Pain Resonance needs to be nerfed.

When it activates with only 0.2 seconds left until the generator is complete, the Survivors are left unanswered. Especially if it's Ruin.
It needs to be nerfed.
Pain Res?
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My guess would be they're talking about a Killer comboing Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance and new Dead Man's Switch. Not 100% sure though.
Edit: Honestly if you throw in some translation shenanigans, I can see Scourge Hook turning into Hook of Disaster.
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Do you mean Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance?
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I used google translator. The meaning may not be conveyed accurately. Mistakes may occur.
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I used google translator. The meaning may not be conveyed accurately. Mistakes may occur.
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Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance is one of the better designed perks that have been introduced in the last year. It's strong, but it only is strong if the killer is both constantly downing and hooking survivors AND if RNG is in their favor and the Scourge hooks are in the area where the survivors are downed. If a killer player isn't getting downs fast enough, then the perk isn't going to stop gens from getting finished. Since there's only 4 hooks, if they spawn all together on one part of the map and survivors go down where the killer can't use them, then the perk isn't going to give a benefit. Even the information aspect of it can be countered -- once you realize the killer is running it and someone goes down, letting up off of the gen will deny that information to the killer (which I've seen very good survivors do).
Is it strong? Yes. Is it a game-winner just by running it? Absolutely not. Strong perks do not automatically warrant nerfing on either side.
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After reading through some of the other stuff people cry about, it does not actually take much imagination to see this one.
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Have we come to the point that we demand nerfs for perks that have yet to be released?
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scourge hook: pain resonance is fine. no need to nerf this perk imo also cause you NEED to play well and doing hooks in order to get use of this perk, unlike perks like dead hard (reward you for being injured... reward failure in that case) or noed (this perk doesn't require much effort in order to use it... it's sufficient that you defend at least one totem)
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Pain resonance only has an effect on one gen. If survivors split up and do gens all around the map it'll just be a minor setback
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Let go before the killer hooks...............
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It needs to be BUFFED, survivors should get bad status effect similar to eruption for 6 sec.
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So. A perk working exactly as it is supposed to in the best possible scenario for that perk getting use? And you think it needs a nerf? I want whatever you're smoking.
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Adapt. Let go of the gen before the killer hooks someone and then continue.
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Rule N. 208481 from the Survivor Rulebook: Don't stop me from completing a gen.