Camping gives killers more than 1 kill

I went againts a camping Bubba that downed someone at the start of the game.
By the time 120 seconds passed only 3 gens we're done,this gave Bubba the opportunity to down someone else and get another kill.
I think camping is too rewarding even when survivors are all on gens and dont waste time trying to save againts a camping killer.
I still hope that one day killers will get some sort of penalty when camping since it takes away so much from the game,not to mention you get no bps.
That is not camping giving him more than one kill, that is survivors messing up and a Bubba getting 2 kills. Big difference. I mean, yeah, he happened to camp, but based on what you said, he probably would have done the same even without facecamping if we are being realistic.
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If the killer is competent and go all out on his playstyle and build, he will always get more than one kill by facecamping. The only player that get less are just being carried by survivor lack of information.
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We currently have no clear answer as to whether the developers are working on something against camping.
They also need to take into account the people who played fair, and want to get at least one kill at the end game.
Because if anti-camping works against them, the game will not be fair at all for Killers.
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Messing up what?There is literally no time to do all gens before 1 survivor dies.
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Because they didn't even managed to chase for 80 seconds.
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You are not supposed to go down that fast if you play a tile competently and predrop/hold w to navigate the map. Ideally a few gens (depends on the map and spawns) should be done before the first guy is even hooked, and then after that, you hammer them. And once he leaves, you... Well, you are not supposed to go down. He would need Rancor or NOED to get the second one for free, realistically. But that is not face camping, that is busted end game perks carrying.
The face camp gave the one kill. A face camper getting 2 kills average is not because of the camp.
It is a subtle distinction, but pretty relevant.
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Considering the fact most killers I face camp,i'd say camping gives more results than it should.
And on average survivors dont last in chase more than 80 seconds.
Lasting that much in a chase is not common,especially againts a good killer,while being facecamped happens very often.
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Camping unfortunately is a necessary evil its not fair or balanced but if they ever try to punish a killer for camping like a hook swap method the game would end up loosing more killers. I personally feel like killers need more of an idea of where to go next bbq only gives you so much data and its often obscured due to auras blending together. I really feel like killer instinct isnt used enough as a detector and only a few killers have it built into their basekit but if you buff it too much it could make it an unwinnable scenario.
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He was clearly the better hockeyplayer
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Depends on when the first down happens. If 3 Gen done at 1st hook, with Kindred would let the other 3 just Gen rush other 2 Gen and left.
First down into 1min with may be Corrupted in where no Gen at 50% progressing; or camp with Noed. Camping at that moment is ensure 2K, no matter what.
To be fair, there is no camper that not using Noed.
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I know camping isn't new by any means but GEEEZ man the camping lately has been unreal. It really does feel like almost every match at this point. The way the game is setup too I just don't think there will be any solutions outside of just hardcore SWF all day everyday. I think I'm almost at the point where I think I should just move on from this game.
Sometimes when I play some rounds I am just flabbergasted at just how effective camping can really be even with GOOD solo queue survivors. It really makes waiting for a queue seem so pointless if you get unlucky and go down first a lot of the time. I just don't know what anyone can really do about it because I mean I get it to a degree but man...
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'The Killer did something I, subjectively, don't like. I hope, one day, the developers will remove all Killer agency and turn them into a bot so they don't do anything I don't like.' 🤡
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Easy, no camping penalties apply once all five generators are repaired.
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No camping penalties should apply at all, ever, since Survivors will abuse them.
Source: There were camping penalties. Survivors abused them every time.
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lol this , killer bot, you will not enjoy the game. game become boring, killer leaving this game. game die.
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Its actually quite funny how every single time the devs came up with a solution to camping, some survivors abused it in a unintended way so the devs didn´t implement it. Its almost like deep down they don´t want a solution.
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Yes, because if survs want an escape at egc they can... oh, wait, they can’t do anything. So I suppose the game is not fair for survs
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Survivors WANT a solution; they just prefer one where they either 1. Get free unhooks, or 2. Can at-will punish Killers with an abuseable mechanic.
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Camping does have its advantages. Altruistic survivors will feed the killer. They want to save their friends. They will come to you. Instead of having to roam and find someone, chase them, down them, and hook them They come to you.
To some it's not fun, to some it is. Fun is subjective. I say play the way you want. You bought the game it's not on you to make sure the other side has fun.
It's just a game. Who cares if you win or lose? You get camped or tunneld? You get looped and tbagged? You get clicky click.... move on to the next game. Nothing is on the line its not like life or death or trying to win the championship belt.
I promise you will have more fun if you just don't care lol.
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If the survivors are bad, then yes camping can get more than 1 kill. If any of the survivors run the killer for more than 1 gen, 1 kill is all they’ll get.
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And guess what? No Way Out gives another free kill and this perk was designed to give an undeserved kill.
It gives a loud notification where the survivor is. And instead of being able to get the door open while he camps his 2nd or 3rd kill, he has time to get the next one.
But lets nerf Boil Over and more survivor perks...
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Post edited by DangerScouse on2