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General Discussions

Why can't we see pre game ping?

Member Posts: 4,759

We can see the survivors ping after the game starts, so clearly they have the ability to show us the survivors and the killers ping before the game starts. But instead they force players into horrible games against vpn users.

I am tired of getting killers that hit me through a pallet gap after i have turned the corner and taken 5 steps behind the wall.

I am tired of getting team mates that dc because they lag out (usually console players) or are so laggy they can't play properly.

I am tired of chasing a survivor who teleports like a nurse and sometimes just vanishes all together.

I want to be able to avoid this.. but the developers seem to want us to have a terrible experience beyond shoddy balance decisions.. why?

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  • Member Posts: 3,139
    edited February 2022

    My favorite part is when im trying to play trickster or huntress and I see the console survivors ice skating and then rubber banding toward the opposite direction.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    That's actually what prompted me to make this. It has been bugging me for a while, but i had a 4 stack play against me where the host? was from where i live and had normal ping, but his buddies seemed to be from the other side of the world with the best ping being around 200 and worst being over 300.

    I couldn't hit them with my blades because their movement was so glitchy and the game seemed to roll back most of the hits i did land because they made the plink but no damage was dealt. or they just phased through the survivor... Not only am i dealing with a boring hive mind telling each other how to think. But the ping just added a little extra spice onto the trash pile that was that game.

  • Member Posts: 171

    Isnt there a bar on the side of the pregame lobby thats either green yellow or red that tells the ping? Or am I mistaken

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