Which Killer uses Play with your food best?

I'm in the mood to use Play with your food, but I don't know who to use it on. So I'm curious, who do you lot think is the best user of pwyf?
When I say 'best user' I don't just mean who can make the best use out of it in a chase (Any instadown killer would probs apply for that). I am also asking who might have the easiest time building up the tokens.
Anywhoozers, thanks and have a lovely day!
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Plague since her green vomit doesn't consume PWYF tokens, when you have 3 tokens and the survivor is looping you around a window, just follow him and when he vaults a window just grab him, that way you still keep your 3 tokens. Add pain resonance and DMS and she can patrol around the map quickly.
Take the two emetic add-ons to infect a survivor really fast, that way you can one shot him quickly and you only consume 1 tokens
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either clown or death slinger are super good with PLWYF
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I got it to work on Freddy long ago, but I don't think it is a good idea anymore.
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Clown's bottles consume PWYF tokens so I don't really see how it is good on him ... but I don't really play him afterall
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Wraith is probably the best at getting 3 tokens.
Plague is best at perserving tokens as green vomit doesn't consume them
And Legion uses it pretty well too if you can make good use of having one token
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clown, plague and legion are some of my favorites
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I actually think Legion is one of the best for using it. Frequently Survivors won't heal vs them so you can get a down a token which is super important. You have built in game delay to give you time to build your stacks. You have built in information to actually find the obsession. Also as a Killer, Legion does need help getting people on the floor and PWYF helps quite a bit.
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They actually changed that at some point; I tried PWYF on Clown and Doctor and am pleased to report that shocks/bottles don't consume tokens anymore.
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Even Nemesis can be great. M2 and grabs dont consume tokens.
Such as nemesis is great with save the best as you can go with m2 only on obsession
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Each time you use a token for your chainsaw it consumes a stack of pwyf. So it's not good unless you use his addon that uses all the charges for his saw
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Nemesis M2 doesn't consume pwyf stacks? Or were you only talking about save the best for last?
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Trapper with PWYF, IG and Agitation. Trap them. Take them where you want. No need to waste tokens hitting. Great for getting ppl to controller areas.
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Sorry if I’m confused, but Legion’s Feral Frenzy attacks use the tokens up and don’t get downs, so how are you building them up using that ability unless you’re just using it and not swinging?
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That's great to hear ! I always find really dumb that clown's bottles consume PWYF tokens
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Oni go speed
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Tombstone Myers
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The best? Tombstone Myers.
The most fun? Hillbilly with Tuned Carberator.
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Do Victor's leaps use up Play With Your Food stacks?
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A then B.
First you frenzy your way through everybody. Leave them mending and injured. THEN find the obsession, stack PWYF, and punish the Survivors for not healing with your stacks.
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for save the best.
But its interesting to try it. My detective hunch would say it only m1 consume stacks
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Thanks for the responses everyone!
At one point they didn't, but they do now.
Unfortunately, it does consume tokens. The tentacle doesn't consume save the best for last tokens because it's a special attack and you only lose/gain stbfl tokens when you use your basic M1. PWYF consumes a token for offensive actions, so it consumes tokens when using the tentacle.
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That actually sounds pretty interesting! I'll be sure to give it a go when I unlock Plague.
I've actually tried that before. It's so evil. Hands-down the easiest 4Ks I've ever gotten, lol.
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Tombstone Myers by far. Sry, but for this question u should be banned, and Im not sry....
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Wait what? Why should I be banned?
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Man do I miss the usefulness of this perk on Twins.
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Ok, it still sounds like you need to find the Obsession on foot with no particular ability for it but I guess if you can find them quickly enough then it helps with the down.
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Wraith and Scratch Mirror Myers.
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Any oneshot Killer that doesnt use M1 too often which means: Myers, Bubba, Billy, Ghostface or Plague
Exceptions would be oni since he also gains some value but not that great as the others.
And wraith since he can spam cloak to gain very fast tokens.
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Before they nerfed it, yes. You’d get a stack when switching to Victor, and his pounces would not utilize stacks. Which makes sense because he isn’t affected by any perks, but for some reason BHVR says he counts as the killer and not a power.
Even though he doesn’t get the speed boost from PWYF, he consumes the stacks now. Amazing.
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Anyone can get away with using it honestly....insta down killers are your best bet though.
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Engineer's Fang Pinhead. Enough said
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That sounds more like unintended and they fixed that now which is totally reasonable and makes sense imo, victor is a character not a power. With that logic zombies should also be effected by perks which would be busted.
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Tombstone Myers
PWYF + Fire Up + Brutal Strength + Enduring
Those little shits aren't getting away from you.
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It doesn’t logically make sense. Victor can’t earn or use the stacks, yet drains them from Charlotte. Literally the only perk interaction of Victor is draining unusable PWYF stacks. ?
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Idk for me an "offensive action" would count in victors pounce, this does sound just logical to me.
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Sure, but let him get the speed boost of PWYF stacks then.
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I agree with that, its not the first thing that has a weird interaction though, I also recently found out that survivors that are oblivious dont count in as in your TR which is also quiete stupid. Could be maybe also a programming issue.
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Myers is the best pwyf user. Since he can progress his power while gaining a speed boost.