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Scourge Hooks is The New Favorite Perk of Killer

Since this perk really helpful for killer to push and slowing down the gameplay of survivor. Bet this perk will get a nerf from BHVR hahaa. I guarantee. lol

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  • Member Posts: 304

    its a weaker pop so i doubt it

  • Applicant Posts: 250

    Depend how you see it for me its a better pop because i dont need to walk 30 sec for a kick.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Arguably it's a better pop

    Pops biggest weakness is killers that have bad mobility have to haul their behinds across the map to apply it, whereas Pain resonance is instant. Pop is stronger regression at the cost of having to drop what you're doing and go to a gen that might get done before you get there

    ideally you use them both in conjunction - Pain resonance to buy you time to get to the gen and pop it afterwards.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Not to mention it pops on the gen that's closest to complete, so it tells you which one you need to watch. Pop is just whichever gen you choose, you could end up using it on a 35% gen when another is at 80

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    Nah, it's a better pop. 10 less regression in exchange for not having to travel to apply it plus getting info on which gen is being done and how many survivors are on it. If BBQ didn't give bloodpoints, Pain Resonance would have eaten 75% of its use right there.

    Pain Resonance's main weakness is the RNG of scourge hooks combined with map design - elongated or indoor maps make it unlikely you'll be able to reach the right hooks. When it actually triggers, it's better than PGTW.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I’ve been using Pain Resonance on just about every killer.

    Deathslinger: Don’t have to travel to interupt and slowdown gens.

    Hillbilly/Spirit: Can travel to the interrupted gen.

    Its win/win.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    It’s called Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, tho.

    That’s like calling Hex: Ruin:


  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I still haven't seen this "Scourge Hooks" in-game and have no idea what they do, but they indeed seem pretty popular.

    At least from what I've heard around here.

  • Member Posts: 890

    It's still kinda doggo tier. Gen defense in general is no longer the meta, but pop in particular has fallen to the wayside.

    12 seconds off 1 gen is laughable. Especially when you consider at high MMR your gens are getting slammed 3 at a time. And you probably had to blow an extra 5-6 seconds getting to the special hook as opposed to whichever one is closest. There is also the RNG problem of getting useless scourge hooks off in never never land where they cannot be used.

    It's only there to buy you time to bring pop to the gen but then you throw the next chase by actually using pop instead of killing the next survivor. And since pop is no longer the meta outside an extremely small subset of killers, it's a worthless supporting perk in my eyes.

    Really tight games I find myself getting to use pop like 2-3 times tops. I would 100% rather have a perk like Rancor and just straight up get a free kill at the end instead of attempting the mostly futile strategy of gen defense. It really only works with Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Haha cool topic lol

  • Member Posts: 3,966
    edited February 2022

    PR is popular because it attempts to address three underlying issues: Gens are too fast, kicking them baseline isn't even worth doing most times, and it often takes too much time to get to a gen to kick. Various killers get hurt by those three to different degrees, but PR fixes it at least somewhat for all of them.

    ...Assuming your hooks don't all spawn in a cluster in a deadzone corner of the map.

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