Is RPD Library Issue for Survivors Now?

@ScottJund 's new video about this. They fixed problem for killers but now is it problem for survivors? What do you think? Here is video:
Even this will not fix problem. Imagine Bubba is facecamping 2 people at this floor. Or Trapper is trapping everything you can pass. I don't know what is BHVR doing. They just should block upstair, so nobody can use it. Problem solved.
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if this leads to RPD being disabled again, I'm for it
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Buddy Scott already told what you can do in case of RPD, in one of his other videos.
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Floors with only one way to access them have always been a bad idea, no matter if that's because of difficulties hooking from them or the layout turning them into a Basement+++ if there's a hook there. So it's just an issue, full stop.
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RPD is an issue for DbD players. Period.
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I still say I absolutely love how RPD and Midwich look from a lore adaptation perspective, and think they were amazingly done in that regard, but they're both horrendously bad maps from a gameplay perspective. Fixing an exploit creating another exploit for the opposite side is pretty much a testament to that fact.
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the resident evil map should have been the streets of raccoon city and silent hill should have been the sewers. both could have been adjusted for DBD much more effectively than RPD and Midwich since they're much less reliant on the original game's layout. as much as i love RPD and Midwich visually they are not good maps at all. i'd rather have a slightly less visually interesting map than one that feels miserable to play on.
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RPD already had some areas where you can pretty effectively bodyblock hooks by moving back and forth - there'd be two entrances to the hook, but going the long way around from one entrance to another would take 10+ seconds while the killer only has to move one second to block the other side instead. The only difference with library is that a team-up of two or more survivors can't get around the blockage. And that you can AFK it, I guess. It's a new low, but the problem already existed on this map.
I think we'd all be better off if they just got rid of the library catwalk and made the third floor inaccessible.
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My main issue with rpd is the fact that you HAVE to go through the lobby at some point, i kinda wish there was some sort of passage that let you get to the other side without entering the lobby
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It is not only RPD, the Hook on Thompsons House also returned. I have not played it yet, but hopefully the Hook on the scaffold on Dead Dawg Saloon did not return as well.
Upstairs-Hooks should never be a thing. I can understand that they added it as a band-aid fix for Boil Over, however, now that they actually nerfed the Perk, they should remove the band-aid fixes. Those Upstairs-Hooks are worse than Basement Hooks, because Killers can actually block them.
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I wish I had a direct line to Capcom so I could show them what people thought of this map :-/
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Yes very much, and no announcement that they are going to fix it. As Scott said, they had to know what they were doing.
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This will probably get fixed might make the stair case a little wider to help fix that.
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now library is just a basement now lmao.
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Yes, definitely. Now please killswitch the map for 2 months again!!
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Yes you do.
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Boil over era:
"Lul just slug! Let them bleed out"
"They're throwing the game if they are truly abusing boil over"
"If they are making a point to run up there...Just presssure gens??"
Killer bodyblock era:
"remove pls"
"not fair for survivors!"
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It's not a problem because survivors can always choose where they down.
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Are you serious? You can down near to library, you can not choose anything.
People are always surprising me.
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Oh, nice, a new meta strategy for my favorite map. I love this educational content.
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Hope you have RPG offerings enough then, enjoy.
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Yes serious, if a survivor down near library, it's on them.
Killers can't choose where survivors down, survivors can and will choose where they down.
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You can not choose where you will down. Killer will chase you, you will try your best and then you will down. So survivor down and they need to die now because klller is blocking way and no way to save. If you are saying this is not issue, i have not words for you.
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It is just an upside down killer shack.
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Killer will chase you, you will choose where to chase.
Where they go is 100% up to survivors, so is where they down.
Killers can't force healthy survivors to go specific direction.
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To be honest getting to the library takes time. Survivor would have to down themselfs really close to it. Even without boil over killers were having issues of taking survivors into the hooks from library so i dont really see what the big thing is...
Just avoid places like basement and now the library. Not like gens spawn in there anyways.
Killers who want to camp and abuse places that are good for it will use perks like agitation and iron grasp so theres nothing you can do about it anyways.
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Did they fix the hook upstairs on Eyrie of Crows yet? If not that is another one.
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This is only an issue if THREE conditions are met:
1.) You go down in or near the library, which honestly you probably should not be near all that often anyway. The gen spawn in there is not all that common.
