BHVR why is there still no practice mode for killer powers?

I really would like to play other killers but it's very annoying that i have to play against survs with 1k hours (i only played 2 killers for over a year) when i don't even know yet how the killer power works. I don't have a problem with M1 gameplay but some killer powers are more complicated...
For example, i just tried out Deathslinger for the first time and this happened to me. No one told me how to reel in survivors, it's just trial and error every time and it's annoying because the survivors i played against were no puppets, they know how to play against him and i didn't know what to do. Am i supposed to go AFK for 10 matches or what? Please just add something like the tutorial were we can spawn with any killer and just run around the map and try out the power...
I'll second this. The bots don't even need an AI, they can be stationary target dummies for all I care.
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No one told me how to reel in survivors, it's just trial and error every time
I suggest reading the Killer Power more carefully? its quite informative.
Should you have to read the Power Description? In an ideal world no.
And a tutorial for each Killer would be a lot of Work for something most players learn by doing anyway in trials. There isnt much bang for BHVR's buck in that. Its much easier to just take a game or three not knowing what to do, after all being a bad killer isn't a CRIME, right?
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Il third that. At least let us use our own killers in the bot mode in lets get started tutorial. Instead of trapper. Even if theres no loadout of perks etc. Just the basic killer.
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Bro its not even asking for much, dbd its the only game where you cant practice PvAI
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That sounds like an AWFUL lot of work...
Best I can do is a 4 man bully squad for you to learn against
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Being able to make custom matches against bots is one of the features I wish they would bring over from the mobile version. Unfortunately the devs said they're reluctant to expand the system in the tutorial to include more killers or maps because of the amount of development time it takes that they'd prefer to use on other priorities (or something to that effect, I apologize if I paraphrased it poorly.)
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Ive said it before something akin to how Overwatch has a tutorial match to let you practice the power properly would be nice maybe even let you test perks with the ability or something
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add all the killers to the tutorial . we dont care about the dumb bots.
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Can't learn how to swim without getting wet.
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it makes people not wanna try out new killers because the matchmaking is so broken that you often have to lose a few matches until you get suitable opponents. I rarely had problems with other killers which i tried out in the past days because my opponents were much weaker than the survivors i face when i play with my 2 mains. But there are killers with harder powers. When i played doctor for the first time in my life i faced a comp player from Belarus with 11k hours. It was midnight though.
Also, it's hard to exercise with people who abuse your lack of skill and just rush gens and go out, or bully you with special techniques you may not know because you never played this killer. Yea you can just go through that phase but it would be much easier to just add an empty map mode where you can at least exercise nurse blinks or something like that.
the bots don't need to do anything, i don't wanna simulate a real match, i just want to get used to the mechanics, which buttons i have to press and how i have to time it. Even if they just make KYF possible with only 1 player, that would be enough already. You could at least get familiar with some movement powers like Nurse, Oni, Blight or Hillbilly. AND you could explore maps like RPD, which would lead to less DCs.
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Seriously, no one want BHVR to make an IA that know how to counter every killer, we know it's impossible for them (look at the zombies or the Trapper bot)
We just need a game mod with 4 bots and 4 roles :
- Shift + W
- Looping a window
- Looping a pallet
- Standing still
Just a way for beginners to test how a killer works mechanically.
Every potential basic features become suddenly impossible in DBD, even if it's default on many beta games.
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Even if they could allow for us to start a KYF as one person, that would be something to help with practice for boths sides and also allow for map exploration
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I just booted up 2 XBOX to check how Oni's power works because there is no training mode.
so I just learned Oni can't down a survivor if I just tap the attack button, I have to hold the button.
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That's honestly what I was hoping for when single player came out, but all it was a practice round with the main survivors and main killer. I thought it was going to be like how Friday the 13th had their randomize counselors and you can choose whichever Jason. I was disappointed, I mean its good practice with Trapper, but not everyone plays as The Trapper on this game.