Trickster is TOO strong!

Just me or facing even an okay Trickster is just no fun in chases? You cannot loop AT ALL indoor or open maps. Especially when he is right behind you, no counter at all unless you use deadhard to dodge a knife or two... His power is just unfun to go against. id rather have an insidious bubba and that's saying something... anyone agree?
The twins are op. So another pig nerf should do.
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Clearly we need to just delete every killer but nurse and blight to end the complaining about low tier killers. The target audience will never stop until it is done.
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As someone who can't play Trickster because console... I've played against a few tricksters that felt very strong in chase. I don't know that he needs a nerf because he's slow and no 1v4, but it's definitely a scarier sight when I see a trickster now than when he first came out.
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Depends a lot on the map, open maps with low walls are hell against him, closed maps or maps with a ton of high walls are a cakewalk.
In any case sprinting away the very moment you see him heading towards you hurts him a lot.
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Losing an health state is op, survivors should have health bars like dark souls.
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I wish I could experiment with him. Somehow they managed to make Blight work on console, but can't get it going for Tricky
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Way to much vertical recoil. And the thing is, it shouldn't be a problem. Most shooters are fine on console, hell I play huntress and get some ridiculous shots that you'd think would require mouse and keyboard. Even deathslinger is good (BS nerf that ruined his flow notwithstanding)
But Trickster is basically impossible as far as I reckon, you have to concentrate way to much energy on aiming and managing loops at 110 on a joystick can already be a very fragile process with debris, etc. Without having to account for the 40 ounce bounce
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Can't low tier Killers ever catch a break?
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Dont forget to nerf deadslinger and Reduce healing of CoH by 3 secs to make it balanced.
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A good Trickster on PC is lethal. Not OP, but they're tough to deal with on many maps.
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I don't believe what I'm reading. Trickster op? In which world?
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kinda agree and another braindead easy killer with limited restrictions. stopped playing him because you feel genuinely bad
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I’m a trickster main and I can say he is a bad killers needs buffs more than anything he is basically a useless huntress
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I agree that the chases with him are very short and not fun.
Most often it depends on a particular map or loop.
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Not too strong, just EXTREMELY annoying and unfun to go against for me personally. I find spamming knives very annoying and I would rather just go to next match asap that endure a Trickster match
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I do think Trickster has to few counters, it's literally only tall wall tiles, everything else is like a deadzone. Also, as with Leatherface, Trickster is way to good at camping.
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Well it’s a take…
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Leave my beautiful knife throwing twink alone.
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A lot of these statements are incorrect and I'll explain why.
"You cannot loop AT ALL indoor or open maps." - There's multiple loops in every single map that Trickster can not do anything at. Even in his best maps. If you're really looking to give him a hard time, even if he's a really good Trickster player, abuse those loops.
"Especially when he is right behind you, no counter at all unless you use deadhard to dodge a knife or two..." - It's actually the opposite. I find it extremely off-putting and much harder to aim when survivors are running around in my face. There needs to be a little bit of distance before his aim can become lethal. Also deadhard doesn't do much against a Trickster unless you use it when you feel like he's about out of knives and then he's stuck without a power.
I know that the general opinion of Trickster is the same — that he's unfun to go against. I think a lot of people like to use the term "x killer is unfun and needs to be nerfed" after facing a player that's very experienced in the killer they're playing, without taking the time to identify their weaknesses and use it against them. Trickster was never a very popular killer, so most survivors don't have the experience going up against him as they do other killers which gives them a disadvantage in chases.
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Yesh.... devs shall nerf pig, and this will fix everything!
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His kill rates are low as is.
If anything, Trickster needs a buff - by the numbers.
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Each to their own opinion, it's just an opinion, nothing more. no need to write a book and say im wrong just cause he is your main :)
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100% agree
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An opinion can still be wrong.
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“Especially when he is right behind you” well duh, all killers get a hit when they’re right behind you
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He is fine. He is my second most played killer. There is a lot of counter play if you don't get stuck in the open or looping around short walls. LOS him and loop him around tall walls and you will be good. His knives are not super accurate, go play a couple games as Huntress then play Trickster and you will see what I mean. Also, there are a large amount of people who come from and continue to play FPS so their aim is pretty good.
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If he is right behind you, then yeah, you're in quite the trouble. You do get a speed boost when hit but of course you won't gain as much distance because he has very little cooldown on his blades. Huntress is like that too though.
But he indeed has counterplay, especially on indoor maps. Breaking Line of Sight so it takes as long as possible for him to hit you with his knifes is his counterplay.
He has to be strong in chases anyways or he'd be useless, because of his bad map pressure.
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How many kills is Trickster getting in your matches? From playing against him he seems to gets downs fairly easily, although not always quickly, but he’s only seems to get one kill in game.
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He's an...annoying killer. If he's chasing you, it's tough and fairly decent chances are you are going down eventually.
However, he's also weak. It takes him so long to down you that several gens have popped in the meantime.
He honestly needs a top down rework. He's the Boil Over of killers - bad and still annoying to face.
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No hate towards your reasoning, just explaining why it's actually the opposite in a lot of cases lol. The more information the better — rather than just saying you're incorrect and not explaining why. A lot of people don't have a lot of experience with facing a Trickster since he's not played very often so I like to spread my knowledge with him.
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Trickster can hit anything if hes blind
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100% agree
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OP? Nah, not close. Uncounterable? Very much. Far from OP, just really unfun to face something that can't be countered in 80% of the situations.
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They offered valid counterpoints to your argument. Granted everyone is entitled to their own opinion I have to say their post was very insightful as someone who (Personally) can't stand playing against Trickster.