Pig matches aren't the funnest currently.

Sorry to ride the trend but like other people now that it is becoming popular i'm seeing it more and more. 2 games in a row against pig was afk kills. Me and one other survivor couldn't get the trap off because we were "unlucky" so i just took the L on it. Like people ride tombstone for being bad but at least michael needs to do something for it. Its minimal but it's something. This one i can get a 4k by doing literally absolutely nothing. Maybe rework the red addon into something more interesting or put contigencies on it? Idrk how you'd fix this problem.
Just wait people who will defend this trash gameplay. BHVR should ban people who is doing that. This is abusing of game design.
18 -
She was incredibly boring before now it’s worse
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I don’t know how anyone can defend that play style
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Sorry to hear that, have you considered just being lucky? Sounds like a skill issue to me
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I'm thinking of doing this with pig, it sounds like a fun way to kill 20 minutes.
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They are looking which side is exploiting. If this is coming from their side, they are defending. Because of They vs Us! Other side is enemy and need to destroy. Some people really have this mentality.
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What? How does pig get afk kills? If it's to do with the RBT at the start of the trial, don't do gens, do boxes
Idk, maybe I'm just not understanding what is happening
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"Don't do gens, do boxes"
Now my dearest friend, I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept of this fun little "strategy" but you can't do a box through an AFK Pig's body.
16 -
Pig players pick the video tape ultra rare addon, since it used to be a uncommon many people have billions of them
They pick a box, crouch and just block it the whole game and hope that survivors are unlucky and die to it. Which they often do, so survivors have a choice
do the gens and progress the game
don't do the gens and waste their time - the pig isn't playing the game and survivors can't really punish them by doing the gens and leaving because at least 1 person is 100% guaranteed to die in most circumstances
6 -
Nah this ######### is hilarious.
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Ah, now to abuse this just like boil over.
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I wish I had pig game at least once a week. All I get are sweaty tunneling nurses who bm on hook because I loop them for 40 seconds smh
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Don't worry, the nerf doctor will come and you'll never see little piggu again.
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You should be happy. Pig's killrate will finally lower. She would destroy you if she tried. Be glad she just let everyone else escape.
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I just think that this is just more reasons to rework pig's Reverse Bear Traps(RBT)/boxes to be less RNG dependent but more consistent.
I'd like to see the boxes give out 1/3rd key parts so you'd have to open 3 boxes to get the trap off.
It would make pig's RBT's have a consistent slowdown but would also prevent blocking a single box from ever killing a survivor without having to do the work.
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No, no, no. We can't buff a killer as oppressive as Pig. All we need to do is nerf this.
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The addon was just rework from giving the pig only 2 traps and reducing the box to 2 on the map. AFK Pig is a evolved version of 50/50 Pig
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they're always mean and take advantage of me
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It is sickening to see people play Pig in this way...
And it's available to be used
6 -
This is how to play against this strategy with the highest rate of success for your team.
- The pig cannot leave her box without giving up the strategy. So you need to maximize the amount of time that she's in front of the box
- That means that when you start with a trap on your head you should not complete any generators until the pig has secured a down
- Check for ruin, because you will need to 99 gens and this cannot be done if ruin is active
- Once ruin is out of play, 99 all 5 gens and break all totems (if you're playing solo, it is enough just to 99 gens)
- Once you're certain that you have all the gens ready, pop, pop, pop, pop, and pop the gens.
- At this point expect NOED to be in play unless you've cleansed all totems
- If more than 1 survivor has a head trap on, all but one survivor must sacrifice themselves by running out of the exit
- The last survivor can now get hatch.
If you do not do this , as soon as all of the survivors with head traps have been killed the pig will play normally and may get additional kills. A 1k can easily become a 4k once the pig is able to leave the box and play normally.
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Hmmm, I like this because I find it fun, don't you like dying? play civ V or something!
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This is probably a funniest thing ever I saw in this forum, I've seen plenty of people saying "he BMs cuz I looped long" but "he BMs even if I didn't even chased long" is fresh air.
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We actually want Pig nerfs now.
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I have 100 of each addon. How many 4k's do you think I can get before nerf? Let's find out!
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People get caught up on the smallest details. And this is entirely doable in solo queue. Like I said if the killer intends to stay in front of a box preventing survivors from using that box then she is figuratively chained there or she has to give up this strategy entirely. That means that you have all the time in the world to get this done. If solo queue could agree not to cleanse verses plague then they can agree to 99 gens verses iri pig. If the strategy stops working then players will stop abusing the mechanic.
