Dead Man's Switch is ridiculous with no counterplay!

I haven't been this frustrated in a long time. I've played a few matches against this perk and it is simply way too strong and overpowered.
Scourge Hooks and Dead Man's Switch used together is broken together. There is no counterplay because the perk happens with no input from survivor and the killer is inevitably hooking survivors constantly and what happens is the killer is gifted constantly with 15 percent progress instantly removed and the survivor is unable to stop the regression due to Entity Claws. With BBQ, the killer can then be there before the claws are gone and so there is no way to prevent a gen going to 0 percent unless a random teammate comes along and touches it after a very long uncounterable delay. Why is this a thing???
This is not like Boil Over where it was used rarely to have a little benefit in a very few isolated locations, this perk is starting to be used constantly for unfair advantage every time it is used with no preconditions and that is bad. A huge advantage affecting every survivor in the match, preventing the objective from being done. Note that I say "prevent". This isn't about rewarding skill, hooking survivors is inevitable so the immense value of the perk is paramount and no way to avoid it. It is not fun to verse and there is no counterplay to it.
I don't know what needs to happen to this perk but it shouldn't affect the survivor every time they try to repair. I was affected by this perk 3 times in a row trying to repair generators and the entity stopped the gen and I lost 2 gens because of it in one match.
It already makes an overpowered anti-loop killer (Artist) even more overpowered and broken because she can basically force all gens into deadlock without any effort on her part.
Perks should not have that kind of unfair advantage. It needs a rework sooner than later. It's beyond broken.
Oh, hi Mileena
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Let go of the gen while the scourge hook is being activated, fool. Or are you too busy holding M1?
Totally overrated bait.
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I died laughing at the first sentence. "I haven't been this frustrated in a long time"
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All I heard was, "I'm upset the killer is dedicating two perk slots to regress a single gen somewhat comparably to PGTW."
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Killer has pain resonance + DMS and you are aware it's in play
Keep working on the generator until you see the survivor start the 'getting hooked' animation. Let the gen explode from it, then stop the regression and use DMS to block it. Then go hide
Now if the killer wants to pop that gen (which they probably will), they have to piss around and wait for it to unblock while you're hiding/off somewhere else.
There's some counterplay for you
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Oh wow, a game delay perk that actually delays the game! gasp shock horror
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That is not fair counterplay. The combo is too strong. 45 seconds is a long time to be unable to do the objective. Imagine if a survivor perk caused the killer to be unable to do anything for that long.
You also can't hide in this game. Maps are too bright and sparsely populated.
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It is way more than a single gen, it affects all survivors.
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I mean, it is fair counterplay - the killer will go to the gen and if you used ur game sense and went elsewhere/hid then what's the killer gonna do just sit around and wait for you to come back?
Hell I take back smth I said earlier, pop and DMS DO NOT SYNERGIZE because they both last the same amount of time.
You can hide in this game. Not everybody uses nvidia nintendo 3ds filters sluzzy. I've seen survivors hide in plain sight against competent killers and not get caught.
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I mean, you have repressed alliance which blocks a gen for 30 seconds, and if the killer wants to wait around to pop it, then you have just gained like 1 minute and 15 seconds up on him because the killers time is worth 4x a survivors time
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Ugh another sluzzy thread complaining just for the sake of complaining.
Perks synergizing with other perks is nothing new and I don't think this instance is as problematic as anyone makes it out to be. Dead mans only lasts for 45 seconds and that's only if you let go of the gen so its not like its blocked forever. Pain Resonance only takes away 12 seconds of gen time which isn't really much and if you know its coming you can let go of the gen and not let the killer be notified you're on it.
When the gen is blocked from DMS you don't have to worry about regression because blocked gens can't regress. You don't even have to worry about the gen getting popped because by the time the gen is unblocked pop isn't active anymore. You also say gifted but the killer earned that effect since they got a hook.
I doubt its "beyond broken" it just seems that some survivors don't want to switch up the routine they know and adjust to changes in the gameplay formula.
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At Dead Dawg Saloon, I have never successfully hid in a bush. Every killer cheats with bright Nvidia filters. So you can't hide. Perks need to be fair and balanced, not with this kind of unfairness. These kind of slowdown perks and perks that prevent doing the objective is too strong.
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is very boosted indeed, solos always frustrate me cause they leave gens, they dont know how to play around this change, and i dont blame them, is not easy at all. should be tweak down. saying not counteprlay is dumb tho because it has counterplay, an actual easy one, except agaisnt some killers liek nurse, blight and artist where it gets extremely oppresive and unfun to go against.
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Dead Dawg is one of the most immersion playstyle friendly maps in the game though
And no, saying every killer cheats with filters is just blatantly wrong. Not every killer player has their game lit up like a christmas tree.
Just because you've failed at something, doesn't make it impossible
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You've not been this frustrated in a long time? I guess you enjoy Ruin, Undying, Tinker, and Blight now? If the killer has Dead Man's Switch and Pain Resonance here's an idea for you Sluzzy you can let go of the gen when they're about to be hook as you have a couple seconds to react to it so that A) you don't scream and make the gen get blocked and B) so the gen doesn't get blocked and when it explodes than you can touch the gen to stop the regression and only let go if you have to let go.