2.) The killer has to choose to hook you there instead of hooking you closer to a patrollable gen.
3.) The Killer has to decide to basically game throw by camping one staircase while the Survivors have free reign over the entire rest of the map.
So yeah, I don't consider this anywhere near as bad as the Boil Over example. The two are not equatable at all.
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Yes its a problem, just move the hooks to the lower Library instead of the top.
Meanwhile the people who defended Boil Over will say this is unacceptable.
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Only in dbd could something like this happen
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I think they're saying "don't route your chase to the library." Which is fairly accurate. Just like how you don't want to route a chase to the killer shack if basement is there and bubba is hot on your heels.
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I understood what they mean but is this fixes issue? No? So then we have issue here and need to be addressed.
Actually they should just remove RPD, i don't think anyone will miss it.
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oh of course it doesn't fix the issue. but its something the player has control over, at least.
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Not really. There is some perks to affect wiggle. So there is chance killer can abuse it.
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Why does any of that matter when you can just not route to that area of the map? there are only like 2 possible gen spawn locations anywhere near it to begin with.
Again, I think the map is awful (and have spoken out about it even in this very topic) but adapting and overcoming is an important part of dealing with how slowly fixes get made in this game. If there's anything you can do as a player to circumvent a problem, ya gotta take it.
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So you are saying don't loop this area. This is not fix, this is band-ait. But problem need to be adressed and fix as soon as possible.
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This is strategical decision, not a fix nor band-aid.
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Tell that to people who had to deal with the silent slug sound glitch, billy and blight's awful camera issues, nurse dead zones, the million shades of hit detection issues on either side, and every other issue this game has ever had. Most issues in the game take too long to fix, constantly complaining about them solves nothing. Adapt as best you can while waiting for a proper fix, especially in cases where adapting is actually possible.
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I tried, got the penalty. Can someone explain what I did wrong?
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Here we go guys, whataboutism is here. And when i said ignore other issues, why you broung them on table? Can we stop defend exploits please?
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How is that whataboutism when my argument is literally to actually try to work around the issue? I'm not even saying its not an issue, just to change your mindset about it?
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I just opened this discuss for show this: They fixed one exploit and created another one. So maybe BHVR can see what are they doing with their game.
I am not going discuss with you about this anymore, no point here. Because i know if you stay away from Library, probably this will not effect you but this does not mean Library is not problematic. I am not saying "HEY BHVR, FIX THIS NOW! GAME IS UNPLAYABLE!". This topic is here for shows one exploit. That's all. Thank you for your helping, have a good day.
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You keep implying that I don't agree with you, which I do. Someone just offered constructive feedback that you, as a player, can do to avoid the situation while waiting for the fix. I wasn't even that person. Nobody has said it shouldn't be fixed, just how you can become a better player in the meantime. If constructive feedback is unwelcome, then the topic serves no point to anyone but the devs themselves.
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Please disable RPD, please disable RPD, please disable RPD, please disable RPD, please disable RPD
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The issue with the RPD Library was reported back in September (yes, it was a problem even before Boil Over).
So i´m optimistic that we´ll see a solution by late summer.
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Then I misunderstood you. My goal is not to put this problem at the top, just to point out a problem.
Considering how slow the BHVR is at solving problems, I find it logical to play around of this problem. At least until the problem is fixed. I agree with your opinion on this matter. I was arguing because I thought you were defending the problem. Like "There is counterplay, no need to fix."
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yeah nah RPD is a pretty bad map in general (gameplay wise) and the way they've been handling the library is just a reoccurring mess in dbd's history with map design. All we can do is make them aware, then wait (???) months/years until it gets addressed. I was the same way with the boil over situation, it was awful and needed to be fixed, but ironically the cure was worse than the disease in this case.
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If you are dumb enough to run up a staircase with no other way down while being chased, there is no help for you. Do you also run up the stairs to the dead end on Midwitch when you're being chased? Or straight down to the basement? This is literally one of the earliest horror movie tropes in existence.
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I swear that library is nothing but trouble and could cease existing on the map and it would barely change anything. Gens don't usually spawn there, chases often don't go there, people usually don't wander there, but the section has had like 3 borderline game breaking issues with it. I remember during the RE PTB you could possibly get on top of one of the desks in there and the killer couldn't pick you up to hook you.
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Now the map is an issue for everyone! Now that's what I call balanced.