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Oh, I’ve already seen people defend it on these forums. It’s sad.
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We don't need to balance things around solo q anymore, game is meant to be played with SWF from now on thanks to the changes they gonna implement to make it so soloqs have same tools as SWF.
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Pig does actually have to do something. Pretend to be AFK and risk getting false-reported.
- It's a ultra rare add-on.
- t's not a good strategy. RNG favours survivors. Most survivors get the hat removed after 1 box.
- Probably the only reason you're seeing more Pig matches is due to the Saw tome. She's such a joke that people expect you to play for boops and don't take her seriously
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That's like people who report for tunnel/camp, I'm sure he won't get any effect from it...
And if he do, that's hella funny!
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BHVR has make it very clear that kills = skill, why would you ban skilled play?
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Because, apparently, skilled killer is toxic?
I mean everyone don't like getting killed in a game about killing.
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Yeah,its bad for the game,it takes no skill to just afk in front of a jigsaw box and wait for rng,BHVR pretty much enables griefing with that addon.
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And you labelled everyone disagreeing with you as "killer", it's pretty much same vein isn't it?
If this forum is "completely insufferable at times", you better not stay here for 2203 posts because this place will not change with whatever reasons.
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Then problem is on AFKing and Idling, not the addon or camping the box.
You know pig can just stay near a box and walk around it, slash everyone who tries to solve their trap? it does same thing.
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You complain about it but probably have never even played Pig to understand how matches with her usually go. Try maining her for a while.
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If solo q struggles on when to go unhooks, that's called "skill issue".
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It will be, but game will be balanced for those "best option" because survivors CAN choose to do so.
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And with the current boil over changes, Survs are more so toxic rather than Pig rng. So this Survivor Holier than though attitude is amusing. But you being calm and balanced have surely registered your distaste in those threads about Boil over right?
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Then I'd expect your OP to be more balanced.
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IMO taking away the fourth box hurts Pig badly. If you know you only have to search 3 boxes, you can easily get away with doing gens until the timer starts ticking (or, if you're really paranoid, doing one box and then doing gens until the timer starts).
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I'm specifically talking about situation where pig uses video tape and camping around box.
It's same thing as afking in front of box, but for some reason you seems to be fine with it.
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Then why keeps responding?
If it's not worth your time, don't waste your time, I think.
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In that case, AFK as is is already a reportable offense and you don't need any changes for things?
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- It was a yellow Add-On before, so some people have tons of them.
- Sure, but nobody complains that it is too strong. Like, using Boil Over and running to high places was also no good strategy, you wont win with it, but it still needed changes.
- No challenge can be done wiht that "strategy".
3 -
Easy fix to this problem. Make it so that the key is never in the first and last box. Therefore, if there are 4 boxes, the key would appear in the second/third box that is searched.
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How do you know they are AFK and are not just waiting for NOED to activate and then play endgame, with a proper endgame build?
There's many, many ways to idle during a match and still secure a 4k. Just look at DbD Things videos on YouTube. They have a number of really excellent ones with an "AFK" Killer who steamrolls at the end. Absolutely love the Myers one btw. It's fantastic.
This is why standing in front of the box is neither an exploit nor against the rules. It's just amazing how many people are crying about this because a popular streamer did. It has been in the game for over 3 months now without a single peep. One person vocalizes about it and the mob forms. Then it becomes Us vs Them with all the usual trash talk from one side.
Unhealthy, trash tier, and toxic, but not against the rules. It does need fixed in some fashion, but if it was that much of an issue, it would have been nuked already.
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Boil Over needed the change because so-called bully squads were using it to grief. I had matches where survivors ran to the top floor and made gen/pallet/locker/flashlight noise to draw my attention; they wanted to be downed so they could use it.
The maths is different in this situation, we don't have 4 pigs vs. one survivor. If RNG is in your favour 1-2 head pops at the most and less points than double hooks and chases.
About 3. I don't expect the add-on to be useful in next stages of this tome, but I meant it more generally. Players with lots of them probably stopped playing for a good reason but let's dust off Piggu because she has some new Rift cosmetics.
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I used to joke about nerfing Clown since I like Clown but he's so weak. See where that got me...
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Hardly roasted. Your opinion about what is against the rules, and mine are obviously in contention. We'll see where the devs ruling comes though. If it was really that bad, or an exploit, it would have been pulled already. It hasn't, so most likely, it's not going to for a while and probably isn't an exploit.
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Well that's what i was wondering, i didn't know if she was afk from the start or she afk in front of a box, also that's pretty crummy luck if your box is the one pig is standing in front of, lol