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“cheats with bright Nvidia filters”
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You just quoted a guy from 3 years ago.
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Isn't both DMS and Pop goes the brain cell both 45 seconds each? No way for the killer to pop the gen that was hit with both DMS and Scourge hook PR. And don't forget gen didn't regress progress while it had the entity claws on them.
Sure the combo might be a problem with Artist, but any other killer just let go when you see the hook animation.
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You do understand that survivors can make the killer unable to do their objective too, sometimes not even needing perks to do it.
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That's because The Bush rejects you.
I never have problems hiding in bushes.
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Although, to be honest, I've never seen them in the same room together...
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Neither have I Sister. We of the Order of the Bush know how to be one with the bush. We know of the Bushy Secrets.....Sluzzy here has forsaken the sacred Bush and has been now REJECTED by it's glorious embrace.
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hi sluzzy.
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Were you playing as Claudette?
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So a Killer that has an advantage is OP???
So what about Survivors that have an advantage???
Survivors can run a perk called Repressed Alliance that Blocks a Gen after repairing a Gen for whatever time
Or you could let go of the gen before the Hook... 15% instant regression is nothing but a few seconds of repair
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was wondering how long this topic would take, even with another one that actually had multiple counterplays while simultaneously showing how easily the value of this perk is denied.
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Perish the thought. May such an atrocity never come to pass.
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DMS? Isn't that perk, like, atrociously bad?
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It can be useful, but against smart survivors it's about as useful as a plastic bag with a hole in the middle. That is also melting.
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Amen to that. Good luck in future trials and continue to seek knowledge from the Sacred Bush.
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Scourge & DMS are absolutely fine - others have already explained how to counter them in certain ways.
I see too many survivors (whilst playing survivor myself) who don't try to counter killer perks that have already been revealed. A lot of survivors have forgotten about BBQ. Some really easy ways to extend their search & chase by at least 20 seconds. Buy your team time.
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You as well, my friend.
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I mean, the perk was nerfed before release, so...
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Once the new killer comes out people will forget they were even upset by DMS, it will all be how the new thing is broken.
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I've never stopped being frustrated against Blight with crutch perks. I can't think of a perk combo to take in as survivor and like massively oppress the killer so much I know for certain I'll open the gates.
The problem you and others are missing is that Scourge Hooks causes the gens to regress after exploding. If you ignore it, it will regress. If you touch it to stop it, it will get the Entity Claws. That is a lose lose situation.
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Pain Resonance and DMS are easily counterable. Let go of the gen before the killer hooks a survivor and you make both perks useless.
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I've used it a few times as a killer. Seems kind of meh. While the time can be handy to help slow the game down, if the gen is blocked for the survivors, it's ALSO blocked for me as a killer. So unless I'm running it with Ruin and none of you have managed to find Ruin, the gens don't ever regress with it (although I suppose yes with Scourge Hooks but there are pretty easy counters to that, don't do the gen once someone gets picked up).
I've yet to actually play against it so maybe it's way more oppressive than I think if I'm on that side of it but as the killer, it just seemed...good. Not great, but good. Good enough that I'd consider putting it in a build (this game I had Oppression and DMS on so it was fun to kick a gen and have two other gens get blocked because they missed the Oppression Skill Check but again, it just blocks the gen, didn't keep it regressing).
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You don't know how Pain Resonance works. It blows up the gen regardless if you let go or not, hence no counterplay. After it explodes, it is regressing. If you try to stop it from regressing, Dead Man Switch activates with no way to stop it, hence no counterplay.
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So a killer has to devote half of his perk loadout to regressing the gen for a Max of 45 seconds? Doesn't seem worth it for the killer, to be honest. There are far better perk combos.
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Yeah that's what it's designed for that's the point of the Pain Resonance it's a gen defense perk. Also no it won't get the claws if you touch it that's only if you let go while you're on it and if you're on the gen when the survivor gets hooked it's gonna make you let go.
You can manually let go yourself once you see there aura appear as they're getting hook let go instantly until you see the gen explode than hop back on until you have to let go again. Want more info use Kindred when they get hooked before hopping on again to know if the killer's coming than you'll think if I touch it it's gonna be blocked once I let go to hide from the killer works a lot of the time.
Also I say this everytime I see you complain about Ruin, Undying, use Counterforce and you're other totem perks you have to help find totems plus the map helps too.
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Looking forward to the “Monstrous Shrine has No Counterplay!” post 😂
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Let go of the gen.
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Really the only thing about DMS i don't like that it can block a gen thats being repaired by two or more survivors if just one of them let go. And i would reduce the timer from 45 to 40 seconds or something, 45 seconds seems a little too long. But other than that i think it's completely fine.
I just think survivors will take a while to adapt.
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45 seconds is a long time not to be able to do the objective. While some are debilated for 45 seconds the killer is free to down others. Other perks being strong or stronger doesn't make this one OK. Killer perks are having power creep.
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There are 7 gens on the map. it doesn't block all of them for 45 seconds. It doesn't even refresh its duration unless its expired when the person is hooked.
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DMS got buffed?
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Lol... survivors want blood after boil over got face camped into obscurity.
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The game should just force killers to face camp survivors on the hook so that way survivors on the gen don't have to worry about DMS. Don't have to let go of the gen if the killer can't move away from the hook