The New Valentines Outfits . . . ?

Like, let's start off on the positive. The team outdid themselves on David's suit. That suit is gorgeous. The coloring surpassed what I expected. It's great.

Trickster's outfit is . . . from the neck down GREAT. That head though? Who thought that head went with this . . ? This weird dark-blue top-knot / Not Quite Wolftail? And then the lips being covered in foundation? Ugh . . . it's his worst head. This is bad. I so badly want to put the head from his LAST outfit on it, but it's linked and who knows it might mess up his new animations and stuff. I dunno.

Kate's looks better than I thought. When I saw the renders I said " Who the heck would wear this on a date? Aileen Wuornos? " but seeing the purse and gloves and that it's a BERET not a BANDANA like I had initially thought made it better. Though . . . that jacket is terrible. It makes her look like a linebacker. Her other jackets don't make her that broad shouldered and top heavy.

