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General Discussions

Will The Deathslinger ever be looked at again?

Member Posts: 954
edited February 2022 in General Discussions

It seems like they didn’t really try with his changes. All we got was increased speed when aiming and everything else was a straight nerf.

I was playing him the other day and I noticed that 2 of his add-ons apply Mangled Status. The guy has 2 of the same add-ons.

Rusted Spike - Survivors hit with The Redeemer suffer from the Mangled status effect until healed.

Honey Locus Thorn - Survivors breaking free from the Redeemer suffer from the Mangled status effect until healed.

aren’t these both basically the same thing? Is there a reason why he didn’t get increased ranged or something like that.

I always wanted if they added an add-on where he can break pallets if the survivor remains speared but then he would have no counterplay. Or be able to hit generators with his Redeemer.

Also, why isn’t his Terror Radius 28 meters? With the changes he got, it seems like the Devs want for people to forget about him just like The Twins.

Can the Devs please consider looking at him again?

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  • Member Posts: 4,872

    The mangled addons aren't quite the same, one applies when you reel in and hit and one applies when the chain breaks.

    I wouldn't want him to have a 28m terror radius either, to be honest, Starstruck is just so good on him now.

    All I really want is a reduction to his reload time, maybe 0.5s.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I wish Honey Locust applied Mangled on hits as well. Rusted Spike just outclasses it too much.

  • Member Posts: 699

    Rusted Spike's description is incorrect, mangled is applied when hitting a reeled in survivor

  • Member Posts: 954

    Majority of killers are going extinct. Haven’t seen Hag, Twins, Myers, Hillbilly, Spirit, Trickster and Doctor in a long while.

    It seems like the Devs just want everyone to use the same 3 killers.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Yes, to be nerfed. Because.

  • Member Posts: 239

    I see Doctor all the time.

    I also played against a Myers yesterday, too. But that is a rare sighting, I'll agree.

    Hag was barely played period. But boons destroyed her, so of course even less people will play.

    Trickster and Spirit were aggressively unfun to play against. And Twins is getting a rework (, so why would they change her now?).

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    You do have to consider Hillbilly is a free killer and every new player has immediate access to him. So you have to compare him to the other free killers.

    • Hilbilly: 3,49%
    • Trapper: 5,46%
    • Wraith: 6,24%
    • Nurse: 5,27%
    • Huntress: 8,01%
    • Hag (console): 2,16%
    • Doctor (console): 5,16%

    So Hillbilly is only above Hag (a killer that is generally viewed as not fun to play as), and at least 1,5% lower than any other free killer. In 2019 he had a ~7% pick rate (, so he essentially lost half of his playerbase (compare it to Huntress and Wraith who basically stayed the same).

    I don't think it's fair to say "killers are going extinct" is just a fantasy. It's just that after you reach a certain amount of skill in this game the variety goes down tremendiously. Just look how Blight doesn't even have a high pick rate in the latest stats (3,14%) but if you watch any streamer playing survivor it's not rare to see consecutive Blights in a row (Otzdarva recently had EIGHT Blights in a row while playing survivor). It's a problem that exists since the Rank system time, but MMR imo has made it worse considering the whole notion of "individual killer MMR" is borderline nonexistent and players that are at a middle-high/high MMR don't want to play weaker killers and go against the same squads they go against as Blight and Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Yes, he will be, but relooking at him isnt gonna be high on the priority list.

    Basically, the list goes as follows(note, this is just an indication, not actuality, I have no sources for this, its just standard business practice):

    1. Absolutely gamebreaking stuff, this is often in the first 2 weeks after the update.
    2. Things that have been on the list for longer than 16 months
    3. Rebalancing stuff that has been too overpowering in matches
    4. Reworking outdated mechanics
    5. Bugfixing
    6. Things that have been on the list for longer than 12 months
    7. Rebalancing stuff that is too underpowered
    8. Revisiting killers that havent been revisited
    9. Things that have been on the list for longer than 6 months
    10. Revisiting killers that have been revisited before
    11. Every other change

    If there isnt time for 3, they are gonna work on 1 and 2 untill they do. If there isnt time for 5, they are gonna work on 1-4 untill they do. If they are working on 6, but 3 things are added to 1 and 2, they will have to work on that first.

    So as you can see, just by the sake of the amount of timeconsumption, in this scenario, it could take quite some time. Ofcourse, at some point, it would have been on the list long enough to eventually get high enough priority, but that is assuming they have been on the list long enough already.

    And again, this list isnt representative of the truth, its simply a representation of what could be the truth.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    Unless they give back his quickscoping, I'm not playing him.

  • Applicant Posts: 250

    I just want him to have his quickscope again. Until they give him his quickscope back im not touching him even if its a daily or i got a gun point at my head

  • Applicant Posts: 384
  • Member Posts: 408

    Trust me. You don't want dev attention on ANY killer you like of any kind.

  • Member Posts: 1,182

    Deathslinger at high ELO had a higher kill rate(1 player played him). Nerfed strongest addons.

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