All the chat filter does is hinder communication.
As if it wasn't bad enough in English, now that I'm back in South America and wanna type in Portuguese or Spanish in chat, basically half of the words on any given sentence are being censored.
The portuguese words for "ok", "hours", "hook", "custom", "friend" and "play(ed)" are just a few examples of words one might want to say frequently and can't because of this system. Do you have a list of possible offensive words in every language? If so, why are these harmless words being censored? If not, why even impose this system on the large part of your playerbase that doesn't happen to speak English or French? The amount of variables (slang, dialects, special characters that don't exist on every language ("ç" and "ñ" for portuguese and spanish for instance), and some others) are just too much for an AI to cover all of the languages the people who play this game speak.
If people want to harass someone and be toxic, trust me, they will, not only during the match. I have a private profile on steam and I've had someone look up my IGN, finding my social media and sending me unpleasant messages there. There are also countless instances of people being sent unwanted messages over PSN and Xbox Live on youtube. I get the intent behind the filter is minimize harassment, but when all it does is add an almost insignificant additional step for people who really wanna do it and harm other people's ability to talk to each other, is it even worth keeping?
I think if you wanna do something with the ingame chat, just remove it altogether. Maybe it would be less frustrating knowing there IS no possibility of communication via text ingame.
Just needs a toggle option so that I can permanently turn it off.
The chat filter reminds me of another game I play where all possible bad words of like 10 languages are banned so people have to insert numbers and random ######### just to have a convo. You can't say the word assassin cuz of ass lol
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Last night gg was censored. But only for me, i had to type it separated in order to be displayed.
Maybe the chatfilter is bugged.
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The developer should be given the opportunity to disable this chat filter.
But the best thing would be to remove this chat filter and make a working feedback system, but this is not about BHVR ))
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What are you xxxxxxx xxxxxx it doesn't xxxxxx a conversation xx xxx.
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The chat filter sucks in any language. Recently had a match where the killer had an ebony mori and they barely tried to hook anyone, just kept slugging. Leaving them to get no use from the mori. So in the end game chat I said "Why bring a mori but slug everyone instead?" and for some reason the part "mori but" was censored.
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This game is supposed to be for adults, but the creators want to pretend they are children-friendly, so they screwed up communication in the game completely. Normal statements, even in English, are censored, and so are nicknames, advices or even simple questions about why someone acted the way they did. Everything is censored. xD In And it's 18+ game.
Best of all - the community has been talking about this problem for months (if not years...) and many people have already tried to draw the creators' attention to this pointless censorship... And nothing happend. The makers just don't give a ######### about the players. For them, only money matters. You want to change someting? Stop buying skins.
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Funny situation that happened to me today
I had a really rough game, got 1k - in the EGC i was talking to one of the PC survivors and we were talking about game peformance except when I typed the word performance, I got a bit fat #######
so I tried splitting it up
per ######
so there's something offensive about the word 'formance'????? Wat.