STT Member Posts: 41
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

Dear agent,and dev team,

Read carefully below and see what i think about your work and i request a small update to make huge difference for your company and future people who play Dead by Daylight.

We are talking about a base game perk as we all know and complain most of the times,but read this below:

Hex: No One Escapes Death

Once the Exit Gates

 are powered and there is at least one Dull Totem

 remaining in the environment, Hex: No One Escapes Death activates and lights its Totem:

  • Increases your Movement speed by 2/3/4 %.
  • Survivors suffer from a permanent Exposed
  •  Status Effect.

OK so this is right now in the game...

What i wish to request from the team to update this perk simple such as :


Once the Exit Gates

  •  are powered all Survivors suffer from a permanent Exposed
  •  Status Effect.
  • Increases your Movement speed by 2/3/4 %

Simple and it's not O.P(over powered) at all why?

Nowadays we are talking 2022 when nobody cares about rules and play and do streaming about DEAD BY DAYLIGHT on Twitch and complains all the time about O.P perks and so on but they never complain cause they don't care to follow rules what they sign in 1st day when they step into this game and broke all the fun.

All what i wish to request it's just update this perk to be the only base game perk for the killer side to got ,,a chance'' to make at least 1 kill because nowadays as i said nobody cares about rules and they play on discord and stream also how they got all ready discord group talking and warning others peoples about the sittuation in the game and so on.

Where is the balance in your opinion dear gamers when you start the trial 4 people on discord to do generator rushes and then to do tea-bagging the killer all the time.

This is the hole truth!

It was and will be always so much hate and toxicity from the survivals side until you dear dev team will do something about this and do to follow the rules as it should be!

Ok if they can break the rules to be on DISCORD chat and so on,why you don't wish to see my point of view who i play SOLO vs 4 pro-gamers on discord and keeping me hostage until the last seconds when the entity dispells.

Nowadays nobody fears to see a killer!!!!!!

Just think if this perk will be as it should be from the begging as i did request!

,,IF'' and there is at least one Dull Totem

 remaining in the environment, Hex: No One Escapes Death like you put ,,but'' and the but is people did realised nowadays saying....oh so if i clean all dull totems than the killer even if he got NOED perk will not work :hahahahahahahahahahah.

So short words smart Iq make this thing happens and you will see the game to change dramatically and people will be afraid to see a killer because even if they will do gen-rushes they will not be able to save and to get out all of them in the END.

Make things balanced and eliminates the toxic tea-bagging at the gates what does show the disgusting attitude of most peoples and they will wish just to get out and end the game!

Thank you for reading and wish you to realise true words what you should done from long time ago.

As the director said: All this way long,i think we did a great job with this game!

YES and will be more successfull with this update and will show more fear as it should be!

Sorry for my bad english hopefully will manage to get the hole point of this story,all respects.
