What to do when the the game turns into a 2v3?

Hey everyone, I am at a complete loss at what to do when one or a group of survivors start to work with the killer. I dont understand it. I have met farming killers before but that's not what I'm referring to. I have matches where one survivor will "team up" with the killer to farm the other survivors in the match. They just start helping the killer and the killer let's them live. Is this not against what the game is supposed to be?

The game turns into a horrible mess of your "teammate" farming you so the killer can just kill you and everyone else. What am I supposed to do? Should I not disconnect in this scenario? Why do people do this? You dont get any points out of it. Only the killer does. Is this something brought on by the new mmr bullshit? They do it just to escape and gain mmr? This is griefing to the max but there's nothing I can do about because reports do not stop griefers.
