So when do I get easier opponents?

The last 30 match I've been completely destroyed in all but like 5 matches yet I'm still playing way better than me survivors running full meta. This is ridiculous I'm so tired of my matches ending with like 4 hooks and then going up against the same or better caliber. What's the plan on producing new killers if they just keep getting matched up with players with thousands of hours and keep having a terrible time they'll just stop playing as well.
Mmr is pretty loose at the moment. You get a wider range of survivors now regardless of mmr. You can kind of rely on the old school tactic of targeting the weak link.
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You're telling me MMR is supposed to match you with people of similar skill???? I thought it matches you with people way higher skilled
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It wouldn't be so bad if I did get a decent range but it get stomped for like 5-7 and then get baby's or a ok match then back to repeatedly getting stomped. I only get a few chases so it's not like I'm really learning anything and I keep trying to tell myself oh the next match will be better. I really need to stop lying to myself.
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I swear that's almost all I get and I've been seen a huge increase in ttv squads lately. I use to maybe see 1 ttv a week now I'm seen multiple squads a day.
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When the killer population is high enough that killers and survivors are sorted appropriately.
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So never
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Never lose hope
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I'm trying. In all honesty I'm hoping that other game comes out and does really well and gives DBD some solid competition because they need it imo.
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Wait but I thought if you do bad and your mmr goes down you will face less skilled opponents. I'm pretty sure that's how an mmr system works I'm not 100% though.
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In a functional mmr you would but there has yet been a mmr system in the current gaming scene that does that
And dbd has a broken mmr
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Get used to it. We killers are only for survivors entertainment. We are not expected to win because the devs make money from survivors, new ugly sweaters and beanies, but killers 😒 we are nothing
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You got destroyed in 25 matches? That seems like a stretch to be honest. I usually have 1 in 4 good games when I play killer.
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There's no cap to you mmr but there is a max threshold when it comes to match making. Your current mmr could be far greater than the match making threshold. Meaning its going to take a lot of losses to break even with it.