Remove Gen Slow Down Perks || Killer Main

NinjatheeClumsy Member Posts: 13
edited February 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hot Take.... having 10 gen slow down perks doesn't make the game balanced. If a killer needs those perks to balance the game at high level then the game is not balanced.

Lets remove the gen slow down perks and balance gen speeds instead of making bandaids killers need to have :)


  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,137

    That perspective has gens being treated the same across all killers. Gen times don't need to be invariable. Blight has map mobility, gen repair could be faster to force him to use his speed to pressure gens. Trapper needs setup time at the beginning of the game, gen speeds could be slower at the start and repair time could speed up a bit as each gen gets done. This would give the devs more leeway with killer designs in the future.

    Generator perks are awful. They're necessary for some killers and overkill on others. They hinder players from coming up with fun builds as they instead use perks just so they get a chance to have a game last more than a few minutes.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    That would mean a bad Blight or Nurse will nearly always lose and a good Michael or Clown would nearly always win.

    It's completely possible to make a fun build while still having slowdown, especially when you take addons into consideration. You don't need to run 4 slowdown perks every game.

  • dictep
    dictep Member Posts: 1,333

    Agreed , if they remove camping, tunneling and slugging, so we can use 3 new perks

  • darksouls3600
    darksouls3600 Member Posts: 234

    We have a imposter among us, complaining about gen slowdown perks, as a "main killer"... Hum...

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,137

    That would mean a bad Blight or Nurse will nearly always lose and a good Michael or Clown would nearly always win.

    Shouldn't bad killers lose? Whether or not they win should be dependent on how well they play, not on what perks they bring. Same goes for survivors.

    And if adjusting the gen speeds per killer has certain killers always winning or always losing, that means the gen speeds weren't adjusted properly. Gens are there to give survivors something to do when they're not interacting with the killer and they theoretically put a ticking clock on the match. The timer shouldn't be too short or too long. It should be in this nice middle spot for each killer, putting pressure on them to do well and protect gens but not so much pressure that they feel frustrated into quitting. Having certain gen slowdown qualities built into killers rather than available to all killers could lead to a much healthier game.

    You don't need to run 4 slowdown perks every game.

    I mean, I don't run any gen slowdown perks. If survivors want to rush through gens and leave within a couple minutes, that's fine, they get no BP or pips and I get to move on to my next match while they go back to their queue.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Yes, bad killers should lose. But Blight and Nurse both are hard killers to learn, so those trying to learn them will get stomped and may not see improvement for a while, which can get really discouraging.

    Gens aren't there to be downtime from interacting with the killer. Rather, interacting with the killer is downtime from doing gens. This is because doing the generators and escaping is the goal of the survivors, and they cannot really win any other way. The problem with adjusting generator speeds based on the killer that's being played is that you're only accounting for the strength of the killer's power, but the strength of a killer isn't based solely on how well they can delay the game, meaning that stronger killers may not have much game delay (Huntress), or weak killers might have lots of game delay (Pig), that make the match immediately very difficult or very advantageous for them.

    Let's take a killer like Huntress. Generally accepted to be A tier, but has poor map pressure. If gen speeds are slightly faster when going against her (or kept as they normally are but with no access to slowdown perks) Huntress suddenly becomes very weak and simply unable to stop the survivors from doing gens. But if you make the gen speeds slower for her, she will dominate because of her strong power and having to worry less about gens. When using slowdown perks, this isn't an issue because they have a smaller effect, like taking lots progress off of ONE gen, or passively damaging gens that are not being worked on but giving survivors the ability to remove this effect. My point is, survivors can win the match despite slowdown perks if they play well (long chases to get gens done and reduce the impact of pop, finding and cleansing Ruin quickly, etc.) while passively slowing down or speeding up progress on gens cannot be played around.

    The point I'm trying to make is that it's not possible to effectively balance gens speeds based on the killer, and better to keep gen speeds uniform and allow players the option to use perks as a means of slowdown that can be adapted to their playstyle.

    Oh, and survivors could bring toolboxes to nullify the advantage that weaker killers get while making the match that much harder for stronger ones.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,137

    Gens aren't there to be downtime from interacting with the killer. Rather, interacting with the killer is downtime from doing gens.

    If this game is all about gens, then what we need is to make gens more interactive. Because gens aren't fun at all, I would rather just run around and die every game than sit on a gen. If doing gens are my entire reason for playing this game as survivor, then I should want to do them.

    Yeah, if we make gens more interesting and more interactive then this would be a much more engaging game. I would love it if gens were more fun, because right now it's just holding down a button and then having frames drop and an explosion happen every once in a while.

    Sorry, I'm going off an a tangent. I find gens boring. Chase and altruism is fun. Gens are the thing I'm forced to do if I want that 3k for burning an envelope right now. Sitting on a generator isn't a good game mechanic, and at this point it's too late to change it, especially since survivors need to be able to swivel their camera constantly to keep an eye on their surroundings so they don't automatically die to every stealth killer.

    Anyway, I didn't only mean gen speeds, I meant gen slowdown in a more general way, like building one or more of the current gen slowdown perks into a specific killer's kit. There are a lot of different ways to do it. The problem with universal perks is that any killer can run them, so perks basically have to be very middling, and even then stack a few on a strong killer and it can become overkill.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Building something like Corrupt into someone like trapper's kit would essentially be giving him a 5th perk slot, which might be bad for balance.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,137

    Might be, but without other slowdown perks to stack on top of it, and if the killer and the effects of Corrupt and gen speeds are all balanced properly, then it might be fine. And if all killers are on equal footing, then we might see more people running fun builds. I never see backpack builds or anything meme-y because it would mean no gen slowdown and with no slowdown most killers can't eke out enough time to use a fun build. A lot of people complain about always seeing the same killers and the same builds. That hurts the game's replayability. And if reasonable generator management is built into each killer, then the devs could finally remove the need and ability to tunnel out a survivor, which would greatly improve game health.

    Freddy's old kit included slowdown, and updated Freddy has a slowdown add-on. So, it's already a thing, but no one likes it because there are also slowdown perks Freddy can run on top of those, and then it becomes boring.

    Also, if killers had built-in generator effects, then maybe killers could be designed to feel more fun to play as. BHVR likes to balance killers with cooldowns, power bars, and clunky gameplay (I can't stand how Pyramid Head feels or the power bar they added to Nurse's blinks). This would give the devs something else to tinker with.

    We'll never know if this could work, because the devs will never attempt any of this. It would require a huge rework and every generator perk would have to be changed to something completely different. Changing old content and mechanics doesn't bring them new players the way adding new content does, so new content will always be the priority.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    end results will be removal of gen slowdown perks and even more faster gen speed somehow.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    edited February 2022

    I don't want gen slowdowns to be removed, because you can have different type of gen slowdowns: and different combos... what makes the trial different from one another. Killers only need a bit of help in early game, like survivors need a bit of help against killers hard defending their hooks.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    It will only make camping and tunneling even more of a neccesity...

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    As if killers already didn’t camp and tunnel enough already.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,090

    Smallers maps don't fix gen speed. Unless it's a 3-gen and they're all right next to each other, people can just split up on gens and win.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    80% chance goes up to 100%, more misery for everyone!