to draw a false equivalency to Boil Over.
    • Slugging is also required in some circumstances - to prevent a pallet save, for example. When is taking the game hostage with Boil Over required in a tactical sense?
    • Taking the game hostage with Boil Over is not tactical, it's griefing. There is no reason to do it aside from being obnoxious and trying to get the killer to DC.
    • You are saying 'slugging is already being excessively exploited'. Where, when and by what metric? I know I play a few survivor games every day and I've literally never seen anyone using it exploitatively. Neither have I seen this on a large number of streams.
    • Slugging has counterplay in most cases, and is a trade off for the killer. It means that if someone picks that person up, you don't get that hook state. Hell, I've been doing this in my challenge - I'll slug someone and drop them where I know they'll be found, to allow me to 2 hook everyone before killing. There is literally no drawbacks to using Boil Over, if your purpose is to take the game hostage and grief.
    • A lot of killers (myself included) don't enjoy slugging and won't do it unless it's tactically required.
    • DS and UB are excellent perks. They have awesome benefits (DS locker hopping, for example) even if you aren't being tunneled or bled out. Again, false equivalency, heading into whataboutism.
    • And there's the whataboutism. 'Do x for my side before y is done for your side'. No, that's not how it works. Even assuming you are correct about slugging (you...aren't), one thing being annoying does not mean that something else annoying shouldn't be fixed - especially when one thing is nearly impossible to fix without completely reworking the game and the other is as simple as changing a number on one perk.
  • thirstyace
    thirstyace Applicant Posts: 3

    it's slug season lol, my favorite are the banana ones

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Are they?

    Killers walling someone in? Bannable.

    Killers slugging everyone to bleed them out? Before the Boil Over change, I'd literally never seen it aside from 'it really happened that one time' shaggy dog stories. Plus, you can just go AFK and the game will end pretty fast. With Boil Over, the game can literally go on forever.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    Boil over is clearly a bad and unhealthy perk just from that one "this is childish" thread. Reading through that thread it is clear there is a severe animosity toward the perk and a lot of the community gets angry if they see the perk, because it is perceived as only being valid to troll. So far I have heard stories of killers body blocking people in corners as punishment for using the perk, bleeding them out even with a hook near by solely to punish them for using the perk, and survivors working with the killer to punish their teammate for using the perk.

    It is clear that the perk is VERY unhealthy for the community. And the only defenses I have seen are basically "I wanna grief" and "I think I should always have a 50/50 shot of still getting free after losing a chase!"

    Kill switching maps and such, as I have seen suggested, is just stupid. Revert the buff or killswitch the perk.

    I mean the devs have continued to present ideas for changes that will worsen the queues even more, and plenty of survivor mains on the forums also demand changes that would also cause more killers to quit.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I wont wall someone in or bleed them out unless they are using this perk to take the match hostage.

    However, it's just an awful perk to play against, and I'm on K+M. I can only imagine how toothgrindingly annoying it is on indoor maps on a controller.

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    Okay 😭

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I've been playing pyramid head because of boil over, they want to no mither boil over me? Fine I'll just torment the entire ######### area and then cage them all and end the game early.

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735


    It is impossible to counter wiggle on a controller.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nope. I do not support nerfing anything that the people who are crying for nerfs believe is weak. That is utterly absurd and one of the reasons developers do not take us seriously. It is laughable how backwards that is.

  • JamnJelly
    JamnJelly Member Posts: 139

    You bring up entitlement, but unless you bring in Agitation and Iron Grasp, certain maps you can't make it to a hook at all, particularly on console. There's no counter real counter except bringing two perks specifically for that.

    You call that entitlement? It's literally halts any real progress and people know that. So they abuse it.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Eh... only thing that bothers me is the free progression they get for taking a shortcut. That just feel's excessive to me.

    The wiggle part I can deal with, even if I don't have Iron Grip slotted.

    Frankly, if you really want to get back at the Boil Over "abusers", just run counter-builds and have fun with it.

  • OpenX
    OpenX Member Posts: 890

    There is no counter build to boil over. There's a few spots where you cannot hook even with Agi Iron Grasp. Telling people to give up half their build to counter 1 perk out of 16 the survivors might have is also dumb.

    But the discussion is pointless, it's broken and getting hotfix nerfed so everyone saying it was broken were correct. The people defending it were wrong.

    And yes I do hate the free progression they get. It has messed me up quite a few times by now since I have the hook timings almost down to muscle memory and have been getting cucked half a second from a hook.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Survivors use a Coh, just use Thrill of the hunt and another Hex.

    Survivors use a Boil over, just use Irongrasp and Agitation.

    Then have fun with it.

    Some people doesnt see whats wrong when killers have to bring 50% perk slot to deal with 6% survivors perk slot...

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    I'm just going to say this if you and your fellow swf's bring boil over + breakout and take me to the swamp and you go underneath the buildings in the narrow areas when you're about to go down you bet I'm going to make you bleedout as I despise that realm and you obviously have to rely on a crutch spot instead of using the perk for its intended use

    Idc if you say I'm bm what you did can also be considered bm

    And yes I have had that situation happen to me and you bet they all bled out because they wanted to save the guy I was face camping which they did unhook him but since they didn't have borrowed time it didn't take long to slug them