General Discussions

General Discussions

DBD stereotypes that are usually true

Member Posts: 255
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

Things like:

  • Dwight mains are either complete noobs or gods at looping, there is no in between
  • Get pallet stunned by a Nea and she’ll 100% teabag and clicky click
  • Brought Deliverance? You’ll be the first to go down
  • Ran a Wraith for 5 gens? Prepare for NOED
  • See a Bubba running towards you? Better put your controller down and make a sandwich because you’ll be getting face camped all game
  • Try out a new killer you’re not that great at, get paired against a SEAL team 6 bully squad.

Anyone else have any more?

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 255

    I can confirm this, had a survivor game earlier where a Meg was hiding in a locker with AFK crows while I was being slugged right next to her

  • Member Posts: 3,546

    I've been trying out new killers that I'm not too experienced with recently (Trickster and Oni) and for Oni it was smooth sailing until I hit the higher mmr and got stomped again and again and again by SEAL teams

    However for Trickster, I ran into some drunk late night gamers who tried to be a bully squad by teabagging and flashlight clicking in the open while I had 3 stacks of Devour Hope (okay, only one of them did that, but they were clearly an SWF, and they tried to bully me but ended up losing)

  • Member Posts: 44

    Nea is a totalnnoob sitting around with urban evasion in the conor.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252
    edited February 2022

    neas are either new players or the most irritating people in the game

    sometimes both

  • Member Posts: 301

    Swing and and a miss. That's Claudettes. They are ALWAYS useless.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Lucky you. Never the ones I get as teammates.

    Yup, that sounds like the Megs I get.

    The only Meg I remember seeing today farmed my friend off the hook, without BT and without taking aggro, leading to my friend being immediately tunneled out.

    Earlier today I had a Claudette crouching around the edges of a swamp map contributing literally nothing the entire time. In a different match I watched a Claudette wearing Legacy cosmetics unhook my friend in the killer's face without BT. My friend was immediately put back on the hook. And I have lost way too much of my limited time on Earth watching Claudettes run to a corner of the map to Self Heal while I die on the hook. Or they save me off the hook and then immediately crouch into a bush, ensuring the killer tunnels me out.

    There's a reason I usually lobby dodge anyone playing as Claudette. May they rot in survivor queue hell.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Claudette With self care, urban evasion, spine chill, brings the killer towards you when your working on a gen, lets you get into second state so she can heal. Does nothing to help and gets hatch.

    Jills rage quit a lot which pains me to say this

    demos are some of the most wholesome killers

    bubba and hags just camp hooks

    pyramid heads not putting you in the cage so they can mori you

    deathsligers dcing over everything lmao (I had 3 games against deathslinger in the past 2 days and all 3 dced. 1) I wiggled off without boil over, 2) he got his hook sabotaged, 3) he missed all his shots and quit. That was all 3 games in order

    neas and fengs are usually toxic

    tricksters still tryharding even when one person dced 2 seconds in

    mikelas being terrible

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    I try to dodge lobby’s with Claudette’s as survivor but at night I can’t unfortunately. Read what I wrote after I explain what Claudette’s do 99% of the time

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited February 2022

    For me:

    • Ash's will always teabag and click, then DC or sulk and go AFK in a locker somewhere once the game turns sour.
    • Anyone who brings a map offering will DC if they start losing (Otzdarva law)
    • If it's a Bubba, 50% chance they facecamp, 30% chance they are AFK from the start.
    • Ghostfaces, Demos and Pinheads tend to be really chill.
    • Huntress, Blight and Nurse tend to be sweaty.
    • Claudettes will Self Care off in a bush for half the match.
    • Dwights are either bad, toxic, bad and toxic or annoyingly good and toxic.
    • Jane's will always get at least 1 AFK crow while in a locker.
    • Nancy has an addiction to DCing.

    Bubbas yes.

    Hags...I've never camped a hook outside of EOGC.

  • Member Posts: 732

    Leather Pigs make it their lifes goal to make sure you have a bad time.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    When it comes to killers I play against:

    • Every Trickster and Deathslinger is going to play as scummy as possible
    • Demogorgon's typically play nice
    • Blight is either going to Steam roll you with 1 gen completed or be a complete joke (probably a new Blight)
    • Pumpkin head Nurse's play the game too much
    • Bubba is 98% going to face camp you. He likely has NOED too
    • Legion is going to have discordance. Stop touching my gen Claudette
    • A huntress with bad aim will almost always have NOED
  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Do you put traps around or under the hook? then you are camping with hag.

  • Member Posts: 8,077
    edited February 2022

    If I'm not getting points deducted at the end of the match, it's not camping.

    I'll often put down a trap there for BP purposes, but I'll only teleport to it if there's literally nobody else around.

    Often, people will trigger traps on the way to the hook and accuse me of camping anyway, so I've...really stopped caring. BHVR's definition of camping = points are deducted. Proxy camping is fine. You aren't guaranteed safe unhooks, and neither am I if I'm playing survivor.

  • Member Posts: 980

    How do people find nice Demogorgons? Every one I play against proxy camps with portals then tunnels me off the hook...

    I have to agree about Claudettes. I do enjoy those games though because that means more unhooks, heals, and chase time for me. I tend to outscore them, and at least safety pip while they blend. Either that or they're complete n00bz who are only playing her to unlock self-care, which they do frequently while I'm on a hook right next to them.

  • Applicant Posts: 279

    Cheryl's are either decent or really good, and they rarely bm which makes me happy as a Silent Hill fan.

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    The killer harassing part is 100% true. I my self am part of this when I play Nancy using ds and deliverance

  • Member Posts: 800
    edited February 2022

    Unashamedly same.

    In fact, they are my Nemesis, only Claudette no other surv.

  • Member Posts: 1,035
    • Low-skilled killers mostly use NOED
    • Davids are always stooopid - totally noobish or wannabe tryhards
    • Nancys cleanse totems even though there are 3 Mikaelas with CoH and Shadowsteps
    • The most skilled players are the least toxic
    • Once an event or a new rift begins, people play completely brain dead for the next few days
  • Member Posts: 1,210

    DBD forums in a nutshell. Remember, THESE are the ppl BHVR is balancing for. GJ.

  • Member Posts: 321

    If its a blight, they will almost always be very sweaty. Using 4 gen regression perks and alchemists ring

    Survivors that switch characters right before the game starts end up being overly cocky but also end up not being very good

    If the killer catches you after all the gens are done and they haven't had a single down, they'll hit you on the hook shaking or nodding their head

    When a survivor escapes a killer who tried to slug for the 4k, they'll most likely be very salty, call you bad and loads of other names

    A survivor who tbags but then goes down in 5 seconds instantly dcs then waits until the end of the match to tell you how bad you are

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    Nancy is a hyper toxic flashlight noob who'll teabag, click on a pallet, dead hard into a tree and die miserable in 3 secs

  • Member Posts: 3,660

    Yeah I saw one in my lobby and brought a mori. I ignored their ds lmao

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I only have 2 that I'd call truly consistent.

    First is just... really weird. Average Quentins do not exist, they're either lost and confused with no clue what's going on, or incredibly good. It's the weirdest thing ever but it's my anecdotal experience in a nutshell.

    The next one is that people that "play for salt" go absolutely thermonuclear if they get even a nanogram of their own medicine with worrying consistency. As in saying straight up vile and bannable stuff after the match because their funny trolling didn't work. I guess they've deluded themselves into believing it's justified when they do it, while cranking the hypocrisy up to 11 and uncontrollably seething whenever anyone else dares to do... the same thing they do.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Lol, my flashlights are just accessories, I'm too stupid to use them right.

  • Member Posts: 254

    Every Leon player is bound to try and hide in a dark corner at least once in the match. Its their sacred tradition.

  • Member Posts: 115

    otz law: whoever brings a map offering is most likely to disconnect

    kates are usually really mean lsdfka

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