Full awards & points for disconnections!

I feel I need to write a topic on the forums, to further discuss the disconnection issues that most of us are probably experiencing on this game. It's getting ridiculous. It only seems to be getting worse and worse, especially compared to afew months ago. In each of my games as both Survivor and Killer, naturally I experience more disconnections as Killer.
When it happened afew times a week, it didn't bother me. But now it's happening more and more, the days that I do play, I get at least one disconnect in 1 in 5 games.
My reason for writing this is due to a game I played earlier today. Playing as Trapper, as you can see on the provided images to this post. Dealing with a toxic team, then when you gain momentum they shut you down with their idiotic behaviour. T-bagging and juking, abusing the Killer POV etc-etc. I could make an entire list on these issues alone.
However my main issue is the disconnections. I've also started to notice that when you put Survivors into dying state, they don't disconnect instantly now but rather, wait, until you have them on the hook and then... disconnect from the game.
So, when they do this it, affects the outcome of my game. I lose points and emblem progression toward my categories and earned bloodpoints post game and I may lose a pip or barely safety pip. I do have a suggestion for these issues however.
My suggestion for this, is to award Killers the full amount of bloodpoints that a fully sacrificed Survivor would give if they'd had stayed and played the game properly. Instead of disconnecting. So instead of getting 625 points for a disconnect. Killers should be awarded the full potential bloodpoint award, if they were to hook a survivor three times, entity summoned and finally sacrificed.
This is just my opinion on the matter, I do think something needs to be put in place for the awful behaviour of players on this game. It's ruining the fun-factor and making the game stressful to play, it's turning me away from playing it honestly. I don't play as a toxic Killer or Survivor in the game; as I like to respect my fellow DbD players. But when you get screwed over by people, who feel you don't deserve the points/kills or just like messing with your experience. It's a different story.
I hope they find some way to deal with this. I wouldn't feel so bad, if I got the points I should have earned in the game. Instead of being denied because of toxic players. I'd like to read other opinions on this, see what you all think?
Honestly, (like it has been said a million times now) DC'ing should have harsher punishments.5
@JanTheMan said:
Honestly, (like it has been said a million times now) DC'ing should have harsher punishments.Yes, it's been indeed said a million times, but I hope they do something more regarding this. Serious issue right now.
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TrapperKeeper said:
@JanTheMan said:
Honestly, (like it has been said a million times now) DC'ing should have harsher punishments.Yes, it's been indeed said a million times, but I hope they do something more regarding this. Serious issue right now.
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I have always said that every time you deliberately DC, ALL of your perks (not just the equipped ones) should be deranked by 1 and you should have to earn them in the bloodweb again.
Or that you are allowed 1 DC every 24 hours before this starts happening, just incase you are legitimately bugged and have no other choice.0 -
Being rewarded the full hook points for that Survivor seems fair because they cheated you out of the chance to earn it. You can't earn what they completely deny from you, we as Killers cannot get our Bloodpoints without the Survivirs. When a Killer DCs in the match we get 5k each, when a Survivor DCs the killer gets 625, that's a huge difference when it comes to pity points. It's wrong that we can get cheated of something we have to earn and suddenly that chance is taken away from us because they want to screw up our game.
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Over the last couple weeks I've been having issues being disconnected playing as a survior and killer only because I get Lan not connected. This is bull. I have checked my internet connection, my cable box and WiFi and everything is fine. Just recently, yesterday as a matter fact I had to reset my Wifi connection and turn off my system completely to not get Lan not connected. I think most disconnections happen because of issues on the person's end playing survior.
Last night when I played as survior too many DC's. I would enter the lobby with 4 surviors and then upon entering the match it was myself, another survivor, and killer. I thought it was a disconnection issue at first on those other peoples end but to have 2 surviors dc at the same time is just to obvious.0 -
@HatCreature said:
Being rewarded the full hook points for that Survivor seems fair because they cheated you out of the chance to earn it. You can't earn what they completely deny from you, we as Killers cannot get our Bloodpoints without the Survivirs. When a Killer DCs in the match we get 5k each, when a Survivor DCs the killer gets 625, that's a huge difference when it comes to pity points. It's wrong that we can get cheated of something we have to earn and suddenly that chance is taken away from us because they want to screw up our game.Yes, that's exactly what i'm getting at. Losing points, because you've been denied them due to high-levels of salt. I'm fine if survivors escape during a game, because i'm all about the fun. But I need those points to progress my characters, both Killer and Survivor in the game. Otherwise, why bother putting up with the stress of sabotaged games? I hope @not_Queen will bring this up with the Development Team and further discuss plans to remedy this issue in a future Dev-Stream.