Oni or Spirit?

Hi guys! This is my first post in this forum! I saw everyone here knows each other so I wanted to introduce myself a bit. I started playing when Epic gifted the game and I LOVED it. I'm still playing, mainly killer because I don't have any friends playing. I love Deathslinger, Pinhead and Piramid Head. I got to 9k with the Bubba shards, soooo... I wanted to ask everyone what your thoughts are on Oni and Spirit to know which one would be cooler to get!
And well, nice to meet you all, I think you'll see me more over here! ^^
Spirit is the stronger Yamaoka, but Oni is more fun imo
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Oni is more fun IMO but harder to master
Spirit is stronger and comes with better perks
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In the current CoH meta, Spirit by a mile.
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I'd go Spirit, idk I never thought much about Oni.
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Hard to tell. First of all: Both are very good Killers and are fun to play. Both can compete even against coordinated teams and have all the things you want from a A-Tier Killer will still having enough weaknesses to make them fair and fun to play again as a survivor (personal opinion, could differ from survivor to survivor).
Spirit is more of a planned and strategic Killer for me. Her power can end chases very quickly and she is one of the Killers who can run without any add-ons and still get work done. However she plays very different from most Killers as you have to pay attention to other details: Spirit plays very much by sound and surroundings. You will have to learn to look for moving grass, learn to gauge a survivors distance based on footsteps and outplay Iron Will with those tools.
Oni plays different from this. He is a normal M1 Killer at first and his performance depends on you getting the first hit. As such your M1-Skills must be on point to keep up with good survivors. Once in his power he can snowball the game very easy, one mistake can turn around a game that has been 1 hook with 1 generator left into a 4k. Oni requires slugging and performs much better with BBQ & Chilly and Infectious Fright. Also his power is tons of fun to use and feels very rewarding when you get a down.
If you search for a different experience from how the flow of the game feels from the Killer you play right now: Take Oni. He plays nothing like Pinhead or Deathslinger and is very good, his snowball and punishment of survivor mistakes is a huge up for him. If you want to play by sound which is a different playstyle on its own: Take Spirit.
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I struggled badly to figure out Spirit and with Oni, you get to smush squishy survivors with your big stick!
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It is nice to meet you as well. Now for your question both of them are fun but I feel that spirit is way easier to play and learn than oni.
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I'm not great at tracking so I'd go with Oni.
I prefer to able to see my target then be blind half the time.
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Get Spirit as long as you put the time in to learning how to play her she's a lot of fun.
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Oni can be more fun but Spirit has her moments too. If I had to choose it would be Spirit but I'm biased towards female characters (Pig, Artist, plague, Huntress). I would tip it to her favor considering her perks are better (Mainly Spirit Fury and HG) but rancor has it moments too compared to Oni who honestly might have the worst set of perks now that Slingers got buffed.
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Whoah, ngl I didn't expect this much comments. Thanks for everyone! ^^
I'm kinda surprised because before posting, after watching some gameplays, I thought that the Spirit would be the difficult-to-master mind games killer, and the Oni would be a smashy-smashy guy.
Perk-wise, I already have HG from shrine so that's kinda a point towards Oni. I have also read you all and I think the Oni could be better to get for now, though the Spirit is one that I'll keep on the radar. Out of curiosity, why do you guys think Oni is more fun to play and Spirit is more powerful? I get that the current CoH meta is kinda bad for the Oni, but wanted to know your opinions in all of this, make some discussion in the thread :)
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Oni 1000000%, I've bickered endlessly with @TheGannMan over which Yamaoka is better (It's Oni by the way).
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Spirit is stronger than Oni but you need to know she got a small nerf when they introduced her directional audio. It doesnt make her that weak but it does hurt her mindgame potential. Oni can be fun up to a certain level but you will struggle against heavy altruistic teams. So the question remains how much time are you will to invest in this new killer? Oni will help you climb ranks espcially with sloppy butcher and until spirit is learned properly she will most likely hurt your ranks. When rank isnt a concern and its just about what killer is more fun I personally find stealth types the more enjoyable experience
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Spirit is not as EZ as everyone says, especially for newer players. She's quite hard against actually good survivors who use Iron Will and know what you can see and what not. They will backtrack, walk, do unpredictable stuff. If you're new you will mindgame yourself a lot. They can also hear you phasing now (she got nerfed some months ago) so pallets are generally more dangerous than before because they can stun you on reaction and you have to keep in mind that they could suddenly change directions when they hear you're phasing near them. If they run Iron Will they actually are the ones in control now. BUT... if you put the time into her and get some general game sense/ survivor movement predictions, it will pay off. But i think she is a killer who shines especially when you're already experienced in the game
Oni is also very strong and once you mastered the mechanical part of his ability (flicking) he is not much weaker than Spirit. I personally never cared much for him though.
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Fun is very subjective, but Demon Dash is a very fun mechanic to master because you can strafe around objects (he doesn't collide with them like Bubba for example) and do cool flicks.
Spirit takes some skill to play but her power is very straight forward: you need to learn how to track without seeing the survivor. There really aren't many "techs" you can learn with her.
In terms of strength Spirit is definitely better. Oni outside of Blood Fury is literally a killer with no power. You start the match having to get normal hits which makes him considerably weak against teams that play safe. His power is also heavily punishing if you don't know how to manage it and get downs, as it is tied to a limited timer.
Considering you're still very new to the game, I'd go with Oni. As I said you need to learn how to get basic attacks with him to built up his power, which will make you learn mindgames and chase techniques. Spirit is cool and all but she kind of plays her own game instead of DBD, just like Nurse and Hag. She's slower than the normal killers (4.4m/s instead of 4.6m/s) so the usual chase is very hard with her.
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Spirit's perks are better by a mile, so I'd recommend her just based on that since you're a newer player.
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That's kinda a tough choice for me, because both of those are high skill floor killers with pretty high skill ceiling.
Spirit is consistently dangerous throughout the entire match. Oni is not, but I think you can argue that he's more dangerous when he's at his strongest. He moves very fast, can insta-down, break pallets quickly, and of course, actually see where survivors are. Oni also has the advantage of being a 115% movement speed killer.
Between the two of them I guess I'd choose Oni.
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Oni is much harder to master than Spirit, his demon dash has quite a learning curve. But they are both really fun and viable choices!
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I'm sorry guys, had a busy day so I couldn't answer before.
Thanks for everyone of your responses. I think I'll go for the Oni. I like that it is a change of pace for what I am used to, which is something you guys mentioned. I really liked what you told about the Spirit, and to be honest that is the character I though I was going to end up buying. I really liked what you guys said about Oni's power and it seems to be really fun (though I can see why it is not that strong with the CoH meta because I had some matches with PH that were hell because I couldn't down anyone) to smash people in the ground. I'll tell you how it ends up when I try the Oni for the first time, which most likely is going to be painful xD
Again, thank you very much for your kind responses. You guys are amazing :)
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I prefer Spirit in terms of fun, but I like Oni as a character better. Glad you chose Oni though, both are great killers!
And welcome to the forums, as well as DBD! I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far!
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Thank you so much! ^^ The game is amazing and I really like the community so far.
And yeah, I think my next killer will be Spirit, everyone has sold it to me really good xD. Next 9k already has a killer.