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General Discussions

I would like to hop onto the "No more pips pls" train

Member Posts: 186
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

5 min 4k. No pip. 15 min 3k. No pip.

This is incredibly frustrating. I've been sitting at Iri 2 four pips for like five games.

Edit: Another 4k and no pips.

Post edited by BirdSpirit on

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    The pipping system is the worst. Every match a person participates in should get them closer to Iri Grade 1: better matches get you further along, but all matches where you play take you forward and no match, no matter how suck, takes you backwards.

    The current system is so arbitrary, and the devs never bothered to fix it so that some killers aren't penalized for using their powers. And as a survivor the pip system punishes a player for everyone else's performance. I get that it'd be a pain in the ass to update the point system, but the devs could just use the current system without the pips. So many times I was like a point away from getting a gold or iridescent emblem (a hair off! it looks like it reached the marker! look at it!!), and that prevented me from getting a pip. That feels awful.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Yup, the pip system is a relic that they just didn't want to get rid of because it's already there.

    I was able to easily get to Iri grade 1 (PS4) because my killer MMR is so low. I used Nemesis and I farmed emblem points off potatoes. Nothing skillful about it, I just never bothered to kill survivors before so I was at the bottom. Survivor has been freaking impossible. I got to gold on PS4 and have been stuck there. It took me forever to get out of silver on the Switch, I'm finally to gold. It shouldn't be like this.

    And forget getting to iridescent as killer on the Switch. That isn't happening. I can't even get out of ash. That's how bad killer is on the Switch. I can't even work slowly towards iri grade 1 because of the way the pipping system works. I can play a million matches without moving an inch, I just stagnate. So much for grades being about time spent playing.

    The devs need to fix this.

  • Member Posts: 186

    I'm in a similar boat. I started killer around 2 weeks ago. Got to Iri but I don't think I want to attempt it again with all the depipping.

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    At least you can farm pips as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 267

    gg easy entitiy displeasy

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    Very little chase and brutality. Kind of tells me you were hitting injured survivors all match. (Silver Chaser and Gold Malicious) Possibly around a hooked survivor, (bc Hag). Gold Devout shows you were able to hook all four survivors, but if you want Iri you're going to need 9 hooks. Ofc survivors can kill themselves on hook to deny this emblem.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    And yet people still try and say the old emblem system was a better reflection of what happened in the match than MMR. ๐Ÿ™„

    I agree, this is an example of why I donโ€™t bother worrying about Grades and pips. I noticed I had a game like this last night as well, 3k with Devour Hope and 3 kills from it, last person found the hatch, and a pretty decent score, but no pips. Pips are just goofy.

  • Member Posts: 679

    Exactly the same for me I was sitting on Ir3 last pip all night trying to just get the last pip and getting brutal killer for about 8 games in a row with multiple 3-4k matches where I purposely stayed away from hooks and tried to distribute my chases and hooks all game. Even games that went on for like 20 mins and I was sure I would get ruthless.

    More annoying than anything else. Its just straight up easier to get merciless on certain killers. Running the doctor with impossible skill check build seems to work best for me, but it's not a killer I want to play all the time just to ensure i can get pips when I do just as well and better in some cases with other killers and don't get rewarded for it.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    If Grades and pips are for time played in a month then we shouldn't be de pipping.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    And that is the reason they are not.

    And also that the grades are far more telling about player skill. Not always but very often. They are almost like the old ranks.

  • Member Posts: 186

    That's the point right. The game has outdated parameters for advancing in grades.

    If I remember correctly 2 people ended up in the basement this game which snowballed into a 4k from there. Weird af that you get punished for 4k with less hooks.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    May I present to you, the Victory Cube. Where pips were directly tied to kills.

    And killers bitched about that for years.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    That silver badge probably hurt that match. If your wanting to rank up you gotta try and get those iri badges as much as possible. You also played against bronzes lol

  • Member Posts: 23

    the amount of 4k's ive gotten just to earn 0 pips is so stupid

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    We have no control over who matchmaking puts us with, which is part of why this pip system is so awful. Pips are based on everyone else's performance as much as our own. The pip system and depipping made some sense back when it had to do with matchmaking, but now pips are for grades, and according to the devs grades are supposed to represent time played, not skill. And grades have nothing to do with matchmaking. This makes the pip system archaic, and it's punishing players for stuff that's completely out of their control.

  • Member Posts: 2,027

    I know we dont which is why im saying that they most likly just suicided

  • Member Posts: 209

    Kick more gens / pallets / walls, and extend your chases even if you just got into range, run for another 10 seconds. That should help out with the hunter score. Let injured people save and trade hooks. Draw out the game, which should be fairly straightforward if there's a large mismatch in skill. 5 minute 4k barely has enough time to accumulate much of anything score and emblem-wise.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Ah, okay sorry, I didn't get the part about them suiciding from your comment. Mentioning that they were bronze followed the sentence "If your wanting to rank up..." so it seemed like a continuation on that thought.

    I think in most cases people know why they don't pip. They're frustrated because often their reasons for not pipping are things that are out of their control. For me, it's that matchmaking is destroying any chance of me getting out of gold grades into iridescent as survivor. For a lot of killers, it's a combination of matchmaking and playing a killer whose power is detrimental to pipping. The whole point of playing a killer is to have fun using their power, so when doing that hurts a player's chances of pipping that just sucks. Being good with a killer shouldn't be bad for grading up.

  • Member Posts: 186

    That's the point. Why do we have to purposely extend the game? There's no reason to have such a system.